I gave in to the paranoia...


New member
Usual carry piece is a 7 shot 380. Would prefer a little more power but really want light and compact and none of the small 9s are close enough to the compact size of my 380.

But after watching one too many videos of angry mobs dragging people of the wrong color out of their cars during violent protests I dug out the old Model 659 carrying 15 rounds of +P+ JHPs and tucked it beside the seat. If the mob is truly determined I may only get or two shots off and I want to make the most of them. If the mob scatters like cockroaches at the first shot (far more likely from what I've seen) then I want to make the biggest noise I can to encourage such behavior.

I carried the 659 for years in my vehicle and before that it saw service with the Atlanta PD so it has been around the block a few times.
I understand.

For me, my Makarov PM is still effective IMHO. Considering how it has proven itself to be reliable over thousands of rounds and is highly accurate, I trust in it to do it's job if needed:


With 8+1 rounds of Underwood 9x18mm +P XTPs and several spare magazines in the car, I feel well armed against any roving bands who wish to discriminate against me because of my white skin.
I am a little more paranoid, lately I have been carrying a S&W M&P 9,and the M&P 9 compact as a backup with a spare mag. I live in Utah and we don't have many mobs roaming around, just LDS missionaries :D. No, I am not Mormon.
Having lived in Utah for 9 years as a non LDS'r I understand your fear of rampant missionary's. Kinda like the current fear of clowns. :):):)
Don't get too complacent, kenny. Utah has a pretty large and growing population of folks from south of our border and as that population grows they become more and more assertive about how things are run and what they are "entitled" to. I'll just leave it at that.
There must be bad Mexicans because television is full of them. But it seems that I've never met a bad one, and I've met plenty. I've never seen them beg, and I've run into plenty of beggars. I've been ripped off, but never by Mexicans. In my experiences they are hard working, friendly and praiseworthy.
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Mob mentality is not race based anytime you get a mob riled up and the energy feeds off itself. The people making up the mob leave reason behind and think their numbers outweigh any resistance to it when the leaders meet force they they can't overcome it usually dies out.
How are you leaving it? I live in Utah. It's totally safe. Only real fault is it has a completely homogeneous white population with zero diversity. Since I am a man of the 21st century, that doesn't strike me as a great thing.
I did a similar transition. I pocket carried, a Charter Bulldog .44Sp up to a couple of months ago.
I switched to a XD mod2 .45acp.
With the Bulldog I have five rounds equal to to the .45acp balisticaly, and two speed strips.
Gives me seventeen rounds with three reloads.
With the XD I have 9+1, with the spare magazine of 13 rounds. Twenty three rounds with one reload.
And it's only a couple of ounces heavier then the Bulldog.
So I'll carry the XD for awhile.
Its not paranoia. Its called reality. I learned about it when I saw the truck driver Reginald Denny being drug out of his truck and hit in the head with a brick during the L.A. riots. That was a game changer for me. Thats when I had a gun in my truck full time. Most of the time it was a handgun of some sort. For most of the time it was illegal for me to do so. Now its legal in my home state of Tx.

Up until about 6 months ago my truck gun was a model 65 with a 4" barrel. But I changed out to a S&W SW9VE 9mm with a spare 15rd mag. Plus a Marlin model 75C 22lr and a snuff can with 50rds of ammo. And a couple of knives, a machete and a small hatchet. I am not paranoid. I am prepared. I travel around the state a lot.

A small hideout gun is nice. But if you can carry a bigger gun with more ammo then why not? It just makes sense.
I witnessed the same riot (and a few more) from my truck also. In all cases my 1911 and spare mags were within reach.
Nothing like seeing fires within a block or two of the freeway on a daily basis. Or a riot spread onto the freeway (Magic Mountain riot) stopping all traffic while they went from car to car. In the latter case I was returning from a camping trip, towing my trailer with my wife and two daughters in the truck with me.
Definitely not paranoia, not legal but necessary none the less. (Although I guess I could have just plowed my way through the rioters if necessary)
I'm reconsidering

This week the FBI released more information and some video from the St. Cloud mall attack here in Minnesota. A part time cop who is an experienced handgunner shot ten times and hit with 6 from what appears to be a full sized service weapon before the knife wielding attacker finally stopped. There were no drugs found in the man's system. So would my usual carry, a 9mm Shield with no spare magazine have been enough to stop this man? Right now my only comfort is that at my age I wouldn't be trying to chase somebody down and stop them, just get them to leave me and my wife alone.
The part-time cop at the St. Cloud mall was a guy named Jason Falconer, a true hero.

A report said a surveillance video “shows the officer shooting, and the suspect falling and getting back up three times, and at one point lunging toward Falconer.”

Falconer was a good shot and very fortunate.
I 2'nd the Makarov but as a back up. That is what I use my Makarov for. I load it with Russian 109gr FMJ military ammo. Thats ammo as some real pop to it. My normal carry most of the time is my CZ,75BD/or 75compact in 9mm. With two ex mag's on me. Plus 100-150 rounds of ammo in the glove box. If not that then it my Sig,226 in 40s&w with two ex mags & same ammo in G/B. Same thing here I see the riot's & don't want to be killed or my wife raped & killed I just want to have a fighting chance to get home alive if that happens to me.
If I were looking to carry a gun that packs the most punch but still has 8 shots, I'd opt for the Smith and Wesson 627 - 2.5" barrel 8-shot .357 revolver. Midsize gun that can still be carried. Yes, it's on my list.
I will agree that my daily carry has changed as well. My S&W J frame was a daily carry for many years but I find I have swapped over to my auto's for more rounds on tap and faster reloads. I found that with groups of people a semi would give me a better ratio for each criminal to get his fair share.
I have carried a Glock 21 in 45 acp or S&W model 19 in 357 mag. Recently I purchased a Glock 30s 45 acp, holds 10 rounds in the mag and 1 in the chamber. It has become my main carry gun. It is just my personal preference to carry a 45 acp for self defense.