I got shot at the range

Wow, well, I always wear my vest to the range. Never had something that bad, but I tell you what...Hot .308 brass that gets caught between your skin and a vest hurts like hell too!
For what its worth at the range(outdoor) I go to if you use a steel plinker(pistol range only) it has to be at least 25 yards out. Not that a ricochet couldnt still happen but it greatly reduces the chances. Glad to here your fine! Probably make you safer in the long run!
Never heard of that happening at a range.
I was shooting at rocks with my .44 mag and had a round come back and hit me square between the eyes. The copper jacket stuck in the skin and it took some pulling to get it out.
I don't shoot at rocks anymore.
In 1996 I was shooting in a state-wide fallin plate match in Birmingham. Not sure how many people were there, but they had six stages and all were active. I had finished on one stage and packed up my gear to move to the next. I had cautioned my wife to wear her safety glases at all times because of the possibility of splatter. As we were moving from one stage to another, I grabbed my side and fell to my knees. She asked what had happened? "I think I've just been shot!" I replied. Upon examination, there was a tear in my shirt, broken skin, slight bleeding and a whelp slightly larger than a silver dollar. I also recovered a slightly deformed .45 caliber SWC slug inside the shirt. I've still got it as a souvenier.

Don't know how it happened or who did it, but it hurt like crazy.
About 9 months ago I was at a local outdoor shooting range. I was shooting my brand new S&W Model 15. I shot at a spinning plate that had apperently been shot at with something big enough to cup the plate. When I hit the plate it sent the round right back at me and hit me in the ribs. Hurt like heck. It didn't break the skin but it buised like I had been shot point blank with a paintball gun. It does suck, don't want it to happen again thats fur sure.

Well, let me tell my story.....shootin steel plates at 25 yds, pickup in the driveway. This was in Madison county, NC where I used to live. Heard a loud clunk.....after several minutes of looking and wondering....found a spent 45LC lead bullet resting on the hood of the pickup.....right in the middle of a golf ball sized depression!
Taking a class taught in part by an Austin Swat officer - a fragment off a steel plate sliced the bottom of my chin. Direct pressure for awhile stopped it. Wife was mad at the bloody shirt.

How about casing bops!

I was at the Academics for the Second Amendment meeting and we went to the range. Some one was firing a 50 cal 1911 pattern. I was far away from the lanes but a casing bounced off the side of the lane and nailed me in the noggin.

Similarly, on the line in a course, a 45 ACP bopped me hard on the hard and left quit a bruise.
Thanks for the replies. I figured others had to have similar events.

I think next time I see the range getting to full capacity or some people handling firearms unsafely I'll make my exit immediately. Not an experience I want to repeat, but could have been worse after reading some of your replies.
Glenn, do you need to rephrase that last paragraph? ;)

I've been hit with a ricochet once. It was a .45 ACP 230 FMJ. Didn't hurt, but the bullet was still very warm.

The only other person I know of that was hit was Mike Irwin. We were shooting at steel plates and he took one on the chin. Bled just a little IIRC.
Wow, wake up call.

I shoot a lot and the worst that ever happened to me was hot ejected brass caught under my eyeware-I'm sure everyone knows how much fun that is.
I suspect something was out of control at your range when this occured. I'm talking about perhaps an inexperienced shooter doing god knows what 5 stalls down from you. Sometimes the rangemasters miss someone who needs a gentle talking to.
Still, it is totally possible that a controled shot from an experienced shooter bounced off something-who knows?
Thank you for sharing this experience, it reinforces the importance of what we've been taught about "range awareness."
Hot brass is a good test of will.

I just let it burn and keep firing I try not to allow anything to distract me, if I am shooting.
I look at it just like a shooting, if you will, where someone is shooting back.
If you get hit you can't stop shooting.

Same in a fight someone hits you, absorb and hit back that simple.

The Zen of shooting is my thoughts. LOL

The range I shoot at has recently gone to a requirement that all shooting at steel targets be done with frangible ammo. At least the pieces that hit you will be smaller:rolleyes:

Dr. Freud has caught me!!!

A 45 ACP casing from Karl Rehn's gun hit me and left quite a bump!!

My wife is asking why I'm laughing with tears in my eyes at the computer. :D
Funny, I went shooting yesterday, at an indoor pistol range, to the left of me two lanes down was a young couple shooting a rented fully auto MP5 to the right of me was a guy was shooting in the last lane next to the wall. The girl went to shoot the MP5 for the first time on full auto and the barrel I assume climbed on her, she shot too high, striking the metal bracket holding the cardboard backstop. Now I have had people shooting some loud stuff and I may flinch a little, but that metal on metal "bing, bing" sound scared the heck out of me. The guy to my right said he saw something strike the wall at around the 5 yard mark. and I felt a fragment of something strike my face near my left cheek. Felt like it was smaller that a BB, did not break the skin but it felt like I was looking at frying bacon when the grease popped. I was wearing eye protection, and now I always will. I think I'm avoiding crowded ranges also.
Shot Myself

back when i was young and stupid, i smashed my finger working on a 68 impala
it was winter,35 degrees,unheated shop in friends back yard,grabbed a .25 beretta that he kept over the door,shot the impala in the door from about 10 feet away,bullet ricocheted and hit me right on the knee cap, felt like someone hit me with a baseball bat,forgot about the pain in my finger real quick...no real injury(major bruise)...lesson,never hunt impalas with small caliber weapons
never hunt impalas with small caliber weapons

lol....now thats funny....

A buddy of mine once shot his wife's car with a .45 auto. Emptied the clip into the radiator/hood area. He killed it dead......:D
"The only other person I know of that was hit was Mike Irwin. We were shooting at steel plates and he took one on the chin. Bled just a little IIRC."

I remember that day.

I actually took it right over the left eye tooth. I really thought it had broken my tooth when it hit me it hurt so much.

It did nick my chin, as well.

Every time we've shot at that range I've been hit with small pieces of detritus coming back from the plates. That time it was just a lot larger.
Glad to hear you're okay!

That ricochet may not have anything to do with the crowd, but as a rule, I try to avoid a range if it's crowded. And I try to avoid a lane that has a guy on the lane to the left of me. I've gotten hit by shells from that left lane a few times.

And another thing is I check out the other attendees and if I see some yahoos, I try to get a lane as far away as possible.
This had everything to do with the crowd. We were shooting a falling steel plate match at a private range in Maryland. It was the only shooting venue open at that point.

One shooter at the line trying to knock down all the plates in the least amount of time.

No yahoos involved at all, and the RSO was running a very tight ship. It was just a factor of the range set up that day.