I have a question about knife laws in London, England.

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Glenn E. Meyer said:
As far as some realistic H2H training for smaller people - it is certainly worth the time of the trainee if it is a quality experience and not some magic ninja BS. It is not the goal to engage in MMA slugfest for the win. It is escape. I've taken classes - unarmed and knife which teach that as realistic goal. A small person (in the USA) with a Spyderco can effect an escape with some knowledge.

Glenn, my point is why should someone risk getting that close to an unknown attacker with mediocre (at best) contact weapon? I personally feel it would be better to hit the attacker with pepper spray from a distance rather than risk being disarmed by a possible faster and stronger attacker.

My wife is 5'4" and 100 lbs. soaking wet. She took a women's self defense class 20 years ago, but hasn't trained since. She is not very active physically since kids, work, and life in general kind of get in the way of that. I encouraged her to take the concealed weapon permit course, but she never actually followed through to get the permit. I'm not going to push her since she doesn't have the mindset, situational awareness, or desire to get to a level of proficiency. (Flame suit on) Mommy brain and loaded weapons around kids can be a recipe for disaster. You can teach your kids all about gun safety, but in the end, they are still kids. I got her a good pepper spray that I have clipped to her purse. If she sprays someone and they were not intent on really causing her harm, it isn't the end of the world. If she panics and shoots someone, it is a much more serious situation. If she hesitates and the weapon is taken from her and used against her, that is probably the worst outcome. I'm not making blanket statement for all women, just specifically my wife.

The point is pepper spray is a NON-LETHAL, RANGED WEAPON that does not require one to be within reach of an unknown attacker. It can be carried easily AND legally (UK legal version available). Still think a pen is better?
I'm not knowledgeable on UK knife laws, but someone already mentioned that there is such a thing as "UK legal" mace/pepper spray; I'd get her a couple cans of that and maybe a SpacePen (all-metal construction and a bit fatter than a regular pen, so should be easier to hang onto/manipulate in a defensive situation). A piece of 1/4 inch dia. black (any color) surgical/rubber tubing around the barrel of the pen would make it non-slip, and probably wouldn't raise any legal eyebrows. And some basic instruction on how to use such an improvised defense tool as well.

Good luck
FITASC said:
Sure there is; especially if you have ancestors from there
Most of my ancestors are from there, and I very nearly married an Englishwoman some years ago. I can't think of any reason why I might consider going to London today. I would like to visit Scotland, but not if it meant having to spend time in or around London to get there.
Have you considered an umbrella? I mean an old-school John Steed full-size umbrella? It is handy for the climate. It actually makes a decent weapon and it has better reach than a sap or a knife.
The gov.uk/buying-carrying-knives is the Brit laws.
"...visit Scotland..." Same laws. Scotland is not an independent country and hasn't been since 1707.
Steed's umbrella is illegal too.
"...nothing I can buy for her..." Can of hairspray. Would recommend the deodorant. snicker.
We just spent a week in London a month ago. Even walked across the street where the terrorist tried to run down a bunch of pedestrians a few days later.
That area around the parliament & Westminster is swarming with cops.

I still felt nekkid walking around unheeded.
This one is done. As 44AMP said a few days ago, "And, unless this can be somehow firearms related, its not in the right forum."
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