I caught the bug...

I really need to stop buying guns for a while, and get a good digital camera. I usually end up with fuzzy, or glare filled picks when I try to post them.
I wanted a Mak for a while. When Cole Distributors had E. German Maks marked C&R in their tent at the Knob Creek MG shoot a few years ago, I grabed one up like a Put Bull on a pork chop!
Great little gun. Accurate, reliable, easy shooting, and pretty economical. Until ammogeddon anyway.:eek:
Mere's a little something to help feed the bug Melkiper. :D
My three 9X18's
Top to bottom CZ 82, East German Makarov, Polish P64

Walther P1

I'm not big into the rifles, so only have a few (.308 Spanish Mauser, .303 British Lee Enfield, Sino-Sovet SKS, Stevens 101-16 .22 semiauto) but I am big into handguns, not so much as collectibles but for shooters as well, so would recommend the following;

A Tokarev (Romy, Yugo or Polish)
A Makarev
Polish P-64
Beretta Model 1951 (9 mm Para)
Sistema Colt (.45 ACP)
(as well as the CZ 82 you already have)

None are very expensive and all shoot readily-available (that' a relative term nowadays) ammo--no need to depend on dwindling surplus supplies, and replacement parts are easy to find.