Hunting with an SKS


:confused: I will be going on my first hunt this fall and was thinking about hunting with my sks. The only problem is, I'd have to get a 5 round magazine to be legal. Has anyone ever hunted using one of these? Also, does anyone know of where I might be able to purchase one of these magazines?? I would appreciate any and all info regarding this.
What Were Hunting

were going to be hunting mule deer. their kinda small. I was just curious as to anyone's opinion on this. :)
I'm intending to do the same thing this coming year. I've heard of the 5rd "hunting" fixed mag.... but I can't find anything that says that there is a capacity limit ..... at least here in MN.... please correct me if I'm wrong

and if anyone has a suggestion on ammo..... I'm thinking the bulk Russian HP that I've been running would be fine.... it's labled "hunting ammo" but it looks like repackaged Wolf ammo

Also interested in anyones oppinion on using my SKS for this purpose. I know of several people that use them with great success.
I wouldn't think it is a problem on small deer (if your state allows 7.62x39).... but If hunting I would go ahead and spend the money and get American ammo, something like Federal Classic.

Reason, the Russan & foreign stuff has a bi-metal jacket and is notorious for not expanding reliably.
I'm pretty picky about hitting either a neck or heart shot. I hit a mulie about three inches behind the heart; he humped up, looked insulted and fast-walked toward thick brush and uphill. I ran to get a better angle, popped him in the heart and he fell down like he should have in the first place.

That was with a .30-'06; the first shot was from around 90 yards; 150-grain bullet with a muzzle velocity of 3,000 ft/sec. The deer field-dressed at 125 pounds.

Basically, I won't allow anybody in my mule deer camp with any centerfire .22 nor with the 7.62x39.

In general, mulies seem to be a bit tougher than white tails about falling-down-flop-dead.

Thanks to everyone for posting reply's to this question.

Art, I know what you mean about mulie's having a bad reaction. My husband and his hunting friend had an experience when one was shot and did a back flip and they had to shoot it again as it ran away! My husband was using a 300 Savage, not sure what the other guy was using.

Anyway,I was just curious if anyone had thought this to be a bad idea or if it would be ok. Our mule deer in Arizona are tiny. The two my husband got were not big at all. We didnt get much meat from them.

So if there is a good recommendation on a gun for me for hunting I would appreciate any reply's. I'm small (5"4") and would like the rifle to be light enough that I can carry it and also when I hold it. I was also thinking about a Marlin 30/30. ?? Is this a good choice?
Small deer, hunting ammo, range inside 100 yards, the SKS would probably work if you're a good shot. To some extent, "Ya go with what ya got." so the main thing is to practice until you are confident you can hit your point of aim. And that's from offhand or a hasty rest, not from a benchrest. (I doubt many folks carry a benchrest out on a hunt. :) )

The Marlin lever action is a very well made critter, and the .30-30 has plenty of Oomph! for deer in general.

Whichever rifle fits you best, is the most comfortable to mount to your shoulder, is the one with which you can shoot the best. I think that's more important than the difference between the cartridges. Better to have a good hit with an AK than a miss with an awkward-fit '06.

I purchased a "SKS 5 ROUND RESTRICTER" so that I could legally use my SKS to hunt here in my neck of the woods.

D.C. Engineering, Inc.
8633 Southfield
Detroit, MI 48228
(313) 271-7177

I purchased it through a local FFL that specializes in SKS's.

D&N Enterprises
5005 N. 123rd St.
Kansas City, KS 66109
(913) 721-1183
Thank You Art and LoneStranger.

Yes Art, it is a "ya go with what ya got" thing I'm afraid. Money isn't always friendly in a time of need. I would like to get me a rifle specific to my hunting and only for that purpose. Unlike my SKS, which is just for the plain fun of it, and the inexpensive ammo. :D

So, with 5 months till opening day I am going to try and get a Marlin. I looked at one, held it, talked sweetly to it (I'm just kidding, didn't really talk to it.) It felt good and wasn't too heavy. So maybe I'll do a layaway on it. I still have enough time to come up with funds for it.

Once again, Thanks for all the advice!

I've killed 3 whitetail bucks with a sks all about 40yds dropped dead with a neck shot (hit his spinal cord) hit the other 2 thru the lungs they both died within 40 yds of where ive shot them, all using hollowpoint WOLF ammo. SKS is a GOOD short range deer gun.
I've been practicing with my sks and am pretty accurate at 40 yards and so, so at 60 yards. Anything further at this point and my pattern is pretty spread out. I'd like to be good at long range shots, so thats why I'm wondering also if a different rifle would be better, or if I just need more long range practice.
Don't know how long a distance you're talking about but normally consider the .30-30 to be a good 150 yd gun. It's considered a fine brush gun in La. where I grew up. But hunters who wanted the ability to shoot further usually traded on up to a more powerful, flatter-shooting cartridge. Some examples are .243 and 6.5x55. These shoot well out to about 300 yds or so
and have light recoil. The .25-06 might be another pick but don't know about its recoil.
Just food for thought if you haven't bought anything yet.
my husband says that most of our shots will be from pretty far away (he's hunted before, and thats been his experience) so thats why I was thinking of getting something like a marlin .30-30. Just didnt know if an sks would go that far or not. :)
if you're lookin' at "pretty far away" you might be better served to pick up one of the Savage 110 Hunter-Packs... a ready to go, scoped 30-06 or .270, sight her in, and shoot a deer!

not much more expensive than the lever action 30-30, and big enough for Elk, should you ever wanna try those...
That just might be the way to go, we are planning an elk hunt for next season so....... guess I'll have to look into it. Are they lightweight to carry/hold ?
my exp. with 7.62 X 39 ammo is that when russian HP expands
it works great but only works for me 50% of the time. A good SP handload or fedral SP ammo would be more consistant.

As far as MN state game laws no more than 5 rnds in the weapon for big game.
My 110 Savage (30-06)was not bought as a Hunter-Pack... but assembled from scratch...

in the original hardwood, it was a 7.75 pound rifle, scope, sling and mounts added... NOT a lightweight...

I eventually shaved a pound or so, with a Choate aftermarket fiberglass stock...

it shoots 1/4 MOA at 100 yards... and LIKES the cheap Winchester white-box 165 grain ammo...

even at 7.5 pounds, it carried and swung nicely... handled very well... they are not the most beautiful rifle, but they are an extremely good value for the price, and shoot as accurate as rifles at twice their cost.

I understand they even offer a "youth" version, shorter and lighter than the full-size... but I have not looked into it...

I'm definitely not in the market for a pretty hunting rifle. I just want something reliable, somewhat lightweight and capable for taking down a deer, and maybe in the future an elk. I should factor in the possible elk hunting in my decision of what to get. money isnt always friendly, so the choice should be one that will accomodate both those things.

I also really appreciate everyone's advice. It helps to get all the different perspectives.