Hypothetical: Powell & Ventura???

David's USP

New member
Yesterday I was walking by the TV and saw Ventura on with Montel. I stopped to watch what looked like a copy of all the rest of the interviews I've seen with Ventura. Ventura boldly stated that he was not interest in running for president, etc, etc... Montel asked him what he would do if Powell ran and asked him to be his running mate. Ventura said that that would be the only exception and it would be an honor to serve with Powell. He said he could handle the VP slot: cut a few ribbons, (hug a few trees), etc. Any thoughts? What could they do in the upcoming elections?
Who is Powell?
If you mean Colin Powell what does he stand for? He was a great General during Desert Storm but who knows anything about him?
My guess is that he is not all that he is thought to be.
He might be fantastic but who knows?

Better days to be,

colin powell has expressed pro gun control views in the past, i doubt he has changed much. cmore

The One great thing about Powell - Like Ventura - he is not a career politician. He has not spent a life time building up a list of political favors and debts. He is a LEADER who could do the job with out a political agenda to work off.

THATS what would make him great.

Thats what would make me vote for him!

From: Ivan8883 6-15-99 744PM EDT Jesse Ventura better wake up if he likes the idea of Colin Powell as President. I am sure Powell is anti gun 100% and tied in deeply with Council of Foreign Relations and other one world groups. When will the American people realize that both parties play the same rotten racket against the American people. That comment by Jesse makes me wonder about him, although he is third party man,which is good. WE need a Populist third Party dedicated to restoring our economic sovereignty(end of private Federal Reserve Systemand corporate transfer of our wealth overseas) and restoring our political freedoms at home(returning to the Republican form of government,not mob Democracy which we have now).Wedont need anymore Klintons, Powells, Bushes,Reagans,Carters,FDR, and back to Wilson who started us down the road to one world system(Federal reserve System,Income tax,popular election of Senators,WWI) Boy, am I getting off the subject,but someone like Powell just sets me off although he has held no office(If he did he would grab your guns just as quick as any one else) Ivan
I am/was not up to date on Colin Powell's views so that is why I started this thread. Probably never happen but what the hell. From what I have heard, Ventura is progun, thinks that ALL states should allow CCW. He also thinks that all people should be required to take instruction before getting their permit. This makes me leary but it also has its merits. I would not be opposed if the classes weren't financially and time opressive. In Indiana, where alot of the DEMOCRATS in the state legislature are pro gun, the citizens are considered (at least 18yo) responsible enough to CCW without jumping through hoops. What "shall issue" states require "certification"? Do they make you jump through hoops? David
Just about every state I am aware of lets you make your own choice of where to go to learn.

Getting signed off by an NRA certified instructor was all you needed.

Here in Utah - you need a state instruction thing, and being an NRA certified instructor isnt good enough... Utah wants you to pay a fee first (I am talking to instruct here). That's why I have stopped teaching out here, unless it is a totally casual environment about it, and students arent going to use me to get a permit - that would get me in trouble.

Some times I think I should just take up fishing...
Untill I look at all THOSE regulations! Judas! About the only thing left to do is play DOOM2 and QUAKE!

Kodiak, come on down to Arkansas. We've got a lot of good fishin', good bass, bream, crappie, you can even bow hunt gar. we don't have that many regulations. of course, depending on where you fish, there are slot limits on some lakes. so Kodiak, COME ON DOOWWWNN!!!

On Jesse, i ain't made up my mind on him yet.
He looks like he's on our side, but i think i'll have to take a wait and see attitude on him. maybe he's the real deal, maybe he's just playing games. we'll see!!

what me worry? hell yes!!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 16, 1999).]
Powell? Hell no.

Now, Eastwood/Ventura, I could support.

"Dirty Harry" aside, Eastwood has political experience (local, admittedly, but some is better than none), is Libertarian, and is pro-gun. Add these factors to his considerable charisma and intelligence, and you've got a solid candidate for national office.
Eastwood & Ventura!

Europe would be wild-eyed with terror!
Hmmm, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Vote - for a change!
I have heard Powell refer to himself as a "Rockefeller Republican" on TV. I am sure that if you were to examine his career you would find a lot of politics involved. Probably much along the same lines as another "Rockefeller Republican" Gen. Alexander Haig.

As for Ventura, I'm not sure what to think. I respect his war record and he says quite a few things I like, but then sometimes he says things that make you wonder about all the years he spent flying through the air in spandex pants from off the top turnbuckle.

You mean, "...after hitting his head on the turnbuckles," don'tcha?

Seriously, Ventura does have a habit of putting his mouth in gear before his brain is engaged. So what? I'd rather have his unvarnished opinion than a carefully spin-doctored statement that says nothing at all.

Yeah, That Too!

(Actually you're right, some of the things he says are so strange that they obviously aren't "canned" responses. He really is trying to answer questions as best he can)
Guys, let me entertain you. Why anyone pays the slightest attention to Colin Powell is completely beyond me. The way the man "earned" his four stars and position as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was by parlaying decades of political intrigue at the Pentagon and the color of his skin into more power than he could imagine. Daniel "Chappie" James he is NOT! He is a desk pusher.

His sole claim to fame is that he appointed Norman Schwartzkopf (sp?) to run the war in Iraq, then left him alone to do it. Before that time, no American citizen had ever heard of him, including me. And I was career military, had no clue who the CJCS was, also did not care. I was there (Saudi) from Oct. '90 till Mar. '91, the whole time, and when I retired in Jun. '91 I was STUNNED to find that so many people were all a-twitter about the possibility that another political whore (Powell) might run for Prez, if he could just decide which party. Norman Schwartzkopf? Where do I sign up? He has his ducks all lined up in a military fashion, I would follow him anywhere.

I would have happily campaigned for Chappie James circa 1980-84, so don't waste your time calling me a racist, but Powell is a big, fat, zero. He ended up the hero of Desert Storm due to the media, he was black and Schwartzkopf was white, never mind the facts after that, and he did NOTHING to facilitate the US victory except stay the Hell out of Schwartzkopf's way. Who got the credit? You tell me.

I gave him credit at the time for keeping everybody off Norman's back, doing his job as it were, but 98% of the credit for the success of Desert Storm (after Bush got the international politics out of the way) belongs to Schwartzkopf, not Powell.

Ya wanna elect yet another political whore? Powell is your man. Schwartzkopf ain't mentioned, haven't heard of him since, bastard might be dead for all of me. But if he wants me, I'm his.

Larry P.
Larry - Colin's a Vietnam combat vet. Read his book. BTW, he's anti gun in the Democrat sense of the word. Not a guy we need. Also, BTW, color doesn't mean sh*t. Try Alan Keyes on for size. This guy is an incarnation of at least one of the Founding Fathers in my estimation. A man of intellect and integrity rooted in the values of faith and individual liberty.

Safe shooting - PKAY
Hate to burst your bubble about Gen. Schwartzkopf but there is alot of shady politics behind him to. There was a Schwartzkopf who was a former New Jersey State Trooper who later went on to head internal security in Iran and helped secure the Arab oil fields for the Rockefellers. From my understanding this man was the Generals father.
So, anybody know how we can send a digest version of this conversation to Ventura? I'd hate to see him make such a terrible mistake
Maybe we we should start pushing for Eastwood. It would be nice to have someone in office that "play acted" long ago than one that it "play acting" now! David
From: Ivan8883 6-16-99 946PM EDT There is only one Republican running for Presidentthat Patriots,whether gun owners or not,should support and he is Senator Smith out of New England. He understands threat of New World Order to America. Maybe Jesse should run as his Vice-President. Disregard Pat Buchanan,because wqhen he had the chance to form a third party when he realized he could not get the nomination,he chickened out and endorsed Bob Dole to the disapointment of many patriots! Ivan
Here you go... jesseventura@jesseventura.org

Also check out this page: http://www.jesseventura.org/list/lstintro.htm

Personally, I think Jesse is doing a great job, but then I don't live there. He's a real character and sure he has had his fair share of dumb things coming out of his mouth, but who here hasn't...

He's a real person, proving that someone who is not a politician can get the job done.
