Hunting banned National Wildlife Refuges

what better way to stop a stalemate than to turn the populace against the other side.

most national parks that I'm aware of either have incredibly strict rules for hunting or just never allowed it in the first place. of the few that did allow it(without a 30 page rulebook) I'm sure there aren't a whole lot of people that actually do their hunting there. with that said. it's a national park, it has a gate at every entrance and entrance requires an admittance fee. without people to charge admittance then there is no admittance to anyone, not just hunters. is there no state BLM, DNR, F&G, DOW, or Access Yes land around which forces people to hunt on national parks?
This whole NO Hunting Bit is just a rumor started by who knows who for who knows why.

It is no rumor according to my state's (Wisconsin) DNR. This is why advice given on the in Internet needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The infamous Necedah Wildlife Refuge close to me, which usually has the majority of it's 43,000 acres open for hunting, is closed to hunting until further notice. One of my favorite grouse hunting haunts. While campgrounds and offices are closed in the Chequamegon and Nicolet National Forests, as of now other recreational opportunities such as hunting and hiking are still allowed.

With the immense amount of info available to us on the internet, and public chat sessions available on most state DNR/F&G websites, should we have a question about what is legal and what is not, we should go to the appropriate place for an answer.
It's probably worth considering just how much we are dependent on the federal government for our hunting rights.

It is no rumor according to my state's (Wisconsin) DNR. This is why advice given on the in Internet needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The infamous Necedah Wildlife Refuge close to me, which usually has the majority of it's 43,000 acres open for hunting, is closed to hunting until further notice. One of my favorite grouse hunting haunts. While campgrounds and offices are closed in the Chequamegon and Nicolet National Forests, as of now other recreational opportunities such as hunting and hiking are still allowed.

With the immense amount of info available to us on the internet, and public chat sessions available on most state DNR/F&G websites, should we have a question about what is legal and what is not, we should go to the appropriate place for an answer.

From what I was told by a DNR officer in Nebraska, all wildlife refuges and national parks were closed. National forests on the other hand are open to hunting so long as there is no gated entrance that charges admittance. Along with that all BLM land was still open.

That's straight from a horses mouth. I did read that certain state lands in your state were having issues due to them receiving partial funding from the Feds, not sure the ins and outs of that though.

I know where we're going is national and BLM land and it is as open as it was 3 months ago.
National wildlife refuges in Arkansas closed

This is probably an obvious one to everyone, but Ive got friends that were kicked out of the white river national refuge. Our bow season opened sept28 and they were already in there hunting. I wasn't planning on hunting on any of our refuges this year. But always like to have the option. I've hunted them a lot in the past. Believe there are 10 national wildlife refuges in Arkansas. The white river NWR alone is around 180000 acres.

One that really galls me is theyve shut off the Buffalo River. This is a national "park" I believe with a strip of federal land down each side of the river. So you have to cross federal land to get to the river and they have closed all access roads. I wasn't planning on going to the buffalo river in the near future either, but this one just seems flat out wrong. It's a navigable waterway! ***? They're still collecting my taxes!
There is usually no hunting on refuges and parks. Its been that way for a very long time. National Forests are another thing altogether. Sometimes special hunts were allowed on the refuge, but they were usually drawings and tightly regulated.
Originally posted by Kimber84:

From what I was told by a DNR officer in Nebraska, all wildlife refuges and national parks were closed. National forests on the other hand are open to hunting so long as there is no gated entrance that charges admittance. Along with that all BLM land was still open.

That's straight from a horses mouth.

...and that was the point of my comment. I see other folks in this thread giving statements and comments about things they haven't a clue about. The fact is there are many National Wildlife Refuges open to hunting, without special hunts or permits....normally. Fact is, many of these and other Federal lands were closed last week because of political theatrics in Washington......not normal. There are many options out there for us to easily find out what is and what isn't correct or legal on these and other Federally operated lands. Folks don't need to guess, they just need to ask they right folks. The OP was trying to inform(and rightfully so) that some Federal lands were now closed to hunting and other recreational purposes that are normally open. No reason for those folks to accuse him and others of spreading unfounded rumors and misinformation when he was correct.
Just to add:

I just got back from 6 days elk hunting in the Big Horn National Forest, Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming.

Not only was hunting allowed, but most of the NF Camp Grounds were open. The only exceptions were a few that are always closed in the winter. They are too hard to get snow removal equipment in.

Never talked to anyone who had problems. WY Game warden told me the NF, (in Wyoming anyway) don't seem to be effected by the shut down, although FS personal aren't working.

And before you ask, yes I got my elk.
No sorry to say, when I shot the elk it was blowing rain and snow. The scope on the 'A4 isn't sealed and fogs easily.

I used my Model 70 Featherweight in 270 Win.