"I just saw legs..."

My advise about getting camera's is to make copies of your findings and send one copy to the police and one to your local news station.I got tired of the police saying that they couldn't identify some of the people in my video's so i started to send them to the local news and asked them to play the findings on the air(and they did).After doing this a couple of times our house and cars were left alone,infact 2 or 3 houses in either direction stopped getting vandeled.The way i had my camera's set up i could see 3 or 4 yards and cars up and down the street.

My neighbors loved us for it.

I now live in the country but still have the same set up and catch some really nice deer in my back yard.
Good idea, dabigguns357. I was thinking about sending them to the News but wasn't sure. Im going to set them up so I can see everywhere around my house. I will also make sure my street is completley visible when I get the cash. Its a pain I have to spend money to stop these theives, wasn't that the police's job a long time ago. I also plan on moving I am so sick of living in the city and just looking at it on a daily basis. I want to be in Nevada/Arizona/Texas somewhere southwest. I love the country over there.
This is going to sound bad but i was so worried about getting out of the city that i took out a loan and then let the bank forclose on my house.I used the loan to put down on a smaller house on a land home contract,to which i have now paid off.

We had 5 shootings within 3 blocks over a 2 month span.We had druggies doing deals in front of my house.There were at least 2 gang fights with at least 20 people involved each time.There was a nice older coulpe that was killed for resisting a home invasion at the end of our block.We had both our cars broken into at least 7 times.The neighborhood had at least 17 cars vandalized in one night.We finally put the camera's up and let the community know we were monitoring things,after that people either vandeled other places or were caught.

One of my most proud moments came by accident.I was off work for a week and decided to watch some tv late one night,when i heard some noise outside.I turned my tv over to aux and caught 5 teens vandelizingand and stealing stuff out of our neighbors pontoon boat.I called the cops and they suprizingly arrived fast and caught them all.I turned over the tape and thats the last i heard of them.
Nice, good job getting them arrested. I am going to put some up, my area is not as bad as that sounds. But, my area is not great by any means and is steadily declining. The part I live in is starting to look like the inner city. My car has been broken into multiple times as well as my brothers. I see drug addicts/alcoholics everywhere. People stole ashtrays off my porch, I know their just ashtrays but that tells me their willing to be on my property. I got to get cameras but its going to be a little bit before I have the money. I sometimes have waited up to catch them and call the police as I use my handheld video camera. Ive been thinking of jerry rigging something so it turns just my 1 camera on. Maybe Ill get lucky.
we live in a small outter skirt of a small town... there isnt much that happens here... but..I have been hearing that someone is breaking into small outbuildings and stealing weedeaters and such.. one of our outbuildings is also my reloading shop..so..the one night that I heard that he was in this particular area... I spent that night on the floor of my reloading shop...baseball bat in one hand... loaded 44mag in the other....never did see the guy in our back yard yet.
It sucks waiting lol. I do the same but have my hand held video camera and my 1911 with 4 reloads 2 wilson combats loaded with Hornaday XTP +P 230gr. the other 2 S&W mags with 185gr. Remington Golden Sabers.
got to get cameras but its going to be a little bit before I have the money

They don't cost that much,i bought mine one at a time from walmart for 49.00 a piece and if you can get lucky to find the the ones with a dual set of camera's they come with a 4 channel remote that picks up 2 extra camera's with the same frequency.Or if you just want something simple,buy a pin whole camera from ebay for 30.00 or so and mount it in your window facing out.You won't get audio but at least you will be able to see who's out there.

The best part of having camera's is if there is someone who you don't know or someone you don't want to talk to,you will be able to see them and won't have to answer the door.I've laid in bed and heard the door knock and didn't answer it(in-laws i didn't care for).

Getting camera's may save your life but they may also save your butt in court if something does go wrong,you have proof as to what really happened.No more needing to hear both sides of the story.
Consider adding cameras to those lights. I have a camera system overlooking my house and it's a simple matter to run the video through what goes on all day. Most days nothing happens but if something does I have it on tape. I don't care for the motion-activated recorders, so I let it run 24/7.

*my cameras were $45.00 each at Newegg and they're indoor/outdoor, RCA jack, and I run the video through old VCRs to monitors I bought used ($10 ea- old TVs)
A Weapon is the last choice of use in my area. I keep a gun ready in the house in case some one does try to break in some time. But the reality is the problem in my neighborhood is teenage kids going through cars looking for CD's and money or anything loose (one neighbor lost a camera). No actual break-ins even, just going through unlocked cars. Not something you want to shoot someone over. I carry the 4-D maglight in case of a scuffle.
Thanks for the posts guys. Yea I was going to go with more expensive equipment but thats a good idea dabigguns357. I need something for video against these punks. As for having the gun Im not waiting to ambush anyone or anything lol. I just keep it with me when looking for the culprits. You never know they could be nutty and try and shoot me. I am defintley going to add some camera as you guys have suggested.
Any one ever use or know any one who has used those CCTV systems they sell hat harbor freight. I would be interested in knowing just how crappy they are. If they kind work OK then I think they would not be all that bad.
Most of the cheap CCTV systems are pretty crappy but will sort of work. Poor resolution and poor night vision though (usually). I'd invest in a better one. Menards has some nice systems from Swann (I think). MCM Electronics (online) sells lots of very good security stuff. I have SecuVission cameras on mine. Aluminum cased all weather dome cameras. Sony CCD's with 480 lines of resolution and built in IR LEDs. They are excellent, full color during the day and switch to B&W at night for better night vision. Long range even in pitch black. I got them through Amazon for a good price but you have to be careful. Very many cheap knock off dome cameras out there too. You'll want a decent monitor but the cameras are where you'll want to spend the money.
These are all good ideas but...

I'd rather have matching CIWS gattling guns mounted on either end of my roof gable, to complement the lights and cameras. At 30 rounds per second, they are a little noisy but very effective at deterring repeat offenders. Mostly because they are cut into small pieces by even the shortest burst (appropriately called a fusillade). Like having Robocop patrolling your yard.

Okay. seriously, a dog is one of the best acquisitions you'll ever make. You get love and devotion, an automatic food spill clean up service, and a built in alarm and personal defense system. Even a little mutt can make a heck of a lot of noise. Lights, cameras, electric fences; if these are necessary you might consider moving to a safer location where you can enjoy the sounds of the night instead of monitoring them.

Still, the S can HTF no matter where you live. know your laws. Property crimes in most jurisdictions are not going to justify use of lethal force. But the use of a 140 pound dog is probably still legal. Just make sure the cameras are rolling...
I wish I could install a couple CWIS units on my house lol. I think the 20mm might wreck everything in the surrounding area though :D.
Motion Lights

Again don't underestimate the motion sneso lights. Late at night when you are home and the light are off and the outside lights turn on, you will be able see out but they won't be able to see in.
Good point on a motion activation sprinkler, brickeye.
Win73 Quote:
I'm a bit paranoid

Just because you are paranoid does not mean they aren't out to get you!

--This is a very true statement even if its paranoid in itself.
---Motion sensing lights are a good idea as well Spencer R., they are well lit while you make sure you not backlit, good idea.