I love Elephants but we need to kill them, eat their flesh, and wear their skins.

A good friend of mine is in the business of setting up hunts for clients (VERY WEALTHY) clients and has made over 35 safaris to Africa. He has seen first-hand what happens when legal hunting is curtailed based on emotion and not facts.
Not at all opposed to anyone hunting Africa, it just doesn't appeal to me. As long as a game animal is not in danger of extinction and someone else has the money, then good for them.

Good to hear that they can legally bring the trophies back again.
I fully support trophy hunting, I've done it within Europe

elephants needs to be hunted in many cases and it should be totally legal

I couldn't do it myself thou ): to disneyfied I guess, they are so smart and emotional
There were bleeding hearts thinking some years ago about importing African elephants to set them loose in southern AZ and New Mexico...
I don't really get the point of trophy hunting, especially for animals that are largely docile (not saying elephants are), but the article has a good point.
I've seen a lot of animosity towards African trophy hunting because:

"Evil rich people!"

And to me that's ridiculous. You shouldn't hate an entire class of people simply because they are more wealthy than you.

To me, as long as rich people aren't breaking laws or doing immoral things, I'm all for it. And I intend to join them as soon as I can.

That being said, I've been called several unflattering names for writing this article now. Enh. Can't make everyone happy. But the vilification of hunting irks me to no end. I have family members who think hunting is some sort of horrific crime against nature, and the 'bigger' or 'prettier' the animal - the more offended they are.

I guess we can't all go out and be the Orkin man.
I,m no expert, but have hunted five times in several African counties and have take 61 game animals and I,m here to tell you if hunting is banned in all of Africa, in several generations most animals will disappear. eaten by the hungry or killed by the greedy for horn-hides or just for the hell of it. eastbank.
Tracer, always remember that only the hunter is a do-it-yourselfer in providing his meat. All others merely hire paid killers to do their dirty work for them.

(When I'm enjoying a good steak, I always smile at the thought of that wonderful butcher. :))
To each, his own

Not at all opposed to anyone hunting Africa, it just doesn't appeal to me.
Nor to me but would not be critical of those who choose to do so, as longs as it's done in a lawful and ethical manner. I don't need much of a reason to hunt and kill any animal but I still need a reason to do so. We read about hunting the "Big" five, or is it six? No matter and it's not worth my time or money. :rolleyes:

A good friend of mine, has a full-mount Zebra in his den. It's quite a conversation piece and hope he didn't see me shaking my head, the first time I saw it. ....... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
If there was a way to make African Elephants docile it would have been found by now. After a few safari rides in Africa I personally would never shoot one and display a trophy. But I realize that having them on my property and grazing would be a challenge. And I support the policy change if it protects elephants as a species.
The concept that most anti-hunters don't understand is that wild animals don't die of old age. Every day they live is a contest between being killed and staying alive. If they are injured or get old they fall prey to the predators and scavengers. Neither of those groups hold the paws of the suffering or dying animal speaking softly to it. They start eating it while it is still alive.That is how the predators stay alive and if they get injured or live to old age they get the same treatment from other predators or scavengers. Nature is not a vacation or a peaceful retreat from mankind. It is a daily struggle to stay alive. Just ask one of the many hunters who have been attacked by the deer they were hunting.
The hunter's concern is the continuation of a species. The anti-hunter, knowing little of the dynamics of wildlife ecology, is emotionally concerned about individual animals.

Cecil the lion is a case in point. It is little known that the government there did some culling of lion populations afterwards.
This conversation reminds me of the ant-gun/hunter folks who turned rabidly mad on an actor who had his picture taken holding his rifle with a supposedly dead Triceratops and proudly wearing a big smile. Someone pointed out that the animals had been extinct for 65 million years and the crowd was infuriated that he had shot an animal that was extinct.
I just wondered at the level of education that these folks represented. Are all leftists so uneducated that they can't see beyond their fears?

(that's a rhetorical question)
I wouldn't mind going to certain countries in Africa to hunt if I A), knew anything ABOUT big game hunting, B), had a rifle remotely capable of the job, (thinking my CZ527 in 7.62x39mm might be a wee bit inadequate), and C), had the disposable cash to take the trip in the first place. Then again, I might be spending more time "shooting" thing with my camera than the rifle.