I got a delay on my background check? What in the heck?

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It happens. My buddy and I got our CCW at the same time and his was background was delayed. Mine sailed right on through. He ended up getting his CCW license like two weeks after I got mine.

Don't sweat it.
I get delayed every time. And they always call me two days later to come pick up my gun. I just took my Kentucky CCDW class so I should be able to get my permit in a couple of months.
I get delayed everytime due to my record. Even with a CCW there some law in KY about the issue date. So I got a Upin that fixed the problem with getting delayed.
I got a delay on my recent purchase of a shotgun. I don't have anything on my record that would prevent me from purchasing it. I have purchased many firearms with no problems. What is the deal with this?? Please help...
Always use your social security number on the form. I've seen 2 persons denied when they didn't use their SS#only to be approved the next day when they tried again with their SS#
I'm thinking a sticky on what "delay" means would be a good idea.

Repost of my reply to a similar thread:

OK, here's how it works.

The call is placed to Person A. Person A enters your information and provides a transaction number (NTN). He gets one of three results: proceed, delayed or denied.

Proceed is self-explanatory, as is denied.

A delay result gets forwarded to Person B. Person B can dig a bit deeper, say to make sure you're not THAT Expvideo. If Person B, based on the resources they have at the time, can clear it, they will, and it's a proceed.

(Incidentally, about 30-40% of transactions need a minute's review by Person B before they go to "proceed.")

The transaction remains delayed if Person B can't get the information to clear it up. This could mean any number of things.

Maybe there's an Expvideo in another state who jumped bail, and your personal information is similar, or maybe your name is flagged on a local system for something.

For example, if you were in a car accident this morning, your name has been entered into a local law-enforcement database. Even if it's not your fault and you weren't cited, the name is in there. States have differing ways of doing this, but in some, just having your name on a police report at all will throw up a yellow flag.

So, you go to buy a gun that evening at 5:05PM. NICS runs the check and finds that there's a yellow flag because of a recently-created record on the local level. Person A transfers the matter to Person B. Person B tries to look it up, but whatever local system your name is in closed up at 5:00PM. Result: delay.

Other people who are affected this way are judges, law enforcement and folks with government clearance. Why? Because your name is In The System, and if they can't verify why within a few minutes, it goes to delay.

Time constraints are another reason. They've got a flood of calls coming in and a limited number of operators to process them. So, if the system's slow, or if they can't get the information quickly enough, they'll let it default to "delay."

The whole NICS thing has improved a great deal over the last few years (since Holder hasn't been running it), but it's still got a few wrinkles.
NICS Delay

NICS has delayed my hand gun purchase, it has been two weeks already, do I need a security clearance like when you join the military to pass an nics check?
Welcome to tfl!

Welcome jrod1305! No you don't need a security clearance , but if there is something in your record that would be a problem for a clearance, it might be a problem for your purchase as well. Might be.

Talk to your dealer, if you are not a prohibited person, and the system has just "hung up" somewhere, there is an appeals process. Your dealer should be able to explain it better.

A word of advice, before posting in a thread, take a look at the date of the last post. It is better to start a new thread than revive a very old one. Posting into a thread about an NCIS delay from SEVEN YEARS AGO means a lot of old, and likely outdated information.

We're closing this one, feel free to start a new thread so we get current and timely discussion.
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