Hunting Alternative Livestock?

Should Scientifically Bred Deer be Allowed in the Trophy Books with Wild Deer?

  • Yes - Scientifically Bred Deer Should Be Allowed In the Trophy Books

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • No - Scientifically Bred Deer Should Not Be allowed in the Trophy Books

    Votes: 42 93.3%

  • Total voters
A canned hunter is the same as cockfighter? It seems that you like to buy into animal rights propaganda. I'm in one the last two free states where game roosters can be fought. They are matched by weight and are bred specifically for what they do. The breeds originated and exist to fight. They do it naturally. They damn sure have a better life than any chicken that you pick up at KFC. It's nothing like shooting a cat in a cage. When the HSUS gets cockfighting made illegal, there going after hunting dogs. Where do you think this hog dogging nonsense that they're trying to get made illegal everywhere is going to lead? If you go after coyotes with Greyhounds or hogs with Argentine Dogos, your days are numbered. When they get done with that, they'll go after trapping. And then they will go after man on animal hunting, piece by piece by piece.

Outstanding post! I totally agree with you MikeP and wanted to let you know you said it extremely well.

I've been around chickens/roosters/cocks/banties<sp off and on all of my life. On more than one occassion I have watched roosters fight until the death. At any time either one of them could have cut and run, they didn't. Cock fighting has long storied roots world wide. In many places it is considered a honorable sporting game/event. More so than dog and horse racing or bullfighting in my opinion.
I contacted the Boone and Crockett club and asked about this.

The told me that they were aware of the auction, and of the increasing trend of breeding deer.

They do not allow these deer into their record books.
Canned hunts

I have viewed several sites in Texas about hunting, some examples were a place that has 8 feeders on 160 high fenced acres and shoots several "wild, feral hogs " each week, obvoiously some one who either buys trapped hogs or raised hogs and lets people shoot their domestic livestock at will. So long as they get paid, they care not about the sporting aspects of the situation.
A bought animal is not wild or feral, it is a domestic animal as long as it is kept in a confined area.
read the blotter section of P&W magazine each month, enough to make you puke at the scum and their mercenary ways.
Don :barf:
I wonder how many of these $30,000 deer are bringing more than their genes to the new herd, such as Chronic Wasting Disease?

If there is a fence, even if it surrounds the whole state of Texas, it isn't a totally "wild" deer, and in my mind, it doesn't count as much as the deer our deer we shoot outside a fence. However, to each his own. Ted Nugent states he will only eat meat from animals that he has hunted and killed. That doesn't make the rest of us scum because we don't hold his standards and eat an occasional Whopper.
When word of those canned hunts of aging lions or leopards first got publicized, hunters all over Texas raised a ruckus against it. The next session of the Legislature saw it outlawed. I don't know the specifics of the penalties, but they're fairly stiff.

There has been some effort at legislation concerning "Penned Hunts", but the argument is (SFAIK) ongoing about "How big must a tract be to not be a pen?" It's one of those deals where the PETA types would call a ten-thousand acre pasture a pen...

I'm no biological scientist, but I worry about diseases in pen-raised deer. I think the trophy thing has gone way beyond reality.

In the FWIW department: My father used to talk about the old days in south Texas pre WW II and before the drouth of the 1950s. Bucks which would dress 200 pounds were not uncommon. SFAIK, that's where the present game ranches have gotten with herd management.

He also commented that 300-lb dresed weights of west Texas mule deer were not at all rare, back before the drouth of the 1950s. Since that time, with the lessened predator control and lessened augmented water supplies, anything around 200 pounds is bragging size. There is little or no management of the mule deer herd, generally. Maybeso a few ranches...
