I Just Relocated to Colorado from Pennsylvania ....


New member
And I like it fine here, I relocated for an excellent job opportunity. But I was at the Cabela's in Thornton yesterday, and I found out that CO has had a 15 rd. mag cap law on the books for a few years now. The tip-off was when I noticed that the Glock 17 they had for sale had 10 round mags. And you can't get a CZ 75B here because no one wants 10 round factory mags. I always chuckled at the 15 rd. mag limit in New Jersey, and now I'm in the same situation. I'm keeping my Glock 17 and my CZ 75B, but I have 17 round G-17 mags and 16 round 9mm CZ 75B mags that I will assume I can use here unless somebody smarter than me (most people) can convince me otherwise (or do I haul these up to Cheyenne, Wyoming to sell? - LOL:confused:)
I'm not an attorney and this advice may be worth exactly what you are paying for it.

I think it depends on how the law is written. If there was an accommodation that grandfathered higher cap mags, then you may be ok to keep them.

I suggest that you read the wording of the law. Also consider contacting the office of the AG of Colorado. Concealed carry instructors in your area also may be able to provide some insight since part of their job is to educate students about the gun laws in your state.
If you were in possession of magazines over 15 rounds prior to July 1, 2013, they are legal to keep. But you can not transfer them in Colorado. OTOH, if you did not own them prior to July 1, 2013, having them in your possession is a violation of the letter of the law.

The law is very poorly written with all kinds of gray areas. I suggest that people go read it. I testified at the hearings and spent a lot of time at the capital trying to get the idiots to see it had no benefit. The really dismaying part was the "witnesses" they imported from NY, NJ and CT to tell us how bad guns were.
Mark, I am sure you have seen the fact that when anti-freedom agendas are being discussed, no amount of truth, facts or logic matters to them.
Only getting their laws passed by any means, no matter how outlandish or criminal, is what matters to them.

Saul Alinski is the man who is the inspiration to nearly all the liberal-left leaders today, and he was very clear that a "reforming radical" is willing to do anything, at any price, to achieve his goals, and even a World War is not too much to pay for final victory of the socialist party.

His book "Rules for Radicals" is dedicated to Lucifer. (Satan) That's not a rumor, it's really true.

This is the man that the high leadership of the Libs is following.

Only monetary leverage or brute force can work against them. Logic and law are useless in confrontations with them. One is non-violent and the other is not.
So if the real Americans living in Colorado wish to change this trend they must withhold as much money as possible from every business, bank, corporation and agency that backs the Libs. Because the other alternative is far worse.
Mag-Pull showed us that they at least have some understanding and backbone, but sadly no other Co Corporation seems to know or care enough about this issue, or they may simply be as anti-freedom minded as the crooked politicians that lied and manipulated this law into being in the first place.
Tyranny is like fire. There is never enough fuel to make fire say "that's enough, I am now satisfied"

Tyrants never have enough power. They must control every aspect of the people's lives, including their thoughts and feelings. Those that compromise with Libs don't understand that this condition is like cancer. It eats up everything until it even kills itself, but the cancer is the last thing to die in the body it's killing.
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MarkCO: said:
If you were in possession of magazines over 15 rounds prior to July 1, 2013, they are legal to keep...

Only the 2 guns themselves are traceable to a date, the magazines alone are not. So my argument is that these mags were purchased out of state but prior to 07/01/2013. I already know that if I ever want to sell these guns in state with mags, I need to get 10 round mags, but I have no plans to do so.

What I'd like to know is whether I should just get a couple 10 round mags for each gun since I obviously want to be able to shoot these at a public range here(?)
magazines are not serial numbered nor date stamped. burden is on the state to prove your mags are not legal. how would they do that?
magazines are not serial numbered nor date stamped. burden is on the state to prove your mags are not legal. how would they do that?

Great question, and one the authors of the bill can not answer, nor can the AG.

Last I heard, there had been 8 people "charged" with a crime related to the bill. One was in error, the other 7 were add-ons to felony weapons charges. That was like a year ago, and no-one had yet been convicted.
1-DAB said:
magazines are not serial numbered nor date stamped. burden is on the state to prove your mags are not legal. how would they do that?
It would be extremely easy if the wording (or interpretation) of the law is that the large-capacity magazines must have been legally possessed IN COLORADO prior to the effective date of the law. If the OP relocated to Colorado after the effective date, he effectively imported contraband.

I am not a lawyer and I don't live in Colorado, but I'd be willing to bet that the law either says or is being interpreted to say that after the effective date no more large capacity magazines can be brought into Colorado.
Sadly, like legalized POT Colorado is taking the libdrool path, Colorado is now controlled by the liberals in what used to be called the "front range". Think I-25 North and South through Colorado. Lots of good people there but the Libdrools seem to have captured the positions in the state Gov. and are making the laws.
Yes. Several folks have fled the battle, but there are still a lot of use here. We have been able to recall a few and turn the race around on a few others. We hope Boulder, Denver and Pueblo liberal voters are stoned enough to not vote and that there are not enough people to vote in their stead.
The guy behind the counter at the Bass Pro Shop in Denver said to just use the mags I already have since I have all the paperwork to prove the guns were bought out of state.
Is the counter guy at Bass Pro also going to pay for your defense if you get nabbed?

I guess you're less risk-averse than I am. There's no way I'd take a chance on getting busted with contraband magazines. Maybe you're okay, but I would want a more authoritative legal opinion than the guy behind the counter at Bass Pro Shop. It seems to me that your out-of-state proof of purchase, along with easily verified documentation of when you relocated to Colorado, would just be more evidence for conviction.
So someone who does not know what the law says, who has not met with the State AG and the attorneys that represent the Governor, nor LE, nor Prosecutors and is not an attorney is providing advice and thinks it is better than a person who lives in the state and has likely read the positional statements. :eek:
Here is what I think, send an email to the AG's office with the question. I would imagine that there is an exception/loophole in the capacity law if you purchased the higher capacity magazines while a resident of another state that didn't have the restrictions and then relocated to Colorado. I think the intent of the law is obviously to not allow high capacity mags to be sold in the state but to also keep Colorado residents from crossing state lines and essentially boot legging the higher capacity mags into Colorado.
As for this once great state, and it really was not to long ago, I am looking at seven more years until I can retire and get out of here.
MarkCO said:
So someone who does not know what the law says, who has not met with the State AG and the attorneys that represent the Governor, nor LE, nor Prosecutors and is not an attorney is providing advice and thinks it is better than a person who lives in the state and has likely read the positional statements.
Since you have read the law, and you concede that it's full of gray areas, what does it say about importing large capacity magazines after the effective date of the law? Is importation allowed, prohibited, or is that one of the gray areas?

Trying to think like a legislator, the obvious intent is to grandfather such magazines that are already in the state while ensuring that no more enter. Having seen that play out in my own state of residence, I am very skeptical that the State of Colorado is likely to allow large capacity magazines to be brought in. I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but that's my reaction.

Is there a link to where we can read the actual text of the law?
Targa said:
I would imagine that there is an exception/loophole in the capacity law if you purchased the higher capacity magazines while a resident of another state that didn't have the restrictions and then relocated to Colorado.
Why would you imagine that? Other states with magazine capacity limits don't allow people who move into their states to bring assault weapons or high capacity magazines, why would Colorado be any different?