I have been keeping a secret, now it is time for the announcement

I hope this flys for you - for all of us.
Yeah - you'll have to lose the hair... But look at what could be gained!!!!
Best of Luck to you, Sir! The more GOOD PEOPLE we get in office - well - you know...
This is good news.

We need more good news.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Way to go Jeff! :') Texas needs more good congressmen as bad as any other state, 'cept maybe Cali. At least you know the difference between "Hear, boy" and "Sic 'em!"
Art - The petition is at Red's in Oak Hill already. I am going to McBrides and Cooks Sure Shot this week. I will be attending the Austin gun shows also, I always do just not as a potential candidate. If you keep a petition to have people sign they have to go before a notary and I have to explain the procedures to them. A real pain. I do want to hit the IDPA, SASS, and any other matches in the area. Can you email me a schedule of events?

Big Fang - Let me see if I have this right. 'Here boy', is what you say to James Baker and Neal Knox when they show up at the office door. 'Sic'em', is what you tell the German Shepards when Sarah Brady shows up at the door or you see Charles Schummer walking down the hall. Did I get it right?
So, Jeff, you're going after Lord Doggett, who would run for any office he could win, and who never met a gun control law he didn't like. That's outstanding. But prepare yourself to be slandered in his campaign advertising.

Anyway, I have some kinfolk in that area and will be glad to pass the word along.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited September 28, 1999).]
jimmy, that is funny. The dirtiest thing in my past is that I am divorced, 18 years ago, and I never made Eagle Scout just Life. My father is a retired FBI agent, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't swear, I have never in my life done drugs of any kind, never even smoked pot. When I was in high school I taught Sunday school to 3 and 4 year olds at my church. I take care of my mother in my home and support her because she has partial paralysis from a stroke 21 months ago. If he does though that's okay, I have a few things for him. He grew up in this town and I know people who know him and his brother.
Jeff--The notary thing is new to me. I signed off for the Brewster Co. sheriff's race where one candidate filed via petition, back in '88, but no notary was required back then. Just a verifiable address and voter registration card.

HCPPC has a website. And check out Just Guns on South Congress. Rob Key is a Very Good Guy, as well as being a Class 3 Dealer.
Well, I can guarantee one vote, probably several more. I was planning to hit Red's for some range time next week anyhow, after recuperating from the DC odyssey, will catch the petition then.

And I can handle a contribution when you tell us it's OK.
Jeff--I'm confident that you're a good citizen and an honorable individual, and I sincerely apologize if I seemed to imply anything else. I was thinking about Doggett's campaign against one of his previous opponents (Jo Baylor?), which oozed nasty innuendo, even though Ms. Baylor had never done anything wrong in her life, as near as I could tell.

I'd guess that Doggett would exploit your favorable position on guns and use the same slanderous, fear-provoking, demagogic, anti-gun rhetoric we all hear so often from leftist politicians and the media. His goal would be to create enough false and negative image to mask the truth about you.

Hopefully I'm guessing wrong. But, as you can probably tell, I don't have a very high opinion of Lord Doggett, or much hope for the cleanliness of his campaign.

Anyway, best wishes for your candidacy.

My computer's been down and I just now read the news: AWESOME! Too bad you aren't in our district, I'd definitely vote for you!

Best of luck to you, Sir, do let everyone know when you can accept contributions.

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!