I am a new member!

Karanas...hope this is not to personal...sounds to me like your daughter was not the product of "public education"....if she was congratulations on overcoming the left bent curriculum
glockgirl - If you ever get tired of all this 1911 flak you can always go to Glock Talk! :)

But seriously, both TFL and GT are great bulletin boards and I've learned a great deal in the past year visiting both. Have fun and take everything us jokers here say with a grain of powder er,... salt.


Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Welcome Glockgirl79. I'm glad to see more members of the distaff side of gun ownership.
You all provide interesting insights and points of view that are a welcome change of pace.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Hi glockgirl,welcome aboard and good luck.You will enjoy it here and you will learn a lot. I have and only been here a short time.

"An armed society is a polite society"
Hello and Welcome, GlockGirl79.
Nevermind these guys talking about their Kimber's. Once you try Para-Ord, you'll never look back!

Dennis, what's this I hear about you liking AC-DC. Wow! The things you learn from peoples posts. When are you going to start quoting Ted Nugent?

Welcome to TFL Glockgirl79.

It's not the gun you choose but how you train with it. Besides, quality time with Dad helps promotes strong family values. Betcha his Billness didn't think of that one.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Welcome G-Girl!
You'll like it here. Lots of friendly folks and more than enough opinions go around. ;)
The more you learn, the sooner you'll think about changing that name. :D
A belated welcome... this board is a great source of information. Stick with the name, though; don't let these folks talk you out of it. Of course, that's just my opinion as a prejudiced Glock owner.

Now all I need from you is advice on how to get my 20 year old daughter interested in shooting. She thinks guns are evil.
Yeah, I had supper with a 20-year-old friend and her mother the other night, and, like most females about that age, she thinks guns are the cause of a lot of crime, and should be done away with.

But, GlockGirl, you are proof that people can change their attitudes for the better :) Welcome to TFL!

Yeah, don't change your name...but the perfect woman would probably be named "HKGirl" or "HKBabe" or "HKGoddess" :D

"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
Welcome aboard GlockGirl! I am jealous that you have shot the hallowed Desert Eagle- scumbag! ;) It is great to shoot what are normally considered "guy guns" ain't it, and have all of 'em staring slack-jawed at ya! :)

Seriously though, I hope that when my daughters are your age (a while off still, thank goodness) they are as interested in guns and freedom as you are.

Us womenz hafta stick together, it's great to have another woman on the board to help give the guys never-ending torment! :D

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
Welcome, Enjoy yourself here. Shoot what you can. Desert Eagles or what ever, however 1911's are pretty danm good thing to have.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Welcome aboard GlockGirl and hats off to dad for bringing you up the right way.Only wish I could get my daughter to the range. Anyway I'm sure you won't find a better bunch of people then what are found here. Enjoy.

gun control is people control

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 10, 1999).]
Welcome GG. It's always good to have another female member. I believe that it will be our female 2nd Amendment supporters who will bring this country back to its senses. I hope you get politically active and have some fun here at the forum.
Hey, Glockgirl79, welcome to TFL. It's great to have another lady on board.

And, DC, don't worry - all of us guys continue to find you wildly alluring, even if most of us had only your photo to go by. ;)

robnoel, talk show hosts will always be trumped by 20 year old girls, don't ya know. ;)

GG, have fun on TFL. And, tell your lady friends the truth - a firearm is a lady's true key to equality ...