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    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

I Finally Get The Thf!

This is actually one of the best "tame" (if you want to put a label on it)/ ladies and gentleman firearm sights there are out there nowadays.....one of the couple that I open daily to check out. Many forums started nicely, but have made a turn for the gutter, trolling, and just generally bad manners and form. :( I've deleted many from my favorites at this point, never to see them again. This sight is packed with the best group of people and wealth of knowledge bar none! Very casual, with at least a barometer of decency.
+1 for TFL! :D
I for one applaud the mods for keeping a firm grip on it, lest it become just more internet fodder. This site is the best "value" I've seen to date.
*With that in mind....is it about time for a contribution drive to the forum, to keep it going as we appreciate it today?
TFL and the Ruger forum are the two I browse

along with Packing Dot Orge... which got pretty wierd the last month but has calmed down. Some one had a vendetta or something and kept putting trash on the site. ruger forum is a lot tamer than this one....mostly old geezer collectors but lots of good info on Rugers.

I was surprised when I started participating that there weren't more 'knut jobs' on these list. Most folks seem pretty up front and helpful. But then I'm one of those evil liberals .... yep a conservative's worse nightmare... a gun toten' liberal.
Pay and benefits? Haw, haw! Now, in reality the benefits are right here and though they may not be tangible benefits, they are benefits, nontheless. You have to want to do this.

Back on topic ... maas hit on it. Now and then a long time lurking member will make his/her first post and you wonder why they waited so long to join in. You think there's a lot of knowledge on this board? You're right. But if you had any idea of the talent here that chooses to not post and get mixed up with some of the stuff they see on this board today, I'd venture to say you would all be astounded.

Think about it. Authors, radio personalities, industry executives, factory reps, well known gun rights organizations, politicians, government staffers ... many from these walks of life are registered but have never posted and even more lurk and read here without registering. But most of them that used to come here, don't any more. Why would these successful, knowledgeable and in some cases influential, people jump into a thread titled, "OKOK choose my next gun!" or "hey, did I mess up?" or "which one should I get .45 or 9mm?" or "will .22 Mag stop a bear?"?? :D They need knowledge and they have knowledge to share. They are willing to share if we are willing to listen. But as long as we are worried about post count and who's a senior member and credibility is tied to those, we'll never know what we are missing.
Yeah but senior member ask smarter questions. Observe.........
If you were traveling through space like really really fast and you took a shot at a space goat 20yds in front of you would the speed you were going overtake the speed of the bullet causing you to shoot yourself? Or would the speed you were going exceed the speed of the bullet so far that the gun would blow up? Or would you overtake the bullet, shoot yourself, and crash into the space goat causing a catostrophic disruption in space and time so severe that your head would simply explode? And would this make the space goat so angry that he would lead a massive space goat offensive against earth and destroy life as we know it?:confused:
No seriously I respect all forum users the same without taking junior or senior member ranking into account. Who knows if the junior member has been a gun smith, etc. for the last 20 years and is just new to the forum?
atta boy heist!!! ill go along with that. that way people would think im a junior member from here on out:D
heist said:
I'm all for removal of postcount and postcount based titles.
I'm all for that. 'Specially the titles. Just a join year would be good enough. That way, the long time registered member (but first time poster) would be right in there with the rest of us. Post count could be on your profile page.
"But if you had any idea of the talent here that chooses to not post and get mixed up with some of the stuff they see on this board today, I'd venture to say you would all be astounded."

I guess I'll stick around and hope they decide to share someday.

Meanwhile, we'll have as much fun as we can, right? ;)

Maybe not as much fun as we can. :D But we'll have fun.

With that, I'll move this one. It's not fireams related, but I was pleased to see someone say, "I get it!" and let it go for a while.

Off to Suggestions & Revelations forum.
As in all communities, cyber or otherwise - there will be a certain amount of disagreements - some vehement - concerning the opinions expressed by the membership, that said sometimes our emotions get the best [or worst] of us.

Ya, you gotta watch out for all those Savage owners, they are kinda protective of thier accutrigger boom sticks.

As far as the celebs, experts lurking around, do a search for Gale Mcmillian (god rest his soul). He actually was a senior member before he passed away. Kinda interesting to read his words of wisdom, especially now that he is no longer with us and has joined the big gun club in the sky. Happy shooting!

:D I had to say this! Remington Rules; Savage Sucks!!!!!:D
:o but I like my 'boom stick' so much.... :o

I've learned a lot here. I hope I've helped a little. Great folks and great times.....
To be perfectly, brutally honest, Gale's time on TFL was a long time ago by internet standards. I'm not sure he'd bother today.
I do believe you are correct, Don. There's no way he'd be found here today. I may have different reasons for thinking that, but I agree.
It's only a few words in the template. Shouldn't take more than twenty seconds to encapsulate in <!-- -->

If I remember from when I was hacking around with vB more regularly, it would be $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts].