I gave in to the paranoia...

Paranoia has not hit me and I still feel safe with my little TCP. I live in the sticks with very little crime and don't go to large shopping centers (since there are none within many miles of me).
I use the layered option approach. In my suburban home environment I daily carry a S&W 3953 single stack 9mm. When I have to go to Baltimore or its immediate environs it is swapped for a Glock 19.
QUOTE: "...I'd opt for the Smith and Wesson 627 - 2.5" barrel 8-shot .357 revolver. Midsize gun that can still be carried..."

It can be carried, sure, but I think it's a bit of a reach to call any Smith N-frame revolver "midsize".
Where I live only shooting in the 15 years I been here was with a 22 . I carry a 380 around here. If I have to go to the crime cities of Lexington or Louisville Ky. I switch to a 1911 and 2 extra mags . I also call the Ky NG and put them on alert. :D
When I have to go to Baltimore or its immediate environs it is swapped for a Glock 19.

If I have to go to the crime cities of Lexington or Louisville Ky. I switch to a 1911 and 2 extra mags

Convenient that criminals, psychos, ect... are not allowed to leave Baltimore, Lexington, other large cities. ;)
I'm not taking any chance of not surviving so I got a Glock G29 10mm with 10+1 of Uw 200 XTP. I have a 3 mag pouch with G20 mags in it, 2 with 200 XTP and 1 with 200 FMJ.

I hope 56 rounds is enough. :rolleyes:
Ponder reality:

The vast majority of the time, police respond after a citizen calls - most likely the person trying to kill you has either succeeded, dropped or fled.
After you (or a witness) calls they will show up 3, 6, (30) minutes later, you either saved yourself or not.
When you are at a Mart, restaurant, parking lot, ____, you encounter the same people (psychos, criminals) as police, most of the time you make first contact.
If some psycho is inclined to rob a person do you think they will go for a uniformed officer or a civilian?
Stack the odds in your favor: carry a pistol that you can shoot accurately, quickly, repeatedly, with ammunition designed to incapacitate quickest.
Convenient that criminals, psychos, ect... are not allowed to leave Baltimore, Lexington, other large cities. ;)

More convenient that the average criminal is too lazy
to go more than a few miles from their home to bother anyone...