I get no respect

603Country, warbirdlover....like it or not, hunting in a box, sittin' next to a Mr. Heater IS "new age hunting". Same with sittin' over bait. 45 years years ago there was no such thing as a Mr. Heater, nor did folks build big box stands to sit in. One was lucky to be able to keep their hands warm for an extra hour or two with one of those lighter fluid hand warmers, if you could stand the smell. 45 years ago folks didn't consider baiting ethical, nor was it even legal in most states for hunting deer. I remember in the old days when a "salt lick" was a dirty word in hunting camps. Nowadays comfy hunting blinds with heat and even TV sittin' over a bait pile or food plot is the norm. Gotta pour a coupla gallons of "C'meer Deer" or "Deer CoCain" on the ground just for good measure. While it is still considered hunting for many, if you two really did hunt the way you claim in your "old days", you know it does not compare as far as quality of hunt. It is more of a shoot. IMHO, Hunting is actively seeking your prey....not teaching it to come to you. Have you earned the right to hunt like that? Sure you have, so have I, but it don't mean I don't still try to get in some time hunting the old fashioned way. Us old farts can sit in our plywood boxes and reminisce about wading thru the swamps and catching a buck sleeping on a little patch of highground. Unfortunately many younger hunters will never experience this, as box hunting is all they've ever done. Same is why they can't find their way outta the woods without a GPS, cause they never have had to. Same reason they don't think they can make it into their box 200 yards into the woods without a 4 wheeler. Sheese...... that's a long way to walk, much less drag a deer! Hunting using skills as opposed to bait and high tech feeders and game cams is a lost art to most.....and it's sad. That was my rant.
Warbirdlover, you ride a goldwing? Take pics of war planes? the name is familiar.

No, I think he would ride a Harley.

Back on subject here. buck460XVR, made a good point about how hunting has changed with time. Such as the time most of us older guys just wore blue jeans and the only camo we had at the time was woodland camo. We had climbing tree stands and other than a built wooden ladder stand we had never seen a metal ladder stand. We hunted off of the ground, did alot of walking and we endured the bitter cold. At times our feet got so cold and we swore that we were not hunting the next day. We seemed to forget all about that after it warmed up some or when shot our deer. For the last 2 or 3 years my brother in law and I have been talking about building some box blinds that we can hunt out of, especially on wet and cold days. Well, we have been slack and talk that stuff every year. Seems like when deer season ends we seem to forget about it or get busy down on the farm. I am hoping this year we get some built and maybe later during the deer season we can enjoy a warm dry box blind on a cold rainy day. I might just invest in one of those Mr. Heaters to go in the blind. Somehow all of that seems to be cheating, but I guess we have to change with the times. When we get older I suppose we must make things a little simpler and easier on ourselves. :)
Buck460 and BigR do have some good points about hunting the old way and the new way. Still, my 'way' of hunting is basically the same as it was. I've always taken the time to see where the deer are moving to and from, and where the best acorns are (White Oak acorns are sweeter). If I know those things, I'll know where the doe are and that will tell me where the bucks will eventually be. With that information, killing deer is pretty simple. Over the years, I've probably killed 300 or so. Killing one more isn't so very important to me these days, but the hunting part (being in the woods) is time well spent. I hunt on my own place these days, and with the deer movement data I have, I suppose I could sit on a stool or a ladder stand to take the shot, or I could just sit up against a tree. That's what I used to do, and my old camo hunting stool is still in the barn. But, I have box blinds in most of the places where I'd put the stool. And let's face it, a shot from a stool, ladder stand, or from the ground is no more or less of a challenge than a shot from a box blind. So I'll hunt my way and Buck460 can hunt his way. And that statement he made to Warbirdlover and me questioning if we had really done the things we said we did was insulting. I did what I said I did, and I don't see that Warbird and I deserved that cheap shot.:(
When I started hunting & camping my tent (rolled up) was about the size of a loaf of bread and all my gear fit nicely in the back of a small car. A couple of dozen years have passed and it takes a full-sized pickup to haul the gear I "need" these days, I'm a big fan of being comfortable even in primitive conditions. I've done very little box blind hunting but after my last hunt I'm a big fan of them. Warm, dry, comfortable concealment is a very good thing.
Hunting is not supposed to be uncomfortable unless you make it that way, IMO. These are just a few examples: if it's just too darn uncomfortable for me, I will come out of my stand and head back to camp on my 4 wheeler;). I go hunting alot and have too many better hunts ahead of me in a season. Hunting doesn't have to be a gruesome, unbearable, miseable time, I choose to enjoy my hunting time. The thing about hunting is to have fun, have all the best things to enjoy your hunt and spending time with the outdoors, with friends and family being safe is most important. Before someone may rant, how many of these superhunters have hunted without a scope? I can remember when I killed many of deer walking with just a lever action 30-30 with iron sights running full blast through palmettos out to 150 yards, maybe I was lucky hitting them in the vitals almost every shot but I can say I don't miss them days one bit, haha. I enjoy my box stand with a heater and a interesting new hunting magazine to read much better, oh and I have a scope now that I like on my high powered hunting rifle, I am not embarrassed, I've done well over the years with been there and do something easier now. On a further note: I do like walking nowadays with a beaded shotgun loaded with buckshot if I get the urge, brings back old memories, but I know that is limited to a close range event.
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Warbirdlover, you ride a goldwing? Take pics of war planes? the name is familiar.

No, I love WWII fighter planes. My father-in-law (deceased) flew P-38's in the Pacific theatre in WWII and I used to design and sell them for use in Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2004. Here's a couple I built along with our team. The guy who paints them is from Crete, Greece. The guy that makes the flight model is in the aerospace industry. The guy that makes the sounds is an acoustical engineer for Caterpillar. I did the Cad model and animated it. The Aerospace guy designed and animated the P-51. Also made a website in honor of my FIL....




Warbird I think your stand is awesome your kids have shown you no respect LOL!
I have hunted Minn. for 45 plus years and the hunting has changed, We used to still hunt / make drives / etc. now you can't do that. The no trespass laws / along with leases / and posted land have put a halt to all that. So now we too sit in stands its just the way it is. At this time in my life I don't think I could make it thru some of the swamps we used to hunt.
I have hunted the western states and it is very different hunting there compared to the woods hunting. We used to hunt Montana on 20,000 plus acres for a bottle of JD and a roll of snuff. Now that rancher wants a grand to hunt his land. Times have changed for sure.
We (wife) drove thru Wis this fall on my way hunting my gosh for road kills , I could not believe it, we stopped counting around 50.
I go wandering along, sneaky-snaking, and decide to sit for a while on a hillside, backed up to a boulder, a tree or some brush. How is that different from climbing up into a tree, whether or not there is a stand in the tree? Or different from climbing into a box blind to watch for a while?

But if I'm in country where sneaky-snaking is well-nigh impossible--and there are several million acres of that, just in Texas, much less Florida--why should I not opt for comfort?

I've never understood the apparent belief on the part of some people that extreme discomfort or hardship somehow gets one closer to God. :D I'll refrain from pointing out that avoidance of comfort might well be related to a lack of intellectual competence. :D:D:D

More coffee...
Maybe the hard core guys are like my much respected cousin. He was a rifle hunter for many years, but it got too easy for him, so he got longer range rifles and shot deer from further away. That lost its charm eventually and he went to blackpowder hunting. Then on to bow hunting, where he is now. When I see him up a tree, buck nekkid, with a spear, I'll know that he has finally gone nuts. He is a great hunter.
I'll refrain from pointing out that avoidance of comfort might well be the lack of intellectual competence

Kinda like riding your motorcycle every day back and forth to work all winter long in 10 to 20 degree weather, freezing in the sleet and snow when you have a nice, warm car setting in the garage right next to the bike. Just so you could say you did it. :rolleyes:

Guess who used to do that many years ago? :o

I don't think freezing to death made me any more of a motorcycle rider than what I am today, a decent weather rider.
Just maybe, a little smarter...
....but to some today, I'm sure I'm not considered 'a true bike rider'.

A couple younger guys I often ride with will call me up in the middle of a torrential downpour and want to go riding.
When I tell them, "No, if I'm out on the bike and it starts raining, that's one thing, but I'm not gonna blast off from the house in the rain". They tell me, I'm nothing but a fair weather rider.

But they both know I have more miles backing bikes up then they have traveling time. ;)
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I think it looks great. I am thinking about building one myself. Probably smaller with bigger/lower windows so I can sit in it.
I got my first deer outside a drive Saturday from a chair blind. First time I hunted from it. I was warm, could move my arms without worrying about movement, and very comfortable. I am done with the other gimmicks, blinds for me from now on.

I may get one that is a little bigger.
...And a buddy heater :)
The windows are high but I sit in my stand. I've got a swiveling barstool with a footrest and is very comfortable. I put the windows high so I could shoot sitting or standing. That was my "plan"... :p