I have a home defence question


i live alone except for rthe dogs so no non-combatants are in my home. second bedroom door is old solid wood. no deadbolt through will work on that one through. 5 shot revolver will probablt be replaced at some future date but not immedately.
mossberg has no magazine extention avaiable for the 835. they do have an 18.5 " cylinder bore barrel which i am buying for it.
i like the idea o tatcial buckshot. perhaps federal? ammo in 38 revolver is winchester 158 gr swc-hp +p (fbi load)
i do have alarm stickers as well as beware of dog sighs in my windows. (30 % of breakins here are innercity "youths" traveling over the bridge). many thanks for all the advice.
Not slamming shotguns here cuz I like them too but there seems to be a lot of evidence that light shotguns loads are extremely ineffective. Jim Cirrillo of NYPD Stakeout fame wrote that he never saw anybody go down from one shotgun blast (and also saw people take multiple slugs and keeping fighting). I believe Mr. Stephen Camp on this board has also recalled that he never saw anyone go down with anthing less than #4s during his law enforcement career (don't want to put words in his mouth, though, I'm sure he can elaborate).
Jim Cirrillo of NYPD Stakeout fame wrote that he never saw anybody go down from one shotgun blast (and also saw people take multiple slugs and keeping fighting). <<

That is a good point. The reason he probably didn't see anyone go down is most likely because there body parts were stuck to the wall ;)

At my gun range there is an ex police officer who is now in a wheel chair.

He said that some time ago someone pointed a shotgun at him. He tried to move it away with his hand.

The shotgun went off. It went through his hand, hit his shoulder, literally lifted him in the air, and out his back.

A shotgun is the most powerful close range firearm there is. If I was up against an assailant I would rather have a shotgun than some piss ant handgun.

I use #4 and I have 00. However, I am concerned that if I shoot it at someone it may go through the wall and hit my neighbor on the other side. A shotgun is that powerful.

I know that bird shot is more than sufficient to stop an assailant. However, it's cooler to have the more powerful stuff.

I wonder if those who don't think that a shotgun can stop an assailant have actually shot a shotgun and understand the power involved in one?


You must be right about the magazine extention for the 835. I've looked all over the net, and I haven't been able to find one. There are plenty for the 500, but none for the 835.

what kind of dogs?
have they been exposed to explosion sounds?
i'm very happy with my dogs:an american bulldog(110#)and an english mastiff(198#). i lost another mastiff to cancer a year ago(176#).
my house is so small, i depend on my revolvers,and a cold steel recon scout. i can't see drawing the attention of a determined criminal of the level some have mentioned,but i'm prepared to shut them down. i have barred windows,a security system,and a back yard security light.
Shotguns and carbines are wonderful tools for close quarters when a fight is imminent, unavoidable and expected. Handguns are portable--you carry them when you don't expect to be in a fight.

You can also miss with a shotgun at close quarters (inside the A Zone from 0 to 7 yards--the specific range will vary for each individual weapon) the shot column is travelling as a solid mass. You can miss with a carbine at close quarters in a structure. It's easy to miss with a handgun at damn near any range (especially under the duress of Joe Crackhead trying to kill you in your own home).

There are no guarantees in a fight so you are best served by developing the skill to rapidly and accurately place rounds from whatever weapon system you use where they will most effectively stop the Bad Guy.

The advantage to a pistol is that it lets you use your other hand (to open doors, to corral the kids into the master bedroom, to feel your way along the hall).

jmlv, re-read Jeff White's post. He got it right. You have the weapons part and the dog part in great shape. But your first layer is deterrence. Making your home harder to burgle than any other nearby.

Motion detectors with floodlights are CHEAP. Like $50 or so. Get 2-3 for the right places.

Analyze your house from the burgler's standpoint. Where would they enter? What are the best approaches? Harden those points, or add additional deterrence.

Example: when I did this there were a couple of places that I would clearly prefer to enter, as a burgler. My wife wanted to plant some rose bushes. They went against the "best entry" window. Roses are PC barbed wire.

Bars on the most likely points will help, too.

My opinion is, if you have motion detectors/floodlights properly positioned, and harden your entry points, and have the dog thing worked out, you will never have to depend on the firearms.
Hmmmm.... great discussion! A .223 loaded with softnoses would be good, too.
One solution could be to go in with the shotgun if the dogs, with
DR-200 or AK handy in case the shotgun fails.