I can't believe we are bashing the NRA!!!


New member
I can't believe my eyes as I read how everybody is so upset that the NRA has decided to scale back the activities at the Denver convention! Everybody is crying in their beer that we won't have a chance to show our good side and our solutions for these shootings to the public.

If the NRA were to have the convention, just who do you think besides the attendees would see or hear our message? Do you really think that the news media would help us clear the air? If you do, I have a bridge I would like to sell you. I remember a couple of years a go when the media crucified the NRA for having it's convention the same day as the Waco incident and the Oklahoma bombing. Then I think it was a year later, the NRA was crucified again for a convention after one of the other school shootings. The media had a field day showing small children at the convention aiming and holding big guns.

This kind of propaganda when used against us, scares the heck out of the moderates and the women voters. So who cares about the moderates and the soccer moms? We should!

Our future battles will be won or lost fighting for the undecided middle. Extremism is not the answer. Take George Bush Jr. for example, he is known as compassionate conservative. He reaches out to the middle while still holding to his conservative foundation. A lot of us would rather have Pat Buchannon as president, but he doesn't have a snowballs chance, and neither do we if we don't reach out to the middle.

I'm not saying we should compromise away our freedoms. We should just not give the media a free shot at us at a time like this. Do we really trust them to give us a chance to air our views when they have through out the years done just the opposite? We can regroup and fight a better fight later on our terms.

So, come on guys. Let's give the NRA the benefit of the doubt on this one for now. We can and must win the hearts and minds of the undecided middle of the roaders. Talking about "jack booted thugs" will not help us win converts where we need them. If Rosie O'Donnel hates the NRA so much, it must be doing something right. Right?


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[This message has been edited by nralife (edited April 23, 1999).]
Believe it. Look, the NRA wouldn't be in for this much "bashing", if they'd been straight shooters all along; That "benefit of the doubt" DOES eventually expire.

Tell me; Who thunk up that "instant check" everyone knew would guarantee gun purchases would be registered, as they are being right NOW?

Tell me: Who attacks taggants purely for "safety" reasons, when the real problem with them is that they'd inevitably lead to extensive record keeping of who is buying from what lot of powder? So that we won't have a leg to stand on when they inevitably come up with a safe taggant?

Who DEFENDED Dingle after he betrayed us on the "assault weapons" ban; Giving us a phone number to call for excuses, instead of a legitimate candidate rating? We could have replaced him with a REAL pro-gunner; He nearly got beat in '94 despite the NRA's backing him!

Who keeps the answers to candidate questionaires secret, so that those candidate ratings can be fudged to get us to vote for bad candidates the NRA thinks it tactically good to vote for?

Who continually lied to us about Dole's part in reviving the Brady law, after it had already been defeated? I have it from Metaska's own lips that they did it because Dole had threatened to use his power as Senate leader to screw us if the NRA opposed his nomination... Like he hadn't been for years anyway! That's two elections in a row where we had both major candidates anti-gun, because our "fearless leaders" were afraid to intervene in the Republican primaries.

Who runs magazines that don't even admit anyone in the NRA disagrees with their policies, let alone addresses any complaints?

Who had to be sued into obeying their own bylaws?

Who viciously attacked Neal Knox from the podium in Phili, and cut off the microphone when he tried to respond?

Who spent a fortune building a fancy museum for all the guns we might not be able to own anymore 'cause the money wasn't spent on the fight?

I could go on like this, but you get the picture. The NRA may, MAY be on our side, but it's got some REAL problems under the current leadership. In my opinion, it all boils down to one thing: They're not fighting to WIN, they're fighting to lose as slow as possible. In their hearts, defeat is already a done deal, and they've internalized many of the values of our enemies. Hence this curtailed meeting.
Well if the NRA is doing such a stand up thing , then tell me why they have their website shut down , except for a pitiful pr letter under the ILA banner?

Why aren't they open for business to accept the accolades we all have for them?

Why didn't they reshedule the whole thing??? The bylaws say the have to have a meeting every year , not that they have to hold it at exactly the same time, they just have to give notice of the meeting.

I'm a lifer too , but over the past few years they have made me feel like a duped fool to go along with their give away program.

Even the CC Permits are giving in to the anti's... when they want to collect guns who's house do you think they'll come to?

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Perhaps even more to the point, why isn't there anything like the Firing Line at the NRA site? Why do they only ask us leading questions they know the answers to already?
Why do they cut the meetings short at the conventions, even if they have to violate bylaws to do it, rather than take up member initiated matters? It's because they think of us not as members, but as troops. "Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do and die." That's really how they think of us.
And they really do NOT want our opinions on anything.
April 21, 1999

The following letter is being mailed by the NRA to its members in

National Rifle Association of America
Incorporated 1871
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

Office of the President

Dear NRA Member:

We are writing to ask for your patience, your prayers, and your

We had long looked forward to the 1999 Denver meeting and
exhibitions as a time to conduct necessary NRA business, enjoy
your fellowship, express our unity and celebrate our precious

But the tragedy in Littleton last Tuesday calls upon us to take
steps, along with dozens of other planned public events, to
modify our schedule to show our profound sympathy and respect for
the families and communities in the Denver area in their time of
great loss.

For that reason, we have canceled the Exhibit Hall Exposition and
all other seminars, luncheons and festive ceremonies normally
associated with our annual gathering. We will conduct the Annual
Meeting of Members at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 1, at the Adam's
Mark Denver Hotel, Plaza Ballroom (Concourse Level), Plaza Building.

Our spirits must endure this terrible suffering together, and so
must the freedoms that bring us together. We must stand in
somber but unshakable unity, even in this time of anguish.

That's why we need you, more than ever, to attend this gathering.

Each of us, Charlton Heston and Wayne LaPierre, will make a major
address on the crisis all Americans now face, and we will do all
we can to help your voice be heard.

In light of these changes, we ask you to give us your patience,
to give the families of Littleton your prayers, and to give
freedom your presence at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, May 1.


(Signed) (Signed)
Charlton Heston Wayne LaPierre
President Executive Vice President

This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle
Association's Institute for Legislative Action -- www.NRAILA.org
Mark my words, any space they have ready will be jammed full, with people being forced to stand outside. "Low Key" will be the code word for any of the NRA brass's activities.

The reason we are bashing them is that they are acting without OUTRAGE at the anti's attacks. They are conducting a RUN AND HIDE campaign instead of an all-out Defense of legal gun ownership in the wake of this tragedy.
We are on the same side but this is too much. The NRA is being vilified to hell and back already. Read my post on the LA Times editorial. Then go to the LA Times website and read the letters to the editor concerning Littleton


This is the same as if I blamed you for every rape in Texas, (just because you are male and live in Texas) and you don't defend yourself. Do you think this is going to blow over? After a week or so the antis will calm down and see they over-reacted? Not on your life, this is some serious damage and by hiding the damage sticks. Look, the NRA can not be hurt anymore, the ONLY THING THEY CAN DO TO MINIMIZE DAMAGE is get out and fight publically.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I have never cared for the NRA. They continually pitch for money yet seem to do nothing but politically bicker at the top level.

I was a member once, about 10 years ago, but will never be again. I have serious doubts about the reason they exist. Defend our 2nd amendment or keep themselves in a cushy political lobby job? You all who are still believers in them please tell the rest of us what they've done lately.

I sort of veiw NRA membership money like I view taxes, I don't see that I'm getting my money's worth.


Check me out at:

What is the NRA hiding from? You started another string proving my point. You said that this time, that most in the media were blaming the Hollywood culture for this tragedy more than on guns or the NRA.


Yes, there are some vilifying the NRA. But, responding to editorials and letters to the editor is OUR job. The NRA can't respond to every op-ed or letter to the editor in the country. I predict that the NRA will come out swinging after a respectable amount of time for the families to mourn. I don't think that the NRA is hiding. Let's give Charlton Heston and his new style a chance!

To those who are not NRA members,

In my opinion you simply are not pulling your own weight. You need to get out of the wagon and help pull it. Being a member of GOA, JPFO, or LEAA is all well and good, but one BIG united organization like a six million member NRA would be a lot better than a bunch of small splinter groups. United we stand, divided we fall!

That is a great question, NRA life.. What ARE they hiding from? My guess is that they are hinding from bad press, and a bunch of negative talking heads on the Nightly News circuit.

In my opinion, the NRA is not pulling anything. Dramatic speeches by Charlton Heston are great, but hiding from the antis and bargaining away our rights in the face of the relentless assault on the second amendment is not worth one dollar from me.
I am just as P.O'd at the NRA as anybody else, and I do plan to send a letter stating my disatisfaction. But I have a question to post. How many of you, when asked by the NRA, actually send money? My point is this. If every member sent just $5.00 at each mailing on fighting gun control, and at 2.8 million members, that would be 14 million a crack to fight the good fight. When they ask for money for political action, to help pro-gun candidates, send 5 bucks. Hell you spend more than that on ammo on a weekend shoot. But that would be another 14 mil. for the cause.
The Brady Bunch and their anti-gun cronies get all the free media time they want. Prime time commercials are very expensive, if the media will even sell us the time. We won't get air time any other way.
I'm retired, on a fixed income, but I'll sacrifice the price of a few 22's to try and keep my guns. I even send my $5.00 to GOA, CCRKBA, Second Amendment Foundation, LEAA, and plan to get involved with several others.
Sarah B. gets millions from the sheeple, and we can't do the same from our membership? Why?
When I was working, my boss and I would discuss gun control. When I brought up confiscation. then he would say, "It can"t happen here." Yeah. Sure. Look at England and Australia. NUFF SAID!
As ticked off as I am, I will NOT cancel my membership. I WILL continue to send what little money I can. I WILL write letters of dissent, when I disapprove of what they do. I WILL do my damnedest to get the NRA back to the kick-*ss organization it once was. I can't do it alone. We have to rid the organization of the cowards that are afraid to take Congress on.
By the way, somebody in another thread complained about the NRA building a firearms Museum. When Washington D.C. passed their super-restrictive gun law, the NRA HAD to move them elsewhere. The government would have confiscated them. I guess it's like when a pipe in the basement burst, you got to spend the money.
I think I'll go cast some bullets or something, and cool down. RANT MODE: OFF
Paul B.
Well, there are times I suspect that the movers and shakers at NRA are less interested in winning than they are interested in collecting money. That said, I remain a member. I send money - not as much, or as often as they want... :D I also belong to GOA, GOC. and CRPA, and send them money when I have some. I made myself a promise that this year, I would contribute 10% of what I spent on firearms and etc. to the various organizations. Yes, it'd be great to have a six or sixty million member NRA - but until they quit turning people off, and NOT co-operating with the other organizations, it ain't gonna happen. That said, the folks that don't contribute to NRA because their delicate feelings are bruised probably do not contribute to any pro-gun organization, nor would they. In my experience, any group tends to contain more bitchers than doers. If you want to be condidered a "doer", stand up and get counted. Quit your sniveling. :D

Shoot carefully... swifter...
Paul B.,
I'm one of the people who does send money when they ask. But I've got a family to support and can't spare much. So, I send $5 or $10 when I can.
What bothers me is the fact that I get one of these letters everytime I turn around. How much would the NRA save if they stopped constantly sending out these mailings? Frankly, I'm beginning to view them like some street corner wino begging for spare change. It's becoming a nussiance.
What great victories have they got to show for all this? None, nada, zip! Oh sure, they win a little one now and then, but they are losing the war. And this latest move with the annual meetings is nothing more IMHO than cowardace in the face of the enemy.
No, I'm not going to resign. However I did send them a heated letter on the matter and told them to remove my name from their mailing list. Untill the NRA remmembers what they are supposed to do, I'll send my money to other organizations who show some backbone.
Personally, I'm tired of the squabbling and bulls**t. My NRA membership runs out next month, and I'm going to send in for a life membership. Also doing the same with GOA, LEAA, JPFO and our local groups.

IMHO, the damn enemy is in the wire, and I don't care if that soldier next to me isn't always my cup o' tea. For me, I'll pull together with as many of these folks as I can afford. And, I'll tell them what I believe and what I expect them to do. That is the best I can do, and I'll pray it works.
Interesting points of view from everyone....
My primary concern is what I perceive as the piecemeal elimination of our 2nd amend rights.
The only way were going to win this fight is through politics and the national organizations that exist to keep track of legislation and mobilize those of us in the trenches.....fellow shooters that takes money. Im not a member of any organization, that will change this payday, I will be joining the NRA...There will be things I dont like about them,and being a member at that point I can at least have a vote. It is in our interests that all of the organizations pull together--I would think that the importance of this fight would not be lost on those folks in these organizations, and if it is then it is our the members responsibility to change there thinking or oust them.
I know that ive written a few letters during this administration to my representative questioning just exactly what have I received in return for what (my vote), as regards the republicans and our second amend ment rights....These *years which we have had to endure the Clinton legacy(soon to be shummer and s/brady), has been hard on all of us.,..WE CANNOT AFFORD TO GIVE THE ANTI's MORE GROUND THEN THEY HAVE ALREADY GAINED.....by tearing ourselves apart they have already mastered one premise of war...DIVIDE AND CONQUER....WE are giving them the biggest victory of all, we have effectively hamstrung ourselves. We need to get beyond our furstration, disgust, anger and fellings of betrayal--we need to reevaluate ourselves and our positions.....Not only do we as the rank/file of these organizations need to work together, these organizations need to be held accountable and by with holding memberships and money we are cutting off our nose to spite ourselves.......we need to vote the bozos out who are dead weight on our forward progress.........I think we need to be pro-active I personally would like this decision to go to the supreme court and force them to make a decision...(while I know they cannot be forced), public sentiment would go a long way. If we lose in the courts, then every right we are gurateed loses, I dont think the 1st amend folks would want that, and we could possibly turn the media (kicking and screamin), into defending the constitution and the bill of rights.........one other thing....Im printing up envelopes today, and I get paid 26 times a year, so Im going to send $5. each payday....its not much but its more than Ive been sending.......thanks for this board it has helped change my mind over the last week or so.....GOD BLESS AMERICA...fubsy.
Guys, check out the "Hannity" thread for my report of Larry Pratt's appearance on national TV...

Where is Wayne LaPiere????????????
Greyfox. I understand your position. Been there, done that. My kids are grown and gone, but even though I no longer havethe income I once had, I do the best I can. My guns are too important too me.(several are family heirlooms, not worth a lot, but priceless to me. (THEY WILL NOT TAKE THEM FROM ME AS ALONG AS I AM ALIVE!) They belong to my children, and my childrens children, until hell freezes over and the devil goes ice skating. I agree that they have gotten worse than these street panhandlers we see all over the place. The NRA I give money to, panhandlers? No.
Paul B.

It's like it says in the Links section:

"The NRA, they may have their faults, but they're better than no voice at all."

So join. Or renew. 'Stand up and be counted', as swifter says. Put one more number on the membership list, to say "Here's one more person who cherishes their rights."

I was also angry that the NRA seemingly went into hiding after the Colorado murders. It's a bad position to be in, but I doubt if people who believe the NRA is somehow responsible for what happened will change their minds because the NRA cuts most of the functions of the convention.
However, NRA still has the most members and the most clout of all RKBA organizations. I will continue to support them with donations, by calling and writing my representatives, supporting pro-gun candidates, and recruiting new members (2 so far this year). As a voting member of the NRA, I can voice my opinion of the leadership and change it if I feel it is necessary. IMHO, it is not productive for us to attack the NRA. If there are things about the organization you don't like, work on changing them. Hopefully we all have the same goal. My $.02. Thanks