I hope this place is not 'murican-only...

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New member
As in topic. Here over in Poland our gun laws are a liiittle different (for example allowing full auto guns under some circumstances, not having these super-specific 'short barreled rifle' or 'any other weapon' classifications and the like, the list is long). I hope nobody will jump at me when i mention that or speak about stuff that is... 'illegal' is the simplest term... in some places in 'murica, or screw up the terminology a little?
I think that if you make it clear that you are talking about things that are legal in Poland, the only thing Americans will feel is envy.
Twice in your (first ever) post you have used the slang " 'murica ", I'd say that'd be less likely to be received well than any discussion regarding oddities of American gun laws and how they might differ from one of any of a slew of other nations.
Come on guys, like you've never told a Polish joke before? Pot, kettle?
In any case, I wonder where he gets it from...

If you don't mind sometimes people post jokes that start with "A polish guy, A Rabbi and a Gorilla walk into a bar" you should be good.

FYI, Murica is funny when an American uses the word,,,,sometimes. When you use the word it's offensive. Which makes me want to call my Congressmen and demand we bomb Poland back to the stone ages. I hope you don't find that offensive. :D
Not once in my life have I ever told a "Polish" joke.

Opinions vary, but this slang " 'Murica " is one of the dumbest recent trends I have witnessed.
Well, the jokes about Polacks hurting themselves is true. I know from a life's worth of experience.

But yeah, America because not everybody in this country sounds like they're from Texas.

Funny, I was looking up gun laws in Europe recently and Poland stuck out because they have relatively liberal laws regarding firearms, but a very, very small percent of the population owns them and antique black powder guns are very popular.

I would think a people that had been occupied for 50 years would not have such stringent regulations with firearms be more receptive to gun ownership, like the Czech's are.
As an American,I respect and appreciate the Polish People,and Poland.
And no,I do not have any Polish ancestry.
It has to do with history.
And it has to do with the messages I have heard from Polish people who have left a Poland under oppression to become Americans.....The way they love this country,and warn us to take care of what we have.

On "Murica".....If we(USA) can forgive ourselves for the messages we send to the world on "YouTube" then perhaps we should be a bit patient with folks around the world who have looked at us with interest and reached out a peaceful hand.
I did not pick up any intent to be disrespectful in the OP.
In fact,he was asking "What is OK? "

To be fair,the folks who responded to Drae that the term "Murica" might not be a good choice were giving an honest answer to "What is OK"...or not.

I suggest "USA"

Simply to avoid confusion,regarding laws,etc,it would be best to establish the context "I'm in Poland".
Welcome! Drae.

And TruthTeller:
sounds like they're from Texas.

I hope you were smiling when you said that.
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Welcome to TFL, Drae! I hope to see you post often, it’s nice to get perspectives on guns from people outside the US.

And I’m not even remotely offended by your use of ”’Merica”. We Americans make enough jokes about other countries, we should be able to take it if we’re willing to dish it out. Besides, if it’s good enough for my Marine Corps, it should be good enough for everyone!

Murica is funny at times but it is used sometimes recently to make patriotism and love of ones own country seem outdated, backwards and somehow unacceptable.
I am now jealous of Poland and it’s careless gun laws... lol

As far as I know there are several members here from other countries that regularly contribute.

The forum is generally civil... unless someone likes Mini14s
Welcome to the forum. Please post often I would love to hear about guns in Poland. Consider me your buddy living in America...
Make all the dang jokes you want! We've earned em. Now if someone gets serious with the insults, they better bring a rain coat.
Any yes there are a few great folks the world over who attend T.F.L.
So, Hello! And Welcome! What should we discuss first? Perhaps I could tempt you to learn to reload, and you shall for evermore have no free time left :D
That, was a joke....sort of...
Murica is funny at times but it is used sometimes recently to make patriotism and love of ones own country seem outdated, backwards and somehow unacceptable.
I am now jealous of Poland and it’s careless gun laws... lol

As far as I know there are several members here from other countries that regularly contribute.

The forum is generally civil... unless someone likes Mini14s
I like Mini-14's, I just don't like Mini's half as well as AR-15's, and I like AR-15's less than half as well as I like AK's, which is half of what they well deserve.:cool:

As for Polish gun laws, according to the Wikipedia, there's a process by which in order to get a license you have to go through a background check, psychological test, pass an exam from a shooting association or the local police if it's for self defense reasons.

Apparently the collecting license is shall issue and the one where you can own the most guns and full auto ones and shoot them at ranges. The self defense license is the toughest one to get and is only may issue.

So, I guess if one lives in Poland, they should get the collectors license and carry a Remington New Model Police in .36 caliber, a spare cylinder, A .54 caliber Great Gun derringer, and an NAA Companion black powder revolver for backup, and a Polish army knife that includes a Neosporin dispenser for the lacerations they'll inevitably receive from using it.
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Can we get off the "'Merica' joke hurts my feelings" and get back to the member from Poland?

*I don't particularly like the slang "Merica" but oh well, it's slang....a lot of it I don't like such a "brah" (used to be "bro") ...."clip" instead of "magazine." :mad:

*But really, my feelings aren't so "on alert" all the time, that's how I want to be anyway.


Tell us more about Polish laws. I was under the impression all guns were banned in Poland.
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I thought the same, but when I looked it up along with other European nations, they're not.

France was the most surprising. I thought that they were pretty much restricted to single shots and bolt actions, but that's not the case. In France, they're allowed to have pretty much everything we can have, except magazine capacities cannot exceed 31 rounds for a rifle or 20 rounds for a handgun as long as they're a member of a hunting club or shooting range and have had shooting classes with an instructor. Then they get a 5 year license.

I don't know what the costs and fees are, but in France they can own AR's, AK's, Glocks. They allowed to have a max of 10 magazines and 1000 rds per gun. Carry permits for handguns are basically non-existent though, which is a common theme in Europe.

The most restrictive European nations are the UK, because they ban handguns and semi-automatics except .22 LR, and Romania.

But yeah, France of all nations is one of the best to own guns. I think it has something to do with the German occupation.
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