I Heard Bob Woodward Today - Predictions!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Bob Woodward was a guest speaker today at a gig at work.

His predictions:

1. Hillary will run
2. Chaney will be the GOP presidential candidate
3. We haven't heard from Al-Qaeda in the USA as they are planning and will execute (or try to) multiple major attacks - maybe with WMD. If this occurs, besides the damage, the greatest risk is the USA becoming a police state.

He sees a very dark time ahead.

Also, said that Nixon was fundamentally evil but he (Nixon) recognized that his own hate drove him to his fate at the end when he was leaving the White House.

Said Bush is driving by his religion and an underlying belief that people are fundamentally desiring democracy. Get rid of a dictator and they will become democracy oriented. It is our mission to bring freedom to the world and he will pursue this mission with zeal. How about Hamas? Oh, well.
Yeah Exar, we are living in a police state. And you're under arrest. Well, let me change that: you're under arrest after you deliver all of your firearms to me. :rolleyes:
Cheney ain't gonna run for president.

I see McCain, Kyle, Lott, Guiliani, Jeb Bush and Condi Rice as the leading candidates.

I back John Kyle from Arizona. He's what a republican senator should be. He's what a republican president should be. He will close down the illegal border traffic with mexico. With military if necessary. He wants social security reform, he wants death tax repealled.

I also think we don't have enough police to live in a police state.
I agree Hillary will run. I doubt Cheney will get the GOP nomination, I'm not even convinced he will run. Al-Queda's mission has not changed. I wish more info were available to the public to be able to form an opinion on why we haven't been attacked since 9-11.

I back John Kyle from Arizona. He's what a republican senator should be. He's what a republican president should be. He will close down the illegal border traffic with mexico.

I am 100% for closing down illegal border traffic, but I think it will be difficult in the current political climate. We just had two consecutive close presidential elections. The GOP knows it will get between 6 - 8% of the black vote. The Democrats know what they have there, but are still unable to win recently. The Hispanic community seems to take offense at the idea of llegal aliens and stricter control. Both sides are trying desperately to find favor with Hispanic voters. I thick getting control of the borders is tactically easy, and politically difficult.
I think Hillary Clinton will get the Democratic nomination and will choose US Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) as her running mate. Both are very capable, very liberal, and will probably be very hard to beat.

Hillary would likely carry NY, Kalifornia, Oregon, NM, Mass, NJ, and most of the North Eastern states. Obama will give her Illinois and good chance at many of the Southern States. African American vote will likely turn out in strength at the prospect of the 1st African American VP (and eventual President).

Hillary has spent the last year or so giving lip service to more moderate stances. She will try to appeal to a wider base. It would be politically incorrect to play hardball with either of them. Race and gender will be major cards played quickly and often. The press will have a heyday.

Too many Republicans, despite being the majority, have seemed ineffective and without a common vision. Some less passionate party members may not get too excited about joining the fight and may just stay home on election night.

Unless Republicans run a ticket that people get excited about, they could loose control of Congress as well as the Presidency. If that happens the make-up of the Supeme Court won't make much difference. Perhaps Guilinani and Rice on the same ticket would have a chance.

I fear gun owners may have a rough road ahead in the next 8-16 years. But what do I know. . . I thought Mario Cuomo would be President!
Bob Woodward should just go away. His take on the world is about 180 out from reality.

He claimed he interviewed Bill Casey, Reagan's CIA director for much of his term, when Casey was......IN A COMA!!!

Woodward is a hack and gets away with his books because he carries the left wing's water.

This isn't a slam on the original post, just my opinion of Bob Woodward.
Woodward has been covering Washington for a pretty long time now. If anybody knows whats happening he should have a clue. Some other criticisms have been that he has held on to info till it gets into one of his books. He probably knows where the bones in the closet are..lol.

Mrs Claire Wolfe in her March article in SWAT said

"I'm sorry but the only kind kind of government that ever asks for unlimited trust, obedience and money is a police state."

The Bush Administration seems to be asking for just that. First with the notion that he can do whatever he wants with wiretapping American Citizens. Then this port business. It all screams trust us and dont criticize us. Mr. Bush's head seems to be getting a little swollen lately. I thinks its time some in Congress regardless of party grew some cajones and cut him down a notch or two to remind him about the Constitution and the powers of each branch. Then the Judicial branch needs to take out another couple of notches for the wiretapping and stuff. Mr. Bush's head might be deflated enough where he can do some good.

p.s. Nixon thought Rumsfeld was a weasel and was going to fire him but didnt get the chance.
I would love nothing more than for cheney to run...more people hate him than hitler (we'd HAVE to win!). As for hillary running...I hated bush back before it was cool, but even I would take bush over hillary. I would vote for mccain, at least he seems more honorable than most other people in washington...I don't know why he didn't make it last time(s) around.

I love how cheney took on McCain over torture...then when McCain/congress won, they just changed the military handbook to do it anyway. Beautiful.
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Well really. Is there anyone out there with the mindset 'Cheney's a great guy, he's so swell *swoon*" Does ANYBODY trust that guy?
Chaney will be the GOP presidential candidate

WOW, Bob must have found some really good s**t to smoke!:D

As to trusting Cheney? I would LOVE to have him in charge of any corporation that I had money invested in, but I DON'T think he makes a good VP/PRES. Different mind-set and set of skills involved.
Yes, I agree that his corporate scheming skills are top notch!

isn't the merger of corporations with government the definition of facism...especially while having someone like cheney in the 2nd highest office in the land (1st highest since he's probably running more things than bush...anyone wanna dispute THAT?)
You think it'd be better to have cheney (didn't serve) than kerry (served)?? Especially in matter over war? It was the fact that noone had been to war (cept colin powell) that made them think it was so dang easy to begin with. Given, kerry's not the most charismatic, but i'd be willing to wager he would be a more effective president when it comes to actually doing things 'for the people'...think about it, his wife's got more money than gawd, he couldn't possibly be bought (well, maybe). At least he had the cajones to be in the military, unlike SOME people (who wish to remain nameless...and in power. haha).
Woodward is an empty suit who channels dead people. Amazing how few people seem to have figured that out yet. -buce

This is the most interesting and funny quote I could find in regards to Bobby.
Kerry went to war, and came back a real sissy. Don't need someone as CIC who has their picture in the N Vietnam Museum celebrating why they won the war. He wouldn't support Gulf War 1, even when ALL his campaign stated "criteria" were met. I have a hard time believing our troops will follow a man who says "Follow Me...into the wrong war at the wrong time".

Too liberal - he would be weak on terror, weak on defense, weak on gun ownership, and he is very indecisive. 1st thing he could do for the people is keep us alive - don't think he has the cajones to any more then Clinton did, and that wasn't enough.
The country took a shower when it elected Bush. People were just sick and tired of anything to do with Clinton, Clinton, and Gore. In 2008 the country will want to take a shower and wash off anything to do with Bush and Cheney and that includes Rice. I'm sick of both crime families and what them to just go away. My fear is it is time for the Clinton family to ascend to the throne for a term or two then be replaced by the Bush family. :mad: