Hunting with iron sights.

I've never hunted with a scope. Then at 56 (my age) my dad gave me a still-in-box 1982 Browning BBR. I've put a 3-9x50 Nikon on it, practiced at the range, and am anxious to go hunting with it this fall.

I hope it lives up to my expectations.

But kind of to your point, I'm teaching a 9 year old boy to shoot. The first time out we were with a friend and his boys. We had a selection of .22s and he fired them all. He loved the scoped rifles. Then we were at the range this last weekend and I was more serious about technique, since he had a good solid start on safety. From bags he shot both a scoped .22 and a non-scoped .22. But he greatly preferred the scoped rifle. Then the last thing before we left I spent some time getting a sling adjusted for him on the non-scoped rifle.

Sitting with the sling and using iron sights he shot a significantly better group at 25 yards than he did with the scoped rifle on bags. Then we left :-) Last night his mom told me he had commented that the scopes were cool, but maybe he didn't need them :-)

NRA Life Member
"There are some ideas so preposterous that only an intellectual will believe them." - Malcolm Muggeridge
A mixed bag for hunting.
Some scoped...some not:

Pistols are divided. Three with, four without...a couple with Accudots.

C/F Rifles: two with, one without.

Black powder: Inlines, three with, one without.
Sidelocks, four without.

Several Shotguns, zero scoped. I get older the eyes seem to be fading much faster then my desire to quit hunting. I'm finding the scopes are becoming more of a friend. :rolleyes:
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Hunting with iron sights

1895 Marlin 45-70 with aperture rear sight. You can eat right up to the hole with cast bullets.
I occasionally use one of my iron sighted lever guns. But from a practical perspective scopes do everything better. If you are having trouble getting on target quickly, or having reliablity issues with a scope you are either doing something wrong or using the wrong scope.

In good light, with quality sights, I can hit deer sized game just as far away with irons as with a scope. It is not the magnification. A quality scope, designed for hunting helps you see your target better. It doesn't matter what conditions you hunting in. Close range, low light, bad weather, moving targets are all picked up and seen better with some sort of optic.

The problem is that everyone wants to skimp on the cost of optics and try to buy the cheapest SNIPER scope they can find and put it on a hunting rifle. They end up with a heavy scope with too much magnification, too little eye relief and cheap glass that is a handicap to them.

Put a lightweight, low powered scope with generous eye relief and quality glass on a deer rifle, learn to shoot with both eyes open and the difference is amazing.
I shot a lot of running deer with a scope. I like to do the trip down memory lane with my un-scoped 99 levers, BUT in Pa. you have to count points. One year I shot an illegal buck in a snow storm. It was already hit (back leg shot off below the elbow) and it looked like a doe. You get older you should carry a monocular or small scope to take a quick look if your not sure. I know a lot of muzzle loader guys that do that. I hunt VW and it is great! Pretty much if you see horn you are legal. Makes quick decision shots a lot easier. Back to the main point, yes, I do use iron sights on occasion and actually would rather use them.
Yes. Squirrel and rabbit hunting started to seem too easy to me as a teenager using a 12 GA pump, so I put aside the 12 GA and went back to a 20 GA single, then back to .22 LR rifle, and finally to a Ruger .22 LR pistol. :)

I prefer to use a rifle for deer. Started out with a Win M94 30-30 many years ago, now looking forward to trying out my iron sighted K31 7.5mm this year!
Currently I do not own any scopes...

But the only time I use optics is if I need to use a new purchase before I get around to removing the scope and regulating myself to the irons on it... I would buy a rifle with no sights installed only if seller bids down to offset their purchase....

Scopes are better, plain and simple, close to far, slow moving or fast, thick cover or wide open fields. Not saying that you're not gonna have trouble seeing/hitting a running deer at 50 feet with the over sized, overweight, large scopes in vogue today but keep the magnification and size modest and they're better any day of the week and twice on Sunday's.

I do however occasionally hunt with a 10/22 using factory open sights and scopes on handguns turn my stomach so any hunting with them is using open sights. Other than that if it can where a scope it does where a scope.
I much preferred iron sights long ago when I could see them. Since then I have put a 1.5x-4x on my deer rifle. It helps me focus on the target and see the sights. For awhile I could use a peep sight, but even that is gone now :(

So some people just can't use iron sights. Not only from age, but some poor kids are born with poor eyesight. So be kind to them.
So some people just can't use iron sights. Not only from age, but some poor kids are born with poor eyesight. So be kind to them.

Thank You JimPage for posting this. My eldest stepson was born legally blind. He can see with glasses but not good enough to use open sights.

I'll hunt irons a wee bit every year. I bowhunt deer pretty hard in our long seasons here, the bow season runs concurrent with gun season for over 2 months.

Sometimes if scouting, or in really bad windy weather, I'll get in the thick pine plantations or other sheltered areas and slip along (or try to) with a light easy to carry rifle.

I like an old Rem model 14 in .30 Rem, which was my first deer rifle. I have an older tube feed Ruger .44 with XS sights which is easy to tote also. Another is an early Marlin 1894 in .357, and Williams peep, its often in the truck for GP use anyhow.

I have taken a Garand a few times as well, but not on stalking hunts, and have never killed one with a Garand, though with its longer sight radius, I shoot the Garand best.

I've decided if I'm ever going to kill another with iron sights I better do it soon, as I don't see'em as clear as I used to.
nice rifle, cornbush.
I love that you provoked a 7 page thread on sporterized milsurps.

There are some pretty, pretty rifles on that thread.
Iron sights are still good for me.



You only need a scope for shots beyond 100 Yards.

My Marlin 1994 in .44 Remington Magnum just has a peep sight and a Gold Dot.

Scopes only matter past 100 yards.
I hunted for years without a scope and I'm going back to sights this deer season.
Most likely will not have a shot over 100 yards away but if I do I'm confident I can make longer shots acurately.
I do prefer aperture type rear sights with a post&bead front, however a good ladder rear with knife point front works well for long shots.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Today and for hunting this year it's going to be irons. I'm on again/off again with scopes.

I think being able to hit is not just about eyesight. Regular notch and post is like a Star Wars thing... like a force that runs through you. Even oldies with bad reading eyes can do it, but need to tune it in.

I'll let you know how that works out for me.
Shot this one with iron sighted M1A scout. I'll admit it was an extremely close shot, 25yds at ground level, not sure how he didn't see me. Realtree and a little discipline work wonders I guess.