Hunter knocked unconscious by dead goose falling from sky


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I thought more humorous the story about a Japanese fishing trawler sunk by cows falling from an airplane. Too bad that was a hoax.

It may not have been a fair fight but at least the goose took out one of his aggressors. Be thankful geese don't open carry or there would be a lot less goose hunting going on.
I heard of an incident like this 30+ years ago, goose knocked out a hunter by falling on him.

I remember a story about a wounded goose pummeling a hunter that tried to grab it by the neck. Try explaining that to the boys at the bar next Friday night!
Hunter Knocked Unconscious by dead goose Fake News

I actually was surprised to see this carried forward here. I went to the trouble to find the actual source of this. No credible witness. The retweet is from the UK. Lots of reports but no substantiation. No actual person reporting that they actually saw this happen. No LEO or Fish and Game. No Hospital. No Sheriff. No Ambulance Driver. Fake News. Humorous. Nice story. Apocryphal. Not responsible hunting etiquette to be hit by falling game. Sounds like hunting grouse with Dick Cheney. That happened. To a Lawyer. Not Fake News. Lousy hunter.
I recall a pheasant hunt that I shot one and could have 'fair catched' it. I didnd and it landed about 4' in front of me.
It's better than the dead elephant that J.A. Hunter is said to have had fall on him after its last charge. (Or was it his tracker that ended up under it? -- I need to read the book again.)
Though, according to the stories, the goose did more damage than the elephant. :rolleyes:

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Hunter Knocked Unconscious by dead goose Fake News

This report may be fake news, I don't see that it matters all that much, because this kind of thing DOES happen. Rare, indeed, but it has happened before and likely will happen again.

I personally knew someone it happened to, back in the early 80s. He was one of the guys I worked with, avid duck hunter. Shot one, saw it crumple, swung on the bird ahead, and was struck in the head by the duck he just shot.

Missed 3 days of work and had a slight concussion. Whole side of his face was black and blue for a week, and it took a couple days before both eye would focus together...

He got quite a bit of teasing, about "forgetting to duck" , and the Kamikaze duck, etc. Also temporarily changed the usual warning cry from "heads up! / duck" to "mallard!!!!" around the worksite, for a little while...:rolleyes:

Given how much heavier a goose is, given the choice, I'd choose duck!;)
This report may be fake news, I don't see that it matters all that much, because this kind of thing DOES happen. Rare, indeed, but it has happened before and likely will happen again.

Considering the millions of waterfowl falling dead to earth every year while millions of waterfowl hunters sit in blinds below them, hard to believe it doesn't happen more often. Especially if the action is hot and one is focusing on a bird other than the one falling towards him. I've been on Snow Goose hunts out west, where there are multiple birds falling outta the sky around you as you continue to focus/look down your barrel in an attempt to get another. I'd think a 10-12 pound goose falling from 90 feet after having a initial flight velocity of 40-50 MPH, could not only knock you out, but break your neck.

Back when I was a kid, there were several of us kids squirrel hunting. One of my friends had just put a scope on his .22, was not used to it and was having a hard time finding the squirrels in the trees with it. While looking thru his scope trying to find a squirrel high above him, someone else shot it and it fell right on my friends gun barrel driving the scope into his face. Only time I ever saw someone get a scope "bite" without firing the gun.......
I was once duck hunting from a blind and had a mallard sneak in on a flight path that would have been over us. I shot it and it plummeted towards us. I had to duck and it ended up hitting the post that the blind was built on (inside the blind, upper post) and fell at my feet VERY dead. On attempting to clean it I will tell you the post did FAR more damage than the shot. They are fairly solid animals

I did have a duck "bite" me when I went to retrieve it in the canoe as my friend and I (16 or so at the time) did not have a retriever dog. Friend still laughs about it. Says I went to grab it, moved my hand back, wiggled it off, and then both beat it with the canoe paddle and attempted to drown it with said paddle.
It's surprising this doesn't happen more often. When the target is on an intercept course and the bearing is not changing, only range and elevation, then a solution is easier.