Hunting with "iron sights"

I have three hunting rifles all with scopes on them. Those scopes are mounted on raised rings so I can see my iron sights, and in the past five years not one of those poor scopes have been used other then occasionally checking out my target from a distance. I like having the option but if I had to choose 1 rifle with/ without scope i'd choose iron sights and buy a pair of binoculars.
Practice enough and you'll be surprised how easy it is. With a gun i am familar with, i have no problem putting the bullet where i want it. Chances are, the shot will be under 100 yards. I'd say most of my deer have been taken under 75, with the last one i took at 77. Scopes are a great help though, especially if your state has a point requirement. You don't want to accidentally shoot a spike, thinking it was a big doe(you'd be shocked how easy it is to miss small horns when the light is fading).

Either way, good luck!