I have an idea, not sure if its good?

If there was a cowboy event that used blanks and lasers or maybe paintballs/simmunitions, and it was a quickdraw competition like Tombstone style. I know it sounds bad and dangerous, but i play laser tag and paintball anyway, and it would have to be well monitored of course. So good idea or bad idea? :D
Wouldn't interest me, but it might some other folks. Frankly, I've never seen the point of the paintball and laser tag games; shooting at people is not a game.
Wouldn't interest me, but it might some other folks. Frankly, I've never seen the point of the paintball and laser tag games; shooting at people is not a game.

I agree and going to put my flame suit on. There is a small minority that get so involved in any game that they start to lose sight of it being a game and want to take it to the next level which would be real guns. It can have an effect on some people and we constantly teach gun safety so paintball guns are not exactly toys for children.

An example of a game taken to the next level:

'Grand Theft Auto' murder halts game sales
Thailand teenager confesses to killing taxi driver while recreating game


If you want to play war games join the Army. :)
I tried the Laser Tag crap back in the mid 80's when it first appeared on the scene & it wasn't for me, granted it may be fun to some but like was mentioned "some people take that type of game play way too far" & shooting at people is not a game so I would think of your idea as not a good one.

PT111 said:
If you want to play war games join the Army.
Agreed or join Law Enforcement where you do train for the bad situations where excessive force may be necessary but PRAY THAT YOU NEVER HAVE TO USE IT!!!
There are people who have mental problems and have trouble drawing the line between a fun sport and an evil one. Consideration of those nut jobs should not come between me and a fun sport or game. Cowboy action shooting is the art of quick draw / quick shooting at inanimate objects, but the roots for the whole sport is "shooting at people". I am against any situation that puts restrictions on safe practices based on the potential action of crazy people.

Reloadin' -- I'm for it !
Regardless of the 'roots' of the sport, cowboy action shooters DO NOT shoot at people. There's a real big, meaningful difference. I say again,
I must say when I was too young to hunt ..I didn`t play with dolls ..cap guns and gunfights were the norm . Got older and was given a 22 rifle and with it came the warning never point a gun at anything you aren`t wanting to kill ..
I do enjoy killing time shooting targets ......but the idea of aiming any kind of gun at another person just doesn`t work for me .
Hey, Don't point that finger at me! It might go off... ;)

I don't look at paintball or lazer tag as much different than the cap gun wars of my youth. There is need for some extra safety precautions for the responsible player (protect the eyes and cover the skin). I don't even play paintball or laser tag, but I wouldn't say that laser tag or laser "showdown at noon" would be much different. Sounds fun to me! But hey, sling shots and gummy bears would be fun too! :D

My post before was a response to those who think a potential fun activity for others is a bad idea based on the possibility that people might learn to be crazy by doing it. Hogwash... That same reasoning is why we have a bunch of anti-gunners running around trying to stop our mutual hobby as gun enthusiasts and collectors. "Don't let them buy guns. They might get mad and start killing people."

Think about it. Did you play cops and robbers with toy guns (capguns, rubber band launchers, sticks)? Was it fun? Did your mom or dad ever buy you a cap gun and say "Never point this at anyone"? Doubtful or they wouldn't have given you a cap gun in the first place (this is where sticks would be a necessity :) ). My dad taught me gun safety. He taught me not to point a dangerous weapon at anyone unless I absolutely had to. I've kept that with me all my life, and live by it. But I would surely point a laser or paintball gun at anyone in the game.

SHOOTING AT PEOPLE WITH TOYS IS A GAME (if mutually acceptable of course)

Granted, some people don't know the difference between a game and real life. It is not a good idea for them to play the games, or get involved with cowboy action shooting, or any other kind of shooting for that matter. Here's another concept:


Should we not own guns because some folks will do bad things with them?

I'm done... Do what you want... I'd like to play laser high-noon...:cool:
I'm done... Do what you want... I'd like to play laser high-noon...

I'd play you me and my friends used to duel. We would load paint markers with a single shot and walk ten paces turn and shoot.

I also cheated a few times shootin in the back before turn and loading two shots.:D
The difference between playing with toy cap guns and squirt guns as children and shooting paintballs and lasers at people as adults should be obvious: children - adults.

Are you still a child?
Well looks like you was boowed of the stage on this
topic,:rolleyes:maybe you should try some other forum
this one is bp & cowboy action, the only time i use paint
is on my walls.:D
Okay, so this thread has veered way off topic, and is in the wrong place anyway
Hmmm... The wild west shoot out, with paintball guns. If you do the paintball masks right, you could almost get a Westworld theme going on. The thing you would have to keep in mind is to keep the velocity as low as possible, especially with the very close ranges that you will be dealing with. The major problem is finding equipment that looks even remotely connected to the era specified.
Pretty interesting how one comment if favor turned the tide from the liberal mindset of "guns = bad" to using common sense when dealing with games or actual weapons.
ok guys and gals, I don't advocate unsafe handling of guns. I was in the USCG and have been drilled over and over again on it. We used berettas with paintballs loaded into the shellcases and went into shoot houses with full face masks. I love paintball, but accuracy it lacks. Some police dept. use blank guns with lasers attached and shoot at movie screens also, I have yet to get into cowboy action shootin cause I live in NW FLA and don't know where to go, but I think this could be a fun event to make it into the whole event at a CASS event. But I am 25 and don't know if everyone would be a player in this event:D
Reloadin' - I don't think anyone is trying to bust your chops or anything like that but playing games where you even pretend to shoot each other with real guns is not a good idea. The training scenarios you brought up was simulated action rather than shooting at real people. Your first comment in the OP was blanks. What if a live round got mixed up with a blank and it is not hard to do. Blanks have powder and can cause injury at close range. laser guns and paintballs aren't the same.

I know it sounds like a fun game but how do we preach never point a gun at anything you are not ready to destroy and then violate that rule even for a game. Good luck in finding an insurer to write the policy. :)
How 'bout a change in view....

Instead of looking only at what may be wrong with the idea, how about trying an alteration or two to see what can be worked out?

The idea I have in mind is what some "fast draw" competitions stage for "head to head excitement where two contestants stand side by side, draw, and try to bust a balloon before the other guy..........how about a "head to head CAS stage? A firing line with dual setups...........a combination of hard and paper targets (to judge true accuracy)...........handicaps for loads (real/heavy vs. light/Plinkerton loads). Participating contestants......two or more........one or more "flights".........single elimination..........your target "killed" you're out.............

No face to face confrontation............I hit your target sufficiently hard and quick enough before you hit mine...............still the same overall outcome.....only safer........and almost as much fun........:D
berkmberk1 said:
Instead of looking only at what may be wrong with the idea, how about trying an alteration or two to see what can be worked out?

The idea I have in mind is what some "fast draw" competitions stage for "head to head excitement where two contestants stand side by side, draw, and try to bust a balloon before the other guy..........how about a "head to head CAS stage? A firing line with dual setups...........a combination of hard and paper targets (to judge true accuracy)...........handicaps for loads (real/heavy vs. light/Plinkerton loads). Participating contestants......two or more........one or more "flights".........single elimination..........your target "killed" you're out.............

No face to face confrontation............I hit your target sufficiently hard and quick enough before you hit mine...............still the same overall outcome.....only safer........and almost as much fun........

Now that sounds more like what I would like to see.