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I Finally Get The Thf!


Not to long ago i posted a thread about the senior members being rude and not understanding the new members and so on and so fourth. I almost left the forum because of this. Now i get it. It just takes time to understand the site and the people here. Im hooked now! Will never leave this site, and to the senior members....THANKS FOR THE HELP BROTHERS!!!!!!
As in all communities, cyber or otherwise - there will be a certain amount of disagreements - some vehement - concerning the opinions expressed by the membership, that said sometimes our emotions get the best [or worst] of us.

But hopefully, we all remember that we are linked by the common thread of responsible firearm ownership and as representatives thereof.

I was in the same boat with you. Some of the senior members made my blood boil when reading about the stupid questions being posted.:mad: :mad::mad: It took 3 weeks before I would even open this sight. After using the search feature, most of the questions that I wanted to post had been. As a senior member I can see how the same old thread would be tiresome to sort through to get to legitimate discussion. So for now I am content to post less and read through other threads to learn information.
You too can be a senior member. You'll still get dumped on. There is always someone here who will dump on you. Just ignore it. The moderators are pretty good. I've not had a moderator rip me (yet). Gotten a few sarcastic comments but I haven't been "called out".

There is a forum I won't name that if you really want to get crapped on you can join ....
I just want to say thanks to everyone in here- junior or senior member. Everyone has been very nice to me, even when I am being a tid-bit clueless...
Lots of members, Senior & otherwise (keeping in mind that "Senior" only means having over a certain number of posts and has nothing to do with how long they've been using firearms or the forum) tend to forget everbody is a "newbie" at some point.

I've seen fairly new members also post a "not this tired old subject again" as well as members that have been around for a few years.

To be fair all around though, the written word - the format of Internet forums - is very difficult to use as a medium.
There's no facial expressions or voice inflections to go by.
Not everyone (in fact darn few) is able to convey a message in a written manner.

(If writing was easy, we'd all be published best sellers, right?)

Often, what's taken a rude when written, if spoken would be a simple wry comment.

Other times, what someone is trying to convey can be taken completely the wrong way.

A couple of months ago I made a comment about how much I enjoyed seeing a "lurker" post on a subject, after a long time, but often silent member made a comment.
I consider "lukers" to be in the same class a a "wise old sage", - the type that only says something if it's very important to them or if they have something extremely worthwile to add.
My remark, which was intended to be a high compliment, was taken by the other poster as a huge insult.

Anyhow - enjoy and remember to take everything with a large grain of salt. <-- it helps toughen the skin ;) :D
just me

The longer I stay the more I learn.

There are NO stupid questions; there are, however, stupid people, ay?
As with any of this

We often miss the point that ...you don't have to read a post or answer it. I usually stop even looking after 10 or 12 replys unless it is something I have already responded to or just peeks my interest.

If you don't take it too personally then it's cool. Everyone has a different opinion and some come on a little strong.

as in don't shoot at water, in a pond, or the bullet will bounce back and kill you.... I swear somefolks never got how stupid that was...

Anyway... welcome and learn which parts of TFL are your favorites and hang out there....
just because a person makes a lot of post's doesn't make them smart. take me for an example i have over 550 posts, but that doesn't mean that i know any more than the new member. also i have read member posts that were very well thought out, insightful and articulate and they didn't even have 20 posts yet. this is also why i don't play the age card.

.....old timers that stay up to date on guns are the best to ask a question. but an old timer that shoots say a 97 winchester and hasn't been up to date on firearms in the past 40+ years is the wrong person to ask about a back bored browning gold. this also works in reverse a young buck might only know that he has a shotgun that shoots 12ga shells, another might know everything there is to know about the guns that they own, making them a specialist in that feild.
Hey Bud,
Got a tear in my eye too! Thread count and 50 cents will get you a lousy cup of coffee! I come here to learn and enjoy a good debate. High thread counts don't equate necessarily to knowledge or expertise!If your able to separate the wheat from the chaff then this can be a valuable resource!!
Hey, bobhwry! Where are you finding 50cent coffee? It's getting where I can't even make a decent cup at home for that. :D

Just to be adding a comment, remember that a person with 2 posts might have several thousand over on another firearms forum.
