Hypothetical: Powell & Ventura???

Gentlemen: Yes, Powell is in fact a member clear back before 1988, of Rockefeller's CFR.... Smtih might be a hope for a new Constitutional Party , and maybe we could get Eastwood, Ventura, Selleck and the other few Celebs to stand up for the Constution.... libertarianism is a way of thinking , and should not be a party, the Constitutionalist Party could well be a national party... based on the strick interpretation of the Constitution and its supporting documents of the Founding Fathers.... How could anyone rail in print or the debate about how it is wrong to follow the Constitution????

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
there you go Menos, that's what i'm talking about. a party that stands for what the Constitution says. a strictly Constitutional
party would be great, i'd love for it to come to pass, but sadly, i don't think the people running for office even know there is such a thing.

Menos, they'd rail against it just like they do now. saying it's an out dated document, that it doesn't apply to today's America, that things have changed, we're more civilized today, we need government to play a bigger in todays America, and on, and on,....
ya' know, them people make me sick

what me worry? hell yes!!
Personally, I think we can learn from our enemies as well as our friends. "Learning" from them does NOT mean agreeing with them. (Hail, Sun Tzu!)

Some "takes" on the Gulf War:

Bush did more than give Powell/Schwarzkopf what they needed and leave them alone.
- George Bush created and held together an incredibly diverse group of nations under a UN alliance that permitted an Arab/Arab war supported, indeed devised and operated, by non-Arabs.
- Bush kept Israel from responding to SCUDs landing on Israeli soil. An Israeli response, however appropriate, would have destroyed the coalition and created a worse mess than we could imagine - possibly starting a regional conflict that could have led to WW3.
- Bush required Powell to justify whatever he needed, then gave Powell everything Powell could justify. Unlike Carter (an honorable but incompetent man), Bush let the military run the war (within the stated parameters of the UN Chapter 7 justification of force).
- Powell not only supported Schwarzkopf, Powell added many divisions that Schwarzkopf never asked for (thinking he had no chance). Powell kept the war from beginning until Schwarkopf said he was ready. (This reflected what Powell had learned from his Vietnam experience and insight.)
- Schwarzkopf held together a shaky coalition of friends and enemies without alienating them and weakening the war effort.
There's more, but that's not my point.

PLEASE remember that just because a person is anti-gun, that does not make him incompetent in all areas of his life experiences. Just because a person is on our side, fighting gun control, that does not make him moral, reasonable, or correct in his other viewpoints.

We must learn all we can, both from our friends and from our enemies. We must learn to fight in ALL arenas, in ALL forums, for we must not fail! We must win against the forces of tyranny.

I'm starting to get wound up here, so I'll shut down my tirade with the hope we can take what is useful for our struggle from anyone, anywhere, so long as it is moral, effective, and efficient.

((I gotta stop, guys....))
From:Ivan88836-17-99 551PM EDT Where is the powerful third parties of days gond by:T> Roos evelts Bull Moose Party or William Jennings Bryant's Populist Party of circa 1900. Bothn these parties came close,alot closer than Perots Reform Partywhich had to deal with the many restrictions imposed on third parties by THE CORPORATE US GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM.The Repulicrats and Demagogs(sp) will never,and I mean Never,allow a independent peoples party to ever get the chance to threaten their monopolistic grip on this nation. WHat do you all think are the ways we could break the EVIL hold both corrupt parties have on our country? Since the politicians make the rules, they will never relinquish their power and system is set up so that any reformers that come along are sucked up into corrupt system. To get back to a Constitutional Republicwhich Founders had set up,would definetly reequire a third party getting into power. But how???? Ivan