Hunting Etiquette Question - Should I hunt with this guy again? (long)


All behavior is the result of a cost, risks, benefits analysis. Your initial post suggests the guy cost too much, maybe risked too much (desparation shot? sheesh! Rule 4? Fair chase? I may have to start a seperate thread) and clearly benefited too little. Your subsequent post indicates that you have reached the same conclusion I have. Hunt well.

Runt of the Litter,

I have sacrificed several hunts for partners' kids. In four of five cases the rewards have been hugely greater than filling the tags. I must admit, too, that I spoiled more than my share of hunts as a kid and cannot claim to have rewarded my benefactors nearly as much as I have benefited. I will risk hunting with kids again, partly because of the rewards, partly because I owe and now can only pay forward.

edit: Ouch! How did that button get pushed? Sorry, Runt, what I wrote is true but badly misapplied, not at all responsive to your post.
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H&H last reported in from the Texas hog fields yesterday. He, Ashley and another hunter had 13 down at last count!!!

Expect him back tomorrow or Monday.

Familiarity breeds contempt. I don't care whether your hobby is Skeet, Trap, Fishing, hunting, biking or chasing skirts. My experience indicates that I don't want 90% of the people I run into even breathing my air!

Glad you found more suitable companions.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
I've always found the best way to separate my friends from my aquaintances (or people I never want to go anywhere near again) is to go camping, hunting, or fishing with them for a few days. The whiners and losers make themselves known pretty quickly.
Final count 15 all with shot guns.

After quartering your elk and stripping the back straps off simply make a cut next to the spine about where the tenderloins are push the gut material away and extract your loins. Just as in gutting an elk the traditional way be carefull not to cut into any gut. And if you do you've already removed the majority of meat so you won't be loosing much.
I'm not much of a hunter myself (Indiana doesn't allow centerfire rifles). From what I now from my little experience, others' experience, and common sense, this guy didn't do ANYTHING right (and/or according to proper etiquette).

I agree that the "son is afraid to camp" thing was a bad sign. Of course, it was already too late by then...
Thanks, H&H. Kinda makes sense now & wish I'd tried that with our last 'lopes - missed an easier opprtunity rather than trying on elk next .....