I can take my gun to DC when traveling right?

Too bad I'm being ignored by the OP, as he won't see this post, explaining that my previous response wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I can think cogently; maybe he can learn to do so. :)
1. I sure would NOT take my gun with me to DC at the moment.
2. I sure would NOT travel to DC without a gun right now; heck we were there two years ago and even the doorman at the Sheraton wouldn't walk down the block after dark to a local restaurant. Much of it is danger central after the sun sets. OTOH, much of it is just fine after dark. If you do NOT know DC you don't want to investigate the hard way.
3. Fact of the matter is that unless you are walking around with your gun in your HAND you are never going to get a chance to use it anyway.

Personally? I think that once they start issuing permits/licenses to carry concealed en masse it is going to take YEARS before the city settles down and back into what it once was as the capitol of our nation.

And last but not least. I find it a crying shame (truly) that the nation's capitol has a reputation of being murder central. It should be safe to walk the streets after dark with hundred dollar bills pinned to your lapels. It should be the showplace of the nation.... the buildings certainly are.

BTW... did they ever start up the White House tours again? The last few times we were in Washington the closest we could get was a block away. And that was after much meandering thru the city streets.

Stay in Washington DC? Forget it. Far too expensive but we were on a freebie. Stay across the river. It is one tenth the cost and ten times safer. And besides, you can carry there.

Such a shame. A crying shame. I would suggest if they made it mandatory for every able bodied citizen (NOT RESIDENT... CITIZEN) to carry concealed the city would clean up in a matter of weeks. Bad news is that the BG's would just head elsewhere. It takes time to regulate the gene pool.