I am going to learn to shoot!!

Miss Demeanors

New member
Yes, you read that right! Your X anti-gun friend is going shooting! I know its kind of early to post this but I am so excited! I am meeting up with JeffOTMG in Oklahoma, at the end of October. We are going shooting AND now it looks like I will get to see my first gun show also! :) I guess there is a show going on the weekend I will be down there. I have wanted to go to one since I have been learning about firearms! So these are two new major things for me. I am REALLY nervous but at the same time I am ready to try it! Most of you know the only experience I have had with a gun was not a good one, Ive never even held one! YIKES! But I am going to learn the right way and not be taught by the idiots around here. I tried to get someone from around here to take me, but it didnt work out. So now Jeff has not only 'converted' me, he has now turned me into a 'gun nut'. LOL I just want to get over that 'fear' of guns and not have to deal with that anymore. I've got my plane ticket and am more than ready to go. Now if I can only hit a target I will more than happy! :) Maybe when I get back (that is if Jeff doesnt chop me to a bazillion pieces ;)) I will work on my sister who hates guns. I also have an internet friend that is afraid of guns due to a bad experience, she wants to know how it goes and might consider trying it. So I will have 2 people to work on when I am back. :) Give me a little time and I will teach them what I have learned and maybe even 'convert' them. I cant remember what I am shooting besides the .22 to start. Im sure Jeff will fill you in on that part. Wish me luck but more so wish Jeff luck, he's going to need it! LOL :)
>I am REALLY nervous but at the same time I am ready to try it!

Nothing to be nervous about. Remember those rules i wrote a while back? Memorize them, so that they are in your mind when you approach your first gun.

>Ive never even held one! YIKES! But I am going to learn the right way and not be taught by the idiots around here. (Italics mine. -JG)

I HOPE you don't mean us!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

>Now if I can only hit a target I will more than happy!

You'll be poppin' the X out of the X-ring before you know it.

>...guns due to a bad experience, she wants to know how it goes and might consider trying it.

Don't push her. Let her come around on her own. After all, YOU did!

>Wish me luck but more so wish Jeff luck, he's going to need it! LOL

One of my favorite lines is from the movie The Abyss: Luck is NOT a factor! Just remember these little mantra: Sight alignment and trigger control; Sight alignment and trigger control.

You'll do fine, and have FUN! THAT'S what's most important.

[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited August 24, 1999).]
Most excellent, lady.

Take your time, follow the rules, you'll be fine.

As with any education, it is a journey, not a destination. May your aim be as true as your heart (and we know you have a good heart!).

Best regards, M2
Oh, Miss D!!

I am very happy for you!

Listen to Jeff, go slow, ask questions, be careful, and have fun!


You screw this up and there will be NO place for you to hide!! LOL :D
You will do great Miss D!! You only live one state over from me. I could have taught you... :D :D :D Two beginners with guns..oh boy.

*Sigh* Ok maybe I'm not quite ready for that.

I did get a membership to an outdoor range and have been shooting twice a week. I'm having WAY to much fun. I'm going to go broke. My dad keeps calling up, "Ready to go shooting? Ready to go shooting?"

"Sure dad, but next time can we wait for the sun to come up?" ;)

Good Luck,

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
Ah, the memories of being a virgin shooter.

If only we could relive our first time.

Have fun Miss D!
I think you'll be a natural.
Miss Demeanors,

From my experience as a firearms instructor, first time female shooters can and have outshot first time male shooters (what is it about the Irishwomen who visit here?). I suspect that a lot of men pick up bad habits from watching TV/movies. A woman can watch the same TV/movie, but not pick up "Hollywood" instructions. Witness how boys play "cowboys and Indians" with guns. We (I plea guilty) roll the gun back with the muzzle upwards and cock it, snap it forward at the same time we press the trigger. Worked great for Hopalong Cassidy, Tom Mix, the Lone Ranger, Paladin, et al, but in real life not at all conducive to accuracy.

You'll do just fine. Go at your pace and relax. Remember, you're there to have fun and not win the Olympics (but if you do, all the better!).

4V50 Gary

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I remember seeing Jeff OTMG giving out great information over on the (blecch) Rosie O'Donnell message boards a few months back, and Miss Demeanors here soaking it up like a sponge.

Kudos to Jeff. It's always good to have someone on the good side of the street. Kudos to Miss D as well, for being inquisitive and intelligent enough to seek out more than what the media fed to her.

One at a time...that's how this battle will be won.

Every BG, paper target and tin can in Oaklahoma is quaking in their boots knowing a serious shooter is commin' ta town! :D
Thanks stark! She got so interested in guns that now she is dying to try them out. We are going to start on a custom Olympic Ten-X in .22lr, then to some .22 hanguns (one of them is a scoped S&W mod 41 with a Clark barrel, she will be shooting the middle out with that) on up until the boom and/or recoil becomes uncomfortable. She was also told that people don't shoot AR-15's at the range, we are going to test that bit of misinformation. She has never been to a guns show, so she picks the weekend of the Tulsa Wannamaker show. Over 3,000 tables, the Browning, Colt, and Ruger collectors associations will all have displays there so it will be a good history lesson for her as well.
Miss D,

You've already heard from me in regard to this, so I'm not going to beat a dead horse. :D Have fun, and may all your scheming bear fruit... ;)

BTW, Lawton is about 3 hours or so from where we live...

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
go get em and have fun,,,,,Id like to go to that show myself....3000 tables....wear good shoes...lol...fubsy.
Miss D. I was going to post and ask if you ever decided to learn to shoot and there was this thread. JeffOTMG (Of Too Many Guns if anybody wants to know)knows his stuff from what I have read of his postings here and else where. Have fun, do not fear and shoot well. Wear good walking shoes for the Tulsa show, you will need them. DON'T GET LOST at the show. That sucker is a big show and we would hate to need to send out a search party looking for you. :D

Both you and Jeff let us know how it went. You go girl, as it is said.

P.S. Gunz-n-Rosie it will be your turn soon. Trust me on that. We are rooting for you too.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"