I have an idea, not sure if its good?

berkmberk1 - No problems with that at all. I am not sure that is what the OP had in mind but there arealready "contests" like that being held. Doesn't have quite the same thrill as with a face-to-face duel but a lot safer. :cool:
ok, well berk makes alot of sense, I think my idea has a chance but must be well regulated with safety in mind. It was just an idea, so everybody stay safe and keep a staeady aim. ;)

Sundance, nice to hear from ya , I was at Station Point Judith RI from 03-07. Always Ready
Reloadin...don`t often run into fellow Coasty`s ..I was in 1971 -1975 //Stationed USCG WGB 280 SouthWind ..Then ThomasPoint Light . Always There .
Most of the CAS shooters are of the same mindset you encountered here. IMHO the idea isn't going to float with any serious shooting clubs anywhere. If you want to point guns at people and pull the trigger join a reinactment group.
FWIW, I DO point paintball and simunitions guns at people. That said, it is force-on-force training for the job, and we are very much practicing for the next level: Shooting real people with real guns!

Where your post turns to complete crap is the idea of doing it for fun. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my training, but the Old West quickdraw is a legend that never was. Unlike in the movies, when you shoot a man in the chest with your .45 Colt, he will NOT fall down or fly through a plate glass window, but continue to SHOOT AT YOU!

In truth, Bob Munden himself could not likely survive unscathed from a live-ammo quickdraw with a good shot of average speed. Both men would get shot, as handguns are not powerful enough to let you live on the difference.

. . .And to prove some idiots would do it for real, check out the Great Falls Tribune. Two tried; one died. And these guys were buddies, not enemies.

QWICKDRAW IS A VALID SPORT, but winners and losers can be determined by timers safely, and without ignoring gun safety. And a +1 to Berk's idea.