I have ~$300 to spare and I want a police/military surplus range toy

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I have a little extra cash and I want to pick up a fun handgun. I was thinking either a Star Super B (a Spanish 1911 variant in 9mm), a Tokarev, a p64/p83, or a S&W model 10. I want something that is going to be kinda old, preferably surplus, but I'm not hell-bent on an ex-police/military gun. Just something fun to take to the range. $300 budget! What are your opinions of the handguns that I've listed and what else should I check out?
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You can never go wrong with a S&W m10, great range gun, home and personnel defense and wonderful trail gun. Also safe and handy for a loner in case you should have to arm a friend or love one.
Id probably go with the Star. Ive had a few of their guns over the years, and they were well built, and worth the money.

Also had a couple of Model 10's. Great guns, but good luck finding even a beat up one these days, for $300.

Occasionally, you see some of the Glock trade ins for less than $400.
You can get one of these!! Beretta 92S for $299
Police trade in from Italy. Lots of holster wear, but man does it shoot nice.


I really like my Star Super B.

A CZ83 in 380 is an excellent pistol.

Places like Buds and... is it called J&G?... sometimes have police trade-in Model 10's for around $300.

My Makarov is also excellent.

The FEG High Power clones can still be found in that price range.

If you are willing to go military/police surplus, you can get an extremely good pistol for $300, or even less.
I was thinking either a Star Super B (a Spanish 1911 variant in 9mm), a Tokarev, a p64/p83, or a S&W model 10.

Of those, I would, myself, go with the Star or S&W first, then the Tok, then the P64.

The Star is likely to be the most satisfying to shoot, and a good S&W mid sized revolver is always good.
burritoman, I think like you: inexpensive, used, proven designs for range shooting fun. Add to your list the FEG PMK, an all steel military pistol in .380acp.

I do too much shopping on Gunbroker, and you can find surplus CZ75's, CZ83's, and -as already mentioned- the FEG high powers in your price range. They will have plenty of "character".

I have an old S&W model 10-5 with extreme wear, a Tok derivative in 9mm- the Zastava M70A, and used to have a Star BM (=commander sized), a P-64, and the FEG PMK. Great guns, every one. I sold the P-64 because ammo is getting more expensive (& I'm trying to limit calibers), and sold the Star & FEG to buy other guns.

Consider ammo availability & costs; 9mm is the best for range use, plentiful and relatively cheap.
I have a Star super. I really do like it, but parts availability for the older Stars is a problem. it would not be for a S&W model 10 or any of your other choices.

38 caliber S&W M10 or a 9mm Browning Hi-Power. Fewer parts than a M92. But, if you can get a Beretta 92 for $299, go for it. At least there's plenty of magazines for it.
I have and shoot all of the firearms on your list, for range plinking with a semi auto full sized pistol the Star Model B is a deal that cannot be beaten. I would not worry about parts replacement as about the oonly thing that will break is a firing pin and several posters make and fit them to a persons pistol. Even the FP is not much of a problem if you do not dry fire or use a snap cap.
Another classic not mentioned, but a few bucks over your target budget
Walther P1. An aluminum frame post WWII version of the Walther P38.
Seven high, Tune your computer to Southern Ohio Guns they have/ had ? Free shipping on their surplus 92s pistols....price on "like new" is higher at $329."
Several good suggestions within your budget have been made. I agree you can't go wrong with a S&W M&P. A well used example can be found for the money you want to spend with some looking.

The various foreign auto pistols are fun to shoot. I got this thing a couple years ago for $89. Lately the prices has surged on these to around $200 or so but still not bad. Surplus ammo is still around and fairly cheap.

I have owned a couple chi-com Toks, a PA63, and a few model 10s. If I can check it out first, I'll take the S&W. If not, I'll take the Tokarev. Why? Because when a revolver is wrong, its way wrong. I've seen too many sprung cylinder cranes, excessive end shake, and mediocre accuracy to really trust what I cannot see. This will sound backwards, but on the nightstand where I only have to hit COM at 12', most any gun will do, but on the range I find accurate guns more interesting.
Take a look at a used S&W 5906. A very well built 9mm semiauto once the primary weapon for many police departments.
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