I am thrilled! (new carry gun)


After a host of semi-autos in my life, I've recently decided to start carrying my (passed) mom's 60LS (that's Lady Smith). I've got two sets of grips coming as I don't really like the length of the rosewood. I have both the Hogue G-10 and the rubbery ones coming, and will try both. I plan to pocket carry (got a super sticky holster coming too).

I'll get the hammer spur bobbed this week and start carrying it, yes, with .357's, I've shot it in the past and found it fine. However, I *do* recall that it spat lead a little... normal or is there an easy fix?

I am completely giddy with this change. Sure, it *does* only have 5 rounds, but I am thrilled by the tiny size and high power ratio... feels great!
I carry my wheel guns occasionally, the onlyrevolvers I carry anymore are 5 poppers.... One 44 Special and one 44 magnum.
You are going to really like carrying that gun. I have nothing to back this up but I believe I read years ago that S&S Ladysmith models had a sightly reduced DA trigger pull wt. to accommodate the ladies. If so, that is a great plus in my book.

I have a number of .357 snubbies and I too find I get some lead spatter while shooting .357 loads. Some will say it is a timing issue but I serious doubt all my short barrel revolvers are out of time. My solution is to not shoot, 357's.

I don't own any but I have always had a desire to have a bobbed hammer snubbie. Post pics when you have it finishes.
I am manly and have always wanted a LS. lol

Congratulations and sorry for your loss. I always feel better armed when carrying a passed relatives firearm. It may be ridiculous and I may be the only one, but for me it is extremely sentimental.
Hey I owned a 60LS for some time and have no issues with my man card and if you have a problem with that.......I'll hit you with my purse. ;)

Great gun, good weight, nice to shoot.
Great carry piece, I would go with a smooth, non rubber grip in order to draw smoother from pocket carry.
I have not had any problems carrying my j frames in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. As for grips, I perfer the wood/laminate ones with the open backstrap and they extend about 1/2 lower for my pinky to park, cant recall who make them right now but they provide a full grip with out being bulky. I would not cut the hammer but that's just me, I just put my thumb over it during the draw and it has not snagged.

As for carrying a Lady Smith, I have no problem carrying my 65LS.
Nothing wrong with carrying a revolver, just be proficient with it and know the limitations of fewer rounds. I mainly carry semi autos daily on the street, but I usually carry a S&W .357 Magnum when on my farm or deer hunting.
Considering the felt recoil, that Lady Smith is more of a "man's" gun than a 40oz 1911. Giving a woman a little featherweight but heavy weight caliber handgun is a sure way to guarantee she never wants to use a firearm ever again after that first shot.

The only 9mm my wife feels comfortable shooting is my 34oz Star BM.
The unofficial rule for new guns is if you don't post a picture then it didn't happen.
(And congrats)
My taste in handguns has inexplicably evolved toward single-action revolvers and some kinds of semi-autos. I do have some snubbies but rarely use them. In the past, however, maybe the single nicest, best shooting, most beautiful double action revolver to pass through my hands was a Model 65LS, k-frame, three inch, Lady Smith. Why I eventually sold or traded that gun I don't remember but it is one of the few I regret letting go.

As to why a Lady Smith? "Things of beauty, grace and speed are often referred to in the feminine gender."-- The Little Rascals (Waldo, from Waldo's Boat Race).
I got the G-10 grips in today. I think they are gonna be great. Now I just need the pistol back from the smith... I get the ides he's not in a rush but I am. Will of course post pics once I get it back and those grips on. In the meantime I need a chisel tip screwdriver... as memory serves me, I believe I can get one at the auto parts store, of all places...
I prefer to cc a revolver also. I have a micro 380 and a G43, but one of my snubbies usually gets the nod. The lightweight LCR is very nice for summer.
Just make sure you get the right purse to carry it in. Just kidding . That' s a really nice carry revolver.Enjoy
As promised, here you go!


So much for that,.. later I guess...
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