I feel like a proud papa,,,


New member
Tomorrow morning a young lady I introduced to handgun shooting,,,
Will be taking the class towards obtaining her carry permit.

I'm loaning her a Bersa Thunder 22 and 100 rounds of Mini-Mags,,,
She likes revolvers much better but doesn't want a permit limited to revolvers only.

When we first started she had never touched a handgun,,,
Now after only a few months she is scary proficient with my model 36 snubbie.

The funny thing about that is she has never used it in single action,,,
She can burn five fast shots in a 4" circle at Tueller's 21 feet,,,
If she shoots slower she can keep them all in a 2" circle.

For Christmas her step-dad is paying for half of her chosen handgun,,,
She has picked out the S&W 442 in .38 as her gun.

Another one on our side,,,


I've found women learn marksmanship pretty quickly,,,
Probably because they don't have an ego to get in the way of instruction,,,
The women I've taught take to it pretty easily,,,
Although they don't usually enjoy much recoil.

,,... -!,


I believe I've said it before, but you are a good person. I'm very happy you are able to help a new generation better understand the potential of firearms and to help them understand what an important Right they are.
Good job!

Have her take the 442 to a smith for a good trigger job. She does not need to lighten the springs.
Smoothing out the action will make the gun feel crisp and clean. My 642 needed serious attention when I ordered it.
Have her take the 442 to a smith for a good trigger job. She does not need to lighten the springs.
Smoothing out the action will make the gun feel crisp and clean. My 642 needed serious attention when I ordered it.

Dry fire, X 1000. Then she should decide if she needs to do anything about the trigger.
I took my wife shooting recently, it was her first time. Loaded up the 226, and gave her a basic lesson. She then put the loaded mag in, sling shot the weapon and away she went.
Had a standard shillouette target set up at 7 yards. She shot the whole mag, with a very nice group centered right in the chest area. I told her "thats some great shooting, for a first timer", I said, "you are a real natural. "
She looked at me with a half smile grin and said, " I was aiming for the head..."
Oh well if that were a bad guy he'd be dead anyway... lol
"...I've found women learn..." Yep. They pay attention, are far easier to teach, do what you tell 'em and don't think they're "natural shots" or John Wayne. Highly unlikely you'll ever hear one say, "I'm good in (insert PC game here)." either.

Thanks for the good thoughts gentlemen,,,
It is greatly appreciated.

I looked up from my desk to see a very happy young lady,,,
Courtney just appeared at my office door,,,
Holding her Certificate of Completion.

She passed the written and practical test with no problem,,,
Now it's just getting a passport picture taken,,,
And submitting her application.

She should be licensed in about 60 -70 days from now.

One more lady who refuses to be a passive victim.


Have her take the 442 to a smith for a good trigger job. She does not need to lighten the springs.
Smoothing out the action will make the gun feel crisp and clean. My 642 needed serious attention when I ordered it.

I would have to respectfully disagree. I think the S&W J-frame trigger is perfectly fine the way it comes. It takes a lot of practice and determination to get it down but its well worth it. It's true, the trigger does get better with use but it fine out of the box. The other great thing about mastering the j-frame trigger is once you master it, you can handle most other triggers out there.
The 442 isn't set in stone as yet,,,

She likes the look and feel of the 442,,,
But it's not set in stone that she will get one,,,

I'm trying to keep my personal prejudices out of the decision mix,,,
So I'm not recommending any one handgun over the other,,,
Except to steer her away from Charter, Taurus, & Rossi.

In this case the price difference is negligible,,,
So there's no reason to cheap out.

She has fired my RB model 36 snubbie,,,
As well as my 3" SB model 36,,,
She did better with the 3".

And she took to DA shooting like a duck to water.

If it wasn't one of my very favorite ladies,,,
I would have the hammer bobbed and sell her my 3" model 36.

BTW, The very same Saturday she was taking the class,,,
I started another young lady on the path

Life is good. ;)

