I got snubbed! ;)


New member
No.. Wait... Thats not right...

I got a Snubbie... Yeah THATS it! :D

1860 snub nose with checkered thunderer grips to be exact....

Waited for Taylors... They finally called on the last day of last month, they never could figure out WHAT was taking Pietta so long to ship theirs, but they got em.

On the one hand I am actually a little LESS satisfied then I had thought I might be, but on the other hand I dont know that anyone else could have done any better, and the fact that YES, they DO still run each one by the smithy first, before sending them out, certainly made the waiting part worthwhile.

Fit and finish are about what Id expect from any recent Pietta... A rough or sharp edge here and there, but nothing a few minutes with the right stone wont fix. There IS a very noticeable spot behind the front sight, either marred in or where the blueing simply didnt take. Fairly nice case hardening on the frame though, and I LOVE those grips!!!

I pushed the wedge out with little problem at all, and my 7" confeteral barrel popped right in... Both it and the little 3" seem to have tiny little cylinder to barrel gaps, and though I have not shot it with either yet the internals themselves seem really nice as well.

Sorry for the short write up and no pix yet (but asap I promise!), but I have been deathly ill for the past little bit, and in fact spent yesterday afternoon hooked up to an IV. Spent today trying to get back on my feet a little and play catch-up. And have the grandkids tomorrow (HOPEFULLY taking them to the river as its gonna be 90F here, but we'll have to see). I did take a couple pix today but have to resize and upload them... Maybe take more.

Thats the ONE thing that really went wrong. I had spoken to a COUPLE different ladies there and they BOTH promised to send out an email with the UPS tracking info. Even had it noted at the bottom of the order. Well, it WASNT emailed out when the gun was shipped on Friday. I got kinda suspicious when I hadnt heard anything by Wednesday so I called them back and finally got it. Turns out the loosers at UPS claimed they couldnt find the address on MONDAY (even though they HAVE found it MANY times before!). They showed up "looking" at precisely the time the ol' lady coaxed me outa the house to try and get something to eat... Had the tracking Email come on time I would have been home and watching out for them, but instead I had to travel to another town, sick as a dog, Wed. evening to pick it up...

Shrugs... Oh well.. Alls well that ends well I suppose... I'll get on those pix and try to answer any questions as soon as the little ones give me a break... LOL
Looking forward to seeing it. Sorry you have not been well and I hope you feel better real soon, maybe some sulphur therapy will help. :D Its funny you mention that spot just behind the front sight. My Pietta 1862 "Police" has a round spot that is darker than the rest of the bluing in the same spot. I want to see if it looks like yours. I have no idea what it is or how it could have happened. Its a perfectly round circle. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow.
Looking forward to the pics. Seems those snub nosed revolvers would be a little more handy than the full size revolvers.
Seems those snub nosed revolvers would be a little more handy than the full size revolvers./QUOTE]

Hey in Deadpool, it was a tiny antique snubbed .25 mousegun that took out the main villain for good:D

In all seriousness now, I think the writer/director of Deadpool was a gunnie and he wanted to make the point clear, in a subliminal way that those little pocket and parlor guns are still very effective in a defensive situation, if you use them the right way.
Here is the "Pietta Spot" on my 62. Hopefully you can see it in the pics. Does yours look like this?
Looking forward to seeing it. Sorry you have not been well and I hope you feel better real soon, maybe some sulphur therapy will help. Its funny you mention that spot just behind the front sight. My Pietta 1862 "Police" has a round spot that is darker than the rest of the bluing in the same spot. I want to see if it looks like yours. I have no idea what it is or how it could have happened. Its a perfectly round circle. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow.

Thanks DS, its amazing how much harder it is to bounce back these days then it used to be! I'll be fine though, just took this particular virus a little too well is all... it happens. I was thinking barley and hops therapy myself LOL! Eh... the ol' lady and the doc didnt see the benefits of such a treatment course as well as I did it seems... :eek:

My marks are WAY smaller... and looking closer its actually TWO small round marks. I'm guessing mine is easier taken care of since its smaller but also I can cover it with a cold blue pen a lot easier then you can lighten yours.

How does it FEEL on that spot of yours??? Could it be a speck of rust or other impurity under the blueing itself???

I'll try and get a close up pick of mine to add to the others...
It feels as smooth as the rest of the barrel. It was like that when I took it out of the box from day one. I was thinking that it was maybe a finger print on the bare metal before hot bluing. But in that case the bluing would not have taken to the finger print, right? I've ran a patch through the inside of the barrel thinking it maybe a bad spot that goes all the way through to the bore. But that isn't the case either. So I just chock it up as character and blast on.
Ok... Been a heck of a day, but pix are on the way... :D

So I just chock it up as character and blast on.

Amen brother! I have no idea what it could be.. No, where it a fingerprint I doubt the blue would take over the oils of the skin... Besides, perfectly round like that? Looks a lot more like a drop of water then a finger...
Ok... This first one is all my black powder revs together, and to test and see if I remember how to post pix LOL!

Deerslayer303, I have to go back and resize the pic with my barrel marks... previewed at full size but it caused problems...
Ok... Try this one again...


There we go!

Not a big deal really... and nothing Im worried about... Just not really what I expected to see on a NEW revolver... Shrugs.. Still love her though!!! LOL
And here she is wearing a REALLY rough G&G barrel and cylinder... I really like this grip, and am thinking seriously about putting them on any colt I get...


And left side...

I just noticed you have the shoulder stock screws on the frame!

Certainly looks a bit smaller around the frame and cylinder compared to the Remingtons.
Did it come with a brass ram to use with a mallet to load?

I'd much prefer an installed loading lever, especially for range days. I've actually eyed reducing a pistol to where the lever is a stub you'd use a cheater bar on.

Yup! I specifically wanted an Eighteen SIXTY frame for exactly that reason... The '51 was cheaper, but I really wanted the ability to build an entire shooting "system" eventually... Snub barrel, Holster barrel, Carbine barrel and stock, etc... Plus I thought the snub '51 was ugly! LOL

Yeah its definitely smaller then the remmi...

Yup, it came with that rod... Just plain SPACED putting it in the pic, sorry! My idea is to load with a larger barrel and lever then switch over to the shorter barrel...

Oh NO!!! The 195gr wont fit!!! :( I "think" I can wiggle the 170 in... But not even THAT with the Confederal barrel and lever. Hmm... Looks like I may be getting a loading thing before long...
I've also looked at the various barrels including a 12" carbine with stock. Not sure if I'd got the convertible Colt way or just get the steel framed Remington. But then there's also the 18" Uberti carbine I've looked at.

Also wondered about modifying a Walker to use a stock. That would make a nice hog gitter!

Getting way off topic here...