I can only buy a rifle I need it!


New member
Stopped by the lgs today with wife and kids to pick up new scope and some ammo. While looking at a couple of rifles my wife tells me I can only buy a new one if we need it. For the first time I was stumped for a reply. I have used her and the kids as an excuse many times so that wasn't a option. I have just about every common caliber and some not so common. I have all bases covered except for maybe African safari rifles but I don't plan on ever going. What on earth can I use for a excuse? I have custom long range set ups and a plethora of hunting rifles. Plenty of ar's and tacticool toys. She's tired of hearing we don't have this one or well this one shoots the same bullet but alot faster. I sure would appreciate if some of you would share some good excuses.
Seems a reasonable litmus test for purchases. So... apply the same rule to the stuff she wants to buy. Perhaps after a time the rule will be "relaxed" some. :cool:
This one of those "Say what?" moments.
I always contributed a far higher percentage of household income and basically bought what I wanted when I wanted if the $$ were not already allocated.
I suppose if The Grouch Attack was bringing home the bacon and I was holding down the couch, the situation would have been different.
Oh, wait a minute, I'm retired and still make more $$ holding down the couch than she does at her job. That's why over the last 2 weeks I've sold 2 ATV's, 2 Jeeps, and a trailer and bought a UTV, 2 trailers, and a pickup--ALL W/O ASKING PERMISSION.
When I had the same question, I ended up getting a press and reloading gear.
She was fine with keeping them fed.
My birthday is next month. I'm guessing or rather hoping she has a nice rifle planned for me. She normally doesn't tell me no. And normally when she does I normally do it the next day anyways. She's a ballistics nerd and loves shooting as much as I do. She's all about velocity and she can't make up her mind if her next rifle is gona be 204 ruger or 240 weatherby. I just had a 240 built so now she's trying to figure out how she's gona outdo me. I guess I should buy surprise her to cheer her up a bit.
Wives have veto powers, within reason. Maybe it's time to relax for a few months and build up the savings account or pay something off. Could be that nice gift coming, too. You can bet there is a reason behind her sudden interest in your hobby.
It sounds like you really don't need another. Maybe there's someone you care about in your life that does need something, though.
Do buy her a new purse and shoes then go buy the rifle. Or do what I do buy the gun leave it in the car till she's not home bring it in and put it in the gun cabinet. Never knows it's a new one.
Someone once said that slaves are allowed what they need; free men can buy what they want. Of course that doesn't apply to marriage...... Hmmm.

Well, Jim, it has also been said that a gun is better than a wife; because, if you need to, you can put a silencer on a gun, while a lot of wives, umm,...well, maybe I better leave it at that.;)

Since you asked, I assume you are genuinely interested in keeping her happy and not just blowing her off.. which I say is a good decision! Some things just aren't worth it.

But to answer your question, I'd consider selling one that you haven't shot in a long time and then justifying the purchase by saying its not costing the family any money (or very little) and its really more like trading.

My wife has equal say in the budget for sure, but she won't ever get to tell me what to do with toys I already own.
Tell her it's to keep elephants at bay in your neighborhood. If she thinks it's preposterous,ask her when was the last time she saw one. Tell her the guy that took care of all the elephants is moving and you now need the new rifle for that reason what you have now is not sufficient for elephants.:D
Thanks for the intelligent answers. She will spot a new rifle in a heart beat. I could get away with it if I was buying mil surp but my son is into that now. I've thought all day about any gaps that needed to be filled. Can't find one big enough to justify it to her. I might have figured out her reason tho. She's in the middle of figuring out vacation plans to Disney world. I've been told there is a very good range close to there so maybe after she gets it all figured out I can go back to the gun shops.
Guess you need and AR. Then all you have to say is hey Honey I had all these parts laying around and I though I should put them together so they don't get lost.

Or maybe buy something for your future grandchildren.
Well, do you have a muzzle-loader? If not, why not? But if you have an itch to get something that's a whole lot like 3 others you already have, then get a grip on yourself. What; no shotgun? That could be a need. Cool it with the tacticool for a while and think outside the box. What; no lever-guns? Get a pre-64 Winchester. Maybe you should just wine and dine your wife and forget about it. Ask yourself how many guns do you have and why they haven't satisfied you and what makes you think another one will. I have a friend who has said, "Enough, already!". Yet in a month or three, he always finds another. Good luck with the problem.
I've spent many hours trying to figure out why I have such a fascination with firearms. I contribute mostly to growing up shooting artillery while doing civil war re-enactments. One of the guys in our group was the largest ww2 collector I've ever met. Another good friend of my father's was upper brass at Fort hood in TX. Needless to say as a child I was bombarded with opportunities to shoot big stuff. As I got older I was a natural with a shotgun. Went all over the great usa competing. Got bored with it because dad wouldn't buy the $10,000 shotguns others were using. Yes I'm ashamed of that now but I was young. Next got into archery and competed nationally with that too. Then work and kids took up my weekends so I built my own rifle range and 3 gun course. The whole family gets to participate and my boys do the competing now. My 12 year old has more guns than probaby 80% of men in this world. One of my 9 year olds isn't far behind but he's into miles surps. My wife would rather get a box of 10mm than a bouquet of rose's. I inherited my father and grandfather's collections. I have more value in firearms insured than I do house, other properties, and vehicles. No I don't need anymore but one more can't hurt lol. I was just looking for some entertainment by excuses given to our spouses to buy another gun.
Building her inheritance

Tell her you are building her and the boys' inheritance. Sold singly guns don't usually provide a profit BUT if she can have a huge "gun estate sale" after you're gone, she'll be in the chips!!:D:D:D