I found where all the ammo is going . . .

Uhm, you guys are really showing your ignorance. He is one of the most successful and well know firearms person around. Google his name and get educated.

He is the national spokesman for Smith & Wesson and holds many shooting records. Probably the most famous shooter since Annie Oakley.
He's earned the right to be as messy as he wants.
Everyone knows who he is Jag.
just happens to have a massive natural talent for it.

Somebody said to Stan, a USPSA Grand Master: "I wish I had your talent."
Stan replied: "Talent is good. But ten years and a million rounds of practice helps."

An investigator once X-rayed Ed McGivern's gun hand and concluded that the greater than usual angle between his trigger finger and his other fingers and hand bones accounted for his speed. Ed replied, "It might, but then 20 years of shooting might have shaped it like that, too."
Two political science students are sitting in their bathing suits at a table near the pool. The first says “Have you read Marx?” The second says “yes, its these wicker chairs.”

You see, that’s a funny joke because the second guy heard “red marks” when the first guy said “read Marx.”

See, that’s a joke that needs explaining. Who Jerry is, on this board, should not be one of them! !!
All great examples of talent plus years of intense practice producing incredible ability.

Just look at Jerry’s forearms. Huge muscular forearms that have spent some time gripping firearms! His precision and speed of action are mind blowing. Can’t imagine the amount of shooting he does. For how long? The last 30+ years or more? That is dedication to a craft. And he still speaks with the enthusiasm of a young up and coming competitor.

I thank him though for making coated cast bullets widely and affordably available to those of us who do not cast. I imagine he gets as much free factory ammo as he wants to shoot. So the coated bullet thing seems like him just being a shooting enthusiast, knowing what others will want and investing in setting up a business for that need. S&W couldn’t have recruited a better brand representative!