I have a Leinad derringer (in .45 Colt/.410 Bore).


I have been thinking about a variey of "other" loads for the single-shot derringer.

a) .45 S&W,

b) .45 Auto Rim.

Can anyone else think of another load that would be appropriate/applicable? I want to wring out the most i can from this little single-shot derringer.
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From a google search:

Due to recent price hikes with many other firearms, the biggest upside to the Leinad pistol is that it can be found at most gun shows for under $100, which makes it an easy pickup with some leftover cash.

Did you misspell the name in the title of your post? If you meant Leinad it is a very cheap gun. Please do not try something like a 454 or 460 in this gun. If you do please post a before and after picture of the gun and your hand.

Sometimes you just have to be happy with what a gun is chambered for. Those rounds should have never even been mentioned.
I rectified my spelling. (Egad)! And had no intention whatsoever of attempting to chamber any of the higher-pressured rounds in this little handgun.

Contrary to popular belief, they are quite well made. I was looking for an alternative to the longer .45 Colt loads (there is only 1/2" of rifling past the end of a .410 bore shotshell). I had been considering the .45 Auto Rim (yes, I know about the freebore). I'm not expecting great accuracy, but am mindful of the "longer tube" (giving the bullet some "runway" to attain velocity).
CaptainO said:
Contrary to popular belief, they are quite well made.
As a former owner of one, I respectfully disagree. "Crude" would be an extreme euphemism.

I don't remember how I came into possession of mine, but I gave it away just to get it out of my house.
If you don't know where you "aquired" a firearm, you had best work on your cognitive function. I happen to remember where I obtained all of mine.

If you were under the influence of some substance, perhaps you should reasess your personal dealings.
If you don't know where you "aquired" a firearm, you had best work on your cognitive function. I happen to remember where I obtained all of mine.

If you were under the influence of some substance, perhaps you should reasess your personal dealings.

That will go over well. I suppose you feel your gun is being insulted.

I'm thinking it was more along the lines of "I wound up with it in a trade or someone gave it to me. I know I would never actually buy one."
I have been shooting since I was 6 yers old (that was in 1961). I have always analyzed every purchase i have made in a critical fashion.

The Leinad is rudimentary, yet quite functional. It rode in a "hideaway" holster, tucked away where a BG couldn't find it. My Glock 20 was "loaded for bear" and with two magazines loaded to the gunwales with hot factory loads, the Leinad was a "last ditch" hideout. I bought it new and have fired only .410 Bore slugs (loaded specifically for a "Judge" or "Governor" revolver) through it.

I thought someone might have information I hadn't already considered. I have more than 24 different firearms in 7 different chamberings. Crude the Leinad may be, but at a range of 8 feet it is devastating and has yet not to go "BANG"... very loudly!

I'm truly sorry, but I was looking for help, not a derision of the piece. Anyone can do that.

Contrary to popular belief, they are quite well made.

I have owned a couple of them. I still have one. I like it but would not describe it as well made. Crude but functional are better descriptors. That being said, I do believe that it is quite safe to fire when using the cartridge and shotshell it was designed to use.
The two very high powered cartridges mentioned earlier should never have been mentioned in this context.
A nice load for this little gun is a 165 grain WC from Matt's Bullets over five grains of Unique.
CaptainO said:
If you don't know where you "aquired" a firearm, you had best work on your cognitive function.
There's nothing wrong with my cognitive functions; I can recognize an insult when I see one. I just don't find it important to remember where I acquired a gun I disposed of several years ago.

I happen to remember where I obtained all of mine.

If you were under the influence of some substance, perhaps you should reasess your personal dealings.
I don't use "substances" ... the strongest "substance" in which I indulge is caffeine-free diet cola.

You don't have to agree with me. Likewise, I don't have to agree with you. The fact that I stated a dissenting opinion is, IMHO, no reason for you to attack me personally.
I apologize if it sounds as if i was attacking you personally. I wouldn't have bought the Leinad had it been dangerous.

In a "road rage" situation, I palmed the little pistol and kept it hidden. I rolled up my car door window and waited for the young fool to cool off. I did have the pistol at the ready had the situation gotten out of hand. I had it when I needed it, and the "crude" little pistol was ready to save my hide. The little gun works.

Again, I apologize for the approach.
I just sold my .45/.410 side by side Leinad derringer today. There was nothing, and I mean NOTHING well made about this gun. The locking mechanism sheared in half on the 3rd shot. I replaced it, but the thing was just plain painful to shoot.

Had I kept it, I might have liked to try to work up a load something like a 200gr wadcuttter at about 600fps, put up in some cut down .45 Colt cases (due to the lack of an ejector).
I was given one about a month ago... will probably never shoot it, but wouldn't worry about the gun not functioning as designed... however, it could actually be dangerous to those not familiar... if you close a cartridge in the chamber while the firing pin is protruding ( I think you have to put the safety on, to push the firing pin back ) if the safety is not on, while a live round is in the chamber, & the action closed, I'd say there is a good chance for an accidental discharge...

not sure if my freebie was an earlier design, or if they are all that way???
They are all that way. If you want to carry in such a way that you can thumb the hammer and fire, you have to get a double barrel and leave one chamber empty. There is no half cock, no rebounding firing pins...nothing.
They are all that way. If you want to carry in such a way that you can thumb the hammer and fire, you have to get a double barrel and leave one chamber empty. There is no half cock, no rebounding firing pins...nothing.

Sounds like a real winner and an accident waiting to happen:rolleyes:
^ Yep, that. That is why I got rid of it. I was sure to explain the details of it's deficiencies to the new owner.
I could be wrong, but I was always under the impression from the Leinads I examined that the barrels were some sort of casting, not forged.

Yes? No?