Hunting load

The lube I'm using is ballistol w/ a ratio of 8:1,patch is drill that compresses to.015. Got it from Joannes fabric. I tried five different mat.w/ different thicknesses and three diff. lubes from 4:1- 8:1 ratio's shooting groups of five w/ a diff. target for each one wiping between each shot (to give each one a fair shake)before I found what I'm using now.This gave me the groups I spoke of before. I'm going to experiment with the charge next time to see what happens. Yea, it's funny you can take the same brand new model rifle built side by side and they will like completely different lube/patch combinations and loads to shoot well. Thanks, all.
simeon says,roll over,play dead

OLD man my point is not based on years of expert shots,like a running 180 yard neck shot with 90 gr 777 and 250 gr hornady sabot,that cartweeled the 250 pound doe ,no expansion,but energy transfer paralised the animal,ballistics are very different from balls to bullets,some guys like balls as you do,in over 125 big game harvests mostly deer and mostly muzzeloaders shooting conicals, as Ive learned a BB is not superior to a pellet when dispatching roof chewing squrrels,even if the BB s were lead, her in upper mich.the deer elk n hogs have very thick hides ,n fat reserves.and a ball will not transfer energy as well to produce shoc on an adrenaline enriched animal no matter how romanticly historical it is to you......................................................................................................:cool:
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Got hogs and deer in Wisconsin too and they drop just fine with a round ball. Those deer don't seem to pay much attention to ballistics reports or maybe they are punier in Wisconsin and die easier than they do in Michigan. They pay more attention to the big hole made by the big blob of lead that just ruined their day. I bet none of them can quantify the difference between a 3000 fps .30 projectile and a 1000 fps .50 projectile. Its like the difference between being hit by a 55 mph semi and a 120 mph sports car. Dead is dead. Now you boys play nice or you will have to go to your room.
Pure lead round balls make the best killer. Period.. Energy doesn't mean a thing. Period.. Animals can't read!!, You have it correct.

The energy figures are designed to sell guns and bows. Since the velocity in the formula is squared, a little increase can make the energy figures skyrocket making a more attractive gun therefore better sales.
The number you need is momentum. The 50 cal round ball with 65 grs of powder has enough momentum to pass completely through a deer. Holes on both sides, air into the body cavity, blood on the ground and the oil light goes on.
Deer will be down easily a quickly as one shot with a 30-06.
If you were dependent on Kinetic energy to kill an animal, how in the world could you expect an arrow to be as efficient as it is?
The round ball won't shoot through the side of a truck but I don't think you'll be hunting trucks.
I feel much less apprehensive about things now. I thank you all for your input I do appreciate it. I have heard that no matter what you do or how you cook it, it still ends up tasting like truck,so I'll be staying with deer and such...;)

It's an American tradition around the campfire. "Here is what I'm shooting and this is why it is the secret weapon for killing stuff." And please, Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story!



Warning: This person may not be a reliable historian. (Pass the Jim Beam and No smokin' that injun 'backy.)
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