I have been keeping a secret, now it is time for the announcement


New member
This should probably be political, but I consider it 'hob-nobbing' so I put it here.

This is something that has been in the works for some time, but it is not even official yet. I just needed some time to get things set up around here first and if everything comes together the formal announcement will be on Dec 3, 1999. It looks like I am going to be the Repulican candidate for the 10th District of Texas to the United States House of Representatives. If you live in Travis County (Austin) Texas you probably live in the 10th district. There may or may not be a primary election in March of 2000, the actual election will be in November of 2000. The best possible thing to happen for me is if George W. Bush receives the Republican Presidential nomination and Pat Buchanan does not run on a thrid party ticket. I spoke with Ron Paul (R-Tx 14th district) a few weeks ago and have received some encouragement from him and will probably get an endorsement once things are official. I am running against an F-rated anti-gun politician third term congressman and in this liberal town I am told I can't win. Well, you never know until you try.

This is not something that I really want to do, I am just a regular guy with a ponytail who likes guns and rides motorcycles (I guess that doesn't sound so regular does it?). The ponytail has got to go, 'I cannot afford to alienate my core constituency'. 'It is my concession to the dignity of the office.' See I already sound like a politician. I am only doing this because I am really sick of what has been happening in Washington and figure I might be able to do somthing. If I receive enough support I will run. If someone else wants to do this instead please step right up.

Sorry guys, you can't send me any money (I know you are REALLY disappointed at that) because it is a pain in the butt to run for a federal office, you can't imagine the paperwork and hoops you must jump through, and without those FEC papers I cannot accept contributions. I am not filing the papers until I absolutely must, which will be Dec 3, so sorry no contributions.

The web-site is not up yet, hopefully sometime before Glock and Lou Alessi get theirs up I might have one, but don't look for it until after the first of the year. Heck, we will be lucky if the computers are working at all by then ;) I have set up a voice mail and email for comments, York_for_Congress@email.com or 512-684-3256.
I think we all know my position on gun control. I do support reasonable gun control, I think every firearm should have a unique serial number and maybe a bit beyond that. Want much more you will have to convince me.

If you live in Austin and are a registered voter in the 10th district I need your signature on a petition to allow me to run without having to pay for it. If you have friends or relatives in the area I need their support also. If you have a business or know someone who does I need them to take a petition to have their customers sign, I only have a few out in Austin right now and I need more. If you work for a company that has a PAC I will need to speak with them, let me know, if you are a member of a pro-gun organization, let them know that there is a little guy in Texas trying to unseat a big time anti-gunner. I know this will come up so I will tell you that the reason I am running as a Republican is for the support. The Libertarians and Reform parties do not have the support structure available here to offer a viable candidate, which is why Ron Paul ran as a Republican after losing as a Libertarian, plus I would be George W. Bush's representative. Well, surprised? I know I am.
Good luck, stick with GW and uphold the new project exile in TX.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
How's that old CSN song go? "Almost cut my hair...y'know it happened just the other day ... it was getting kinda long"

There's another lyric about "don't try to get yourself elected..." but I don't think it quite fits here :)

Congratulations! perhaps you can fill us in more on what is all involved with getting "in" with the Republican party to get on the ballot as one... I especially would like to know, as I have a multi-term, anti in my district that runs unopposed most of the time, and I've been thinking myself of walking the walk...
Jeff OTMG:


Keep us posted on your progress.

It's a shame you aren't running for a seat in Chicago--as I understand the federal election laws as they apply to Chicago--we could all vote repeatedly for you. :)

You could wait until after you are elected to get your hair cut, I hear the best place is aboard Air Force 1. Then you could bounce a check for the hair cut, but not to worry, there are special arrangements for that. Campaign money should be no problem, there are a billion or so Chinese ready to contribute.


You could do the right thing. Fight for a change at the ballot box. Glad to hear you made the latter choice. Best success with your run for office.

CCW for Ohio action site.

'Bout time you 'fessed up! Go git 'em, boy!!

Good thing you gave us enough time to get all our "dearly departed" registered to vote! ;)

(LBJ would be proud!)
I'd vote for a pro-RKBA candidate who had a ponytail, even if he had an earring :)

Best of luck Jeff!!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Let us know when we can make a campaign contribution, ok? I don't live in your congressional district, but that won't stop me from sending in a contribution.

Of course, be prepared to work your a** off.

Maintain eternal vigilance. It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.
I don't even live in your state, but we need good people in office. If you need help, I'm sure that there are a lot of us on here who would do what we could. Good luck.
I appreciate all the offers guys but let's sit tight and see how it goes. I want to run this as a 'low budget' campaign for starter, after all I was told I can't win anyway, so what's the point in throwing away good money. Rich, I really appreciate the offer but guess what? I can't even take you up on free web space for a homepage. The FEC calls it a donation in kind and it has to be declared as a contribution. I wanted to help organize the gun rights rally in Austin and could not do it because it would have been considered a campaign rally. I would have been very limited in what I, or anyone else, could say about me because the govt would consider it a campaign rally. It is all very controlled, when the papers get filed it will be okay, but everything has got to be accounted for. It is a real hassle. I am going to use the free web space given me by my ISP for my homepage to not break any laws. The email address is available to anyone so there is no problem there.

I've got some friends in Travis Co., but I can't throw you my support until I know your full name. Ready to "Come all the way out?" Oops, perhaps inappropriate phrasing for a Republican candidate! ;)



Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

That's simple. We'll figure your coverage, prorated per TFL posts and you'll owe us that percentage of TFL costs. Could we not, then, contribute that amount to your campaign!? ;)

We know the FEC boxes you in. Let's think outside the box. We want a piece of this race! All of us.
"after all I was told I can't win anyway"
Yeah and that's what they said about the U.S. Ryder Cup team. Think about it.

I understand your playing this game cautiously, no need to lose before you even get into the gate. But, when that gate opens, let us know. I would love to send some money your way. Having at least one more correct thinking person in that very exclusive club would help all of us, whether we live in Travis County or not.
I guess you've gone through the Yellow Pages and have petition forms out at all the gun shops? Talked to the guys in the Hill Country Practical Pistol Club?

Talked to any of the folks at Repub. Party HQ? After you get all purty and straight looking, they'd offer advice at the very least. Plus, they can do some legwork on putting petitions out, maybe...Unpaid volunteers is unpaid volunteers, say all the Democrats--Lloyd Doggone among them...

:), Art
So have you run for or held any other offices? People usually start small.

Best of luck.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789