Hunting: Leave the TVs and pets at home, please...

Humans invented kennels for a reason. Use them. And if you can't be without your freakin' "Sex in the City" episode for a week, stay home.

You are funny, Doof! What in the world is the matter with you? You took bikes for elk hunting??? Geez, if you can't leave the bike at home for a week, stay home!!!!

Just because other people don't do things your way doesn't mean that they are wrong or that they should stay home anymore than me suggesting you shouldn't take a bike elk hunting isn't right and you should stay home.

Not everyone camps the same way. Me, I like to camp at Motel 6...if I am going to be at a facility open to the public.

Here is what you do. If you can't deal with the general public, you can either stay home or buy your own place. If you buy your own land and then you get to make the rules. It really is that simple of a concept, maybe difficult to implement, but a simple concept. Otherwise, you get to be with the general population and they may not like you either.
Lots of "horrah for us and to hexx with you' it appears.

Consideration is getting much harder to find these days. I see it right here in the subdivision compared to the early 70s when I moved here.
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I wouldn't say it's "hoorah for us" so much as it's, "hey, this is reality, unfortunately you just have to deal with it."

Do I believe in courtesy? Certainly. Do I try to practice it? Of course.

Example: Handyman, who did work on the place I leased while my wife was finishing school for her RN/BSN, obtained permission from us and from the landlord to bow hunt in the woods bordering the property (which were part of the overall plat.) I didn't know when he'd be there, as he had not given me a schedule, per se. One morning, I went back to my target area with a guest. Bow hunter had set a tree stand up just above and beyond my backstop. He waved. We saw him, and held off on our shooting session. Later that day, though, we had a conversation about the virtue of him letting me know when he would hunt; in return, he would not only be safer, but I would not shoot the day before or the day of his hunt, to avoid scaring the game. Note that in this instance, courtesy worked both ways, and definitely to the bow hunter's advantage.

Now, I would not personally camp and make a bunch of noise, or let my dogs run loose, around an area people were trying to hunt. Partly, that's courtesy. Partly, that's common sense. I know of too many idiot hunters, who don't properly identify targets or backstops. I won't go into public woods during season; we don't let our dogs into the woods during the season; and we don't ride our horses into the woods during the season.

Frankly, I'm a bit more offended by people who shoot other people, pets, and livestock due to poor hunting practices than I am by people who make noise.

I'm not accusing anybody in this thread of being idiot hunters, but I am saying that some of the people the OP is complaining about may not really care much for or about hunters due to the actions of a few bad apples.

And, again, if you can manage it, it is often a very good idea to either obtain access to private land, or else put in the effort to get away from the madding crowd and deep into the public land.
Idiot Hunter =

One who keeps his armed neighbors up and keeps them angry with loud noise bad behavior and bright lights without knowing if his neighbor is short tempered.

Oh oh, not so funny now is it.
Public land is just that, public land. If you go there you must deal with the publc. What some consider common courtesy is not all that common nowadays and seems to get less common as the years go on. I don't know of any cure for humanity except to get away from it. Either hike farther in or acquire some private hunting land.
Down here in Texas there is not much to chose from for public hunting land and what there is is way too crowded for my taste. Most people I know either hunt some friend or family members land or pay for a lease, which is what I do. Even then you have others hunting with you and must deal with their way of doing things. But ya know, it would be a very boring world if we were all the same.
Hell, we'd all hunt with the same gun!