Hunting banned National Wildlife Refuges


New member
IT was in the Minneapolis Star Tribune and on the State of WI DNR website the The Federal Government has stopped all hunting, fishing, hiking, trespassing on all National Forests, Waterfowl Production Areas, and National Wildlife Refuges. This is due to Government shutdown. Going to be some very unhappy sportsman, hikers and birdwatchers.

Then remember that and vote those folks out.

If that is true, then I guess that means there is also no logging going on in those NFs?
Not a lot to talk about, really. So, don't. I'll leave this open so others can take note; it likely is a nationwide deal.
If they can't pay their cops how do they expect to keep them "closed" to folks that just go in anyway?

Isn't this the same as illegally hunting on private property?

The federal government manages "public land", but it doesn't mean a citizen can do whatever they want on it.
When they put up fences and barricades around outdoor statues to keep people from looking at them because they are "closed" can you conclude anything other than drama and spite by the executive branch?
National forests, unless they're gated are opened. I just checked a wilderness area/ NF we are rifle hunting and its wide open.

Lots of misinformation floating around.
Across the Mississippi from me is a refuge called Cat Island, great hunting and easy driving distance from Baton Rouge. Bow season opened Oct 1st and the gates are closed and locked. GW
I don't know. What is the difference between a National Forest and a Wildlife Refuge?

Wildlife Refuge is just that, a place that protects wildlife. I can only use the National Elk Refuge in Western Wyoming as an example.

The National Elk Refuge is a place set aside to protect elk during the winter season. At times, the numbers of elk exceed what the Refuge can support, so they allow limited hunting under the watchful eye of fed game biologist.

Since the Gov. is shut down, they furloughed the biologist so there is no one to oversee the hunting.

As to National Forest. The NF System manages National Forest. The State's manage the game in NF NGL (National Grass Lands) and BLM (BlM comes under the Dept of Interior, the NF & NGLs come under the dept. of Ag.)

Feds aren't needed to police hunting in NF, NFL, & BLM. Again hunting is controlled by the state so hunting in these areas isn't affected.

What would be affected is Firewood Cutting in NF, Grassing on NF, NGL and BLM lands.

This whole NO Hunting Bit is just a rumor started by who knows who for who knows why.

I know its not effecting the rest of my hunting season one bit.

But forget about what others say, forget about what I say, get off the 'net and call your state game commission and get the CORRECT answers from them if you're worried about it.
it is closed in Tennessee

Went to and clicked on one of the links and it said all permits were cancelled on government lands.It states a few that are still open but even most of the boat ramps are suppossed to be closed.I can just see them telling all the guys fishing or skiing to get off the lake because their breaking the law this weekend.
I was up to the Upper Mississippi Wildlife Refuge earlier this week to do some hiking.
There was a warden truck parked across the entrance and a sign saying that the area was closed due to the shutdown.
The funny part is that, in 20 years of hiking, canoeing, and fishing in the refuge, I have never seen a federal employee out there at all.