I have a land problem :(

Nathan c

New member
ok I rent a house and it has land I can hunt on this is land that a lot of people in my family have hunted on for ever for ho about the past 10 years ( deer) it's been me only. I have success in what we call "the hay field" it is shaped like Oklahoma it's 110 yards across and 140 yards up and down on the square and if you stand looking down the pan handle on the long side it's 200 yards it's borders are at the top woods someone else property no fince out the pan handle along the back a cow field and a pond that are someone else property with a fince then at the bottom it slips down to meet a ceater rige and a fence witch the property is owner by my land lord (so the field is on a hill at bottom where the fince runs it meets a hill as to why we call this the holler)
The deer eather come in at the bottom of the field (to my right from where I stand ) or from the pan handle (top left from where I stand ) that's on my side of the fince they also cross on the other man's property at the pond or just behind it ( I can not shoot them over there) so I put out salt blocks to get them to cross on my side of the fince more often
The deer are SO predictable I 0 my guns where they come out the deer I shot last year stopped stood broad side RIGHT at the spot I had my target set up I been shooting for practice all summer
So for the most part no one duse any thing with this field but cut hay 1 or 2x a year or just let it sit and no hay gets cut depending on what ever the people that own the land decided to do
So here is the problem this year they are renting all the land including that hay field to a guy that is using it for his cattle he put in an electric fince at the top of the field running along the top of the field along the tree line there has never been a fince there before and his cattle now go in the field so 1. now the cattle are eating up my salt blocks and 2. I think this is going to change where the deer are going to cross ie... over on the land I can not shoot them I really can not say much as it is not my land so I have to change my thinking on how I get the deer on land I can shoot them
So what ideas do you guys have

I will put up some photos so you have an idea what this field looks like
Nathan, most fences won't stop a deer. They will easily jump over any fence that cattle won't go near. If you have a spot of land where you can do something without upsetting the land owner or renter, get some non till food plot mix and try spreading it on a small piece of ground. It might attract the same deer that you've been seeing. Ignore the negative replies you've received on your post. There is no requirement here to pass a spelling test or grammar test in order to post. If someone doesn't like your spelling or grammar they should simply post nothing. I will ad thought that you might want to use a few periods and shorten some sentences. It was just a bit difficult to follow but I did get the gist of what you were asking. Hope this helps.
Should be "you are or you're" here. Pot calling the kettle black?
Yes, you are correct. I did not say I was perfect. Typing fast can do that some times.

Ignore the negative replies you've received on your post. There is no requirement here to pass a spelling test or grammar test in order to post. If someone doesn't like your spelling or grammar they should simply post nothing. I will ad thought that you might want to use a few periods and shorten some sentences. It was just a bit difficult to follow but I did get the gist of what you were asking. Hope this helps.

OK.... so your critique is fine, while others are not? I was being nice and trying to be helpful. Dave P was correct, I was just trying to expound on what he and I were thinking.
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first off I am VERY VERY dislex and some other things so yea wrighting is not easy for me and no spell check is not much of a help.
I don't know what the font size looks like becuse on my phone any thing under 4 I need a magnfing glass to see so I really do not have a way to gage what fount size to use
Yes I gave a LOT of info but hay I fell it would help get a good answer more info the better
Yes I have tryed the no till (before the cattle ) for 2 season and nothing ever happened I could till but never have time and now if I did 10 cows 5 caves and a bull would make short work of it like they are my salt blocks I never REALLY need a grow plot or salt blocks any way they just cross in that spot any way I just need them to do it on my side of the fence
What I am thinking because of the two changes fince and cattle that it will couse the deer to Chang there habets or keep them on the other side of the fince is there a way to do that with out feeding the cow's lol
I don't think leasing out the property trumps your prior rights to hunt, but look into that, you may have a tacit permission to hunt there, but no right to do so.

The deer will deal with the new fence the way they have always done : what they can't tunnel under they jump over !

Just keep putting out the salt, they're used to finding it there. Cows won't bother them a bit. Talk to the farmer lessee, hunting season and cattle don't mix.

The cows are going to eat some of your salt, plan on ponying up for salt if you want venison. The cattle owner is going to like your hunting over his herd a lot more if you're paying for some of his expenses.
Nathan, if you can send me your phone number by way of a Private Message on here, I'll call you and see if I can offer any help. It might be a lot easier to talk about what you're trying to do rather than typing it all out. I'm a pretty experienced deer hunter and know a few tricks. I've been hunting deer for over fifty years and I've killed somewhere around a hundred seventy-five so far....give or take a few. I always like talking about this stuff anyway.
Nathan said he's dyslexic. To me, that means that, once explained, bickering over writing-style problems is now actually a personal attack on him.


Nathan, I recommend talking to the renter, explaining your own situation. And, while I'm out of date on the cost of salt blocks, the cost of a very few extra is a cost I myself would figure to be an aid in cooperation from him.

Cattle and deer get along okay. I was careful on my place to make sure of my shots on deer, not wanting to wipe out one of my own cows. :) Easy enough.
OK, I'm trying to make sense of the OP. Here's my take on the situation. The deer will continue to use the travel patterns even though the pasture is grazed(generally). The livestock owner should be putting out salt blocks or mineral feeders for his cattle-or maybe not if he's a worthless deadbeat. Regardless, the deer will continue to come to the location for salt. Deer will dig some startlingly large holes mining the accumulated salt out of the ground.
The important thing is to determine if the cattle are only on the ground for the summer or for year round. If only for summer use, it won't take long for the deer to return to their "pre-cattle" routines. If year round, you'll have to keep track of where the cattle are for safety.
I always require my renters to remove cattle at least 2-4 weeks prior to hunting season so the deer can settle down and I don't have problems with cattle spooking the deer. You can only hope Mr. Cattleman(?) leaves some grass in the field you primarily hunt.
Cows get goodies that deer crave, they'll probably keep coming.
I have ran across many deer in the vicinity of cows while pig and coyote hunting.

Deer can easily jump over fences put up for cows.
Hi, guys,

Nathan's question is legitimate, and he explained his problem even though he didn't have to. There may be excuses for discourtesy, but I haven't heard one yet.

That being said, I think this is the kind of thing that none of us can really help with since it is basically a legal question. First, is it legal to put out salt blocks to attract deer? In some states it is not.

Then, if the blocks are on your land, and the cattle owner has an electric fence, how do the cattle get to the blocks?

But land rights questions are seldom simple or easy. I think it is time for you to consult an attorney, but you better be prepared for bad news. It sounds like you have been shooting in an area where no one cared, but if there are now cattle on that land, you might not be able to do that any more, even if you don't actually shoot a deer (or a cow).

there is no legal problems I shoot as much as I fell like if I hit a cow well I would just have to pay for it I was out shooting off my fruit porch this after noon the cows started walking where I was shooting so I stopped till they moved on ( the cows come in to my yard so I live in a cow feald. Lol )

them being in the feald has no effect on if I can hunt there or not.i am thinking how them being there will make the deer behave diffrent. And not have them cross in the nabers feald behind the one I hunt in. Think keep the deer on MY side of the fence

The rules are NO SHOOTING THE "BLACK DEER" ) lol :) and well that's the only rule
If it's a state like Texas, you can bait them. You may have lost the salt blocks.
You might could talk to the cattle owner/renter and see if they don't mind you hunting
in VA I know you can't hunt over bate I forget what date you have to stop feeding but I put the salt blocks out in March and there gone by the fall so there not there by the time when hunting season comes in so I am not hunting over them then after hunting season is over I put new on out and there gone by spring
The only notable change is the addition of cow-flop in Nathan's yard. Based on my experience for cows and deer on 230 acres, the deer will pretty much keep on keeping on as they have done in the past.