I know you guys get tired of this but......


New member
What you are seeing is the results of this mornings' efforts on the water with Louann. What you can not see are the bruises on her leg and arm and the gouge on her hand from when she slipped while fighting the gator. What you also can not see is the ragged edges I have on one rear cheek from the butt gnawing I got because when she fell my first words were: "Don't lose the rod!".

Yep, when she fell the rod she had was the only one still attached to the gator, mine having come lose as the gator took a sharp turn back under the boat. As she lay sprawled across the stern all I could think was that if she let go of that rod it was all over. And my transgression was made worse as I took the rod from her, the gator peeling line the whole time, and quickly asked if she knew the difference between being "hurt" and having something "hurt".

That fine point was lost on her at that moment.

Fortunately it took only a few seconds for her to recover enough to get a second rod ready and in short order we had the gator on two lines once again.

From that point on it was fairly standard stuff: work the boat to the gator, haul him close enough to where a harpoon could be set and then follow it up with another. Of course the butt chewin' was standard too, it occurring during the 20 minutes or so it took us to get him subdued after the fall.

Once the .357 bangstick went off the problem of getting him IN the boat for the trip to the ramp arose. Obviously there was no way she and I were going to just sling him over the side so we tied him off to the stern and used the trolling motor to haul him about a quarter mile to the first dock we could find.

Once there we took the block & tackle, lashed it high up on one of the pilings, ran the ropes across the boat and then attached them to the head of the gator. Even doing it this way it was about all our old selves could manage.

Right now he's buried in ice at the market......and tomorrow afternoon any resemblance of "fun" associated with him will come to a screeching halt as we spend a few hours skinning him, boning and defatting the meat and then scraping and salting the hide.

13 feet 7 inches ( Honest measure, not contour! ) and well past 700 pounds.

I really get tired of seeing monster gators being hauled in! NOT. The first photo it is hard to tell just how big that gator is, but with your wife in it it becomes king kong. Geez that is amazing. Thanks for that.

How long does it take to haul in one that size? What type of line are you using to hook them? Heavy monofilament, wire?
WoW! That's a heck of a catch. How long did it take to reel it in? Was that the 20 minutes you referenced?
I certainly don't get tired of it. I bet you got a little chewing while she was pulling on the block & tackle while you was taking pictures.

Awesome gator.
WOW !!!

That big guy not only amazes me but also, how your wife gets right in there. you couldn't get my wife in the same boat, let alone this body of water. I have been showing her these pictures and all she says is, "no way" ... :eek:

I have eaten and like Gator but what the heck do you guys do, with all that meat? ..... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
It is too bad that you guys have no "big game" in Florida.
But, I do have a question. Do you guys wade out into the water to put out decoys during waterfowl season like we do here in Michigan?

We own a seafood market and have a FWC permit gator processing permit. Clean not just our own but a few for other hunters. All the meat, legs, ribs and all gets sold either out of one of our own retail markets or to one of our wholesale restaurant accounts.

The hides, depending on condition and current market, get either sold or we have them tanned. Heads are even sold.........

And yes, here in FL they set decoys with waders.....nobody ever gets bit.....
haha, the second pic could be the poster girl for the next season of swamp people :D

you sure have been getting some big gators... makes me want to take a trip south and bring home some gator steaks.
Seems you were lucky to only have one a** chewing as she was hauling the gator in the boat while you were taking pictures. It's obvious you guys know what you're doing as you find the big boys. Thanks for posting the pictures and stories.
Not sure as to price per foot as of yet. This one is most likely not worth a whole lot because it is a old male with some scars.

Big value to us, beyond the excitement of doing it, is in the meat which we sell in the market and in the fact that in the Jacksonville, Fl. area we are the only place that does their own gators in the fishmarket.

That alone gets us a lot of trade during the season.

Whatever comes from the hide and head is a bonus.
Watch your toes !!!

Whatever comes from the hide and head is a bonus.
Take some of that profit and buy that girl, a pair of shoes, Nikes or at least, sandals !!! ;)

Thanks again and;
Be Safe !!!
I have to ask bswiv. Is there a trick to catching these big ones? Seems like you and Ms. Louann do quite well in catching these big fellers. Being I reside about 1500 miles North. Pulling something like that (pix) up over the stern of my boat would probable sink it.
I have to ask bswiv. Is there a trick to catching these big ones?

I can tell you it takes time scouting with the experience to index and process what you are seeing but the reason you don't see these REAL 13 footers on the TV is because they are production hunting with baited hooks and Ben can be so much more target specific in his quarry by knowing where the big one lives and spotting him and getting the "bridge gaff" hooks into him...

Take some of that profit and buy that girl, a pair of shoes, Nikes or at least, sandals !!!

In one pic she is wearing what just may be Sperry Top-Siders which could be north of a hundred bucks depending on model...;)

Most expensive and comfortable slippers/loafers I own and are my daily footwear...:D

What gator? I didn't see any gator. Just pics of a hot looking woman but no gator pics.

Oh yeah. I went over them four times. Then I saw the gator. Hot woman though.