I feel like a frog - how about you?

Speaking of the media; in my Sunday paper I read an AP article with a Seattle dateline. Headline: Police trying to determine what set Gunman off. Seems this guy stabbed 1, clubbed 1, ran over 1 with car, etc. Can't recall all the details. Cops chased him to an unoccupied home. There he FOUND a gun in the house and started shooting. A Deputy was hit by a ricohchet. Therefore people, the guy is a GUNMAN. I am NOT defending the guy, I am condemning the damn media.
Yep - they know that if they just put the word "gunman" in the title, everyone will focus on that word. Most will be passing by and not even read that article, but envision what happened by the title. See that day after day after day 1000's of times over, and you are programmed that guns are a serious problem.
Two reporters from opposing papers were discussing the merits of their respective papers one day when one tells the other they would sell more copies if they didn't disclose all of the story details in the head line.
When asked for an example the first reporter sited an incidnet the past week in which the opposing paper head line read:

Escaped Mental Patient Molest Local and Flees.

The second reporter then asked how the others head line read. He simply stated:

Nut Screws and Bolts.

It's all a matter of presentation. ;)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
NRA guys, I'm sorry, but I don't see that they're doing jackdammit to help us.

I'm not worried about not being heard because it's just li'l ol' me; the weasels don't listen to any of us. Period.

I'll take the money that I would otherwise send to the NRA, and spend it on ammo instead. That's about the only thing the JBTs understand: not logic, not law, just overwhelming force.