hunted becomes hunter?

Shot a nice buck with a crossbow years ago. I was 21 and inexperienced, and didn't know to let that sucker bleed for a while. I walked up to that big six-point, and he stood up.

Uh-oh! I used my crossbow to club him between the shoulder blades, and he went back down. Pucker factor was high for a second, though...:D
Lessee ... there was that bull coon I loosed a shaft at while deer hunting down in FL about twenty years ago. Missed him low. Leaves flew up all around him. He locked on me like a TWS radar in acquisition sector scan mode. The next 200 milliseconds were in slow motion ... he went into warp drive from where he was (about 60 feet away) and ended up in my personal space. About 12 feet away with his top lip waaaaay back up around his eyes ... nothing but TEETH and a growl that shook my faith in the Lord.

After he decided I was a sissy and not worth his time (d-d-d-due to a slow, non-threatening retreat on my part), I regained my faith and went straight to church.
The most dangerous game

In July 1967, we 1st Bn. 9th Marines were hunting the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) in the DMZ. It turned out that the 90th, 91st and 324B Division NVA Regts. were hunting us. We found each other on July 2 and on July 14 it ended. Score: Us, 1,500+, them, 250 +.
Read "Operation Buffalo" Nolan.

Hunting the animal "man", is the most dangerous game to hunt.

Semper Fi,
USMC Retired