Huge Regret, Pistol I wish I hadn't sold


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Walter P38. I found it at a pawn shop near my house back in 2015. Had to sell it when Money troubles started. It was a beauty though for sure. actual picture of the one i had taken right after bringing it home.

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A Smith & Wesson Model 27-2 revolver still makes me want to sing the blues. I bought it back when these were cheap, put some money into it to get it real nice, then I had to sell it when (long story). When I tried to replace it the prices on the originals went way up, although I might still get another one.
There are two, actually for me. The first was my first Browning Hi-Power, back in '69. Like many, I found something else, can't even remember what it was, that seemed the be-all and end-all of handguns. But truth be told, I picked up another one, a gift actually, from another pilot during my first tour in Vietnam. My one greatest regret is that I couldn't bring it home with me. "They" were searching our shipped baggage when we DEROS'd (end of tour), and if a gun was found, it was an Article 15 for openers, and, for sure, the end of a career.

The 2nd was a German Luger with all the correct markings, matching numbers, tools, two mags...the whole enchilada...we found it in a Vietcong cashe up near Loc Ninh in lll Corps late in June '70.

Still in a small shipping crate, it had German, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese markings on the shipping crate. I can only guess that after it was captured from the Germans in '44, every unit armorer there after said, 'what the hell am I supposed to do with this?" No parts, unfamiliarity with the gun itself etc. and it didn't fit anywhere in their TO&E.

So down the road it went to end up in a bunker there in southern Vietnam. That gun, with that provenance, capture papers, shipping crate and all, would have financed a cpl of years of college tuition for one of my sons. It was in 100% condition and with all the tools etc., but like the BHP, it would have cost me my career, if found by some REMF searching my stuff. And they did search, because all of my logbooks, a knife, and some other personal stuff never made it back home.

Funny, but I've never heard of any rear echelon "desk jockey", "manager" or clerk that had anything charged to them but also have never met up with another vet who spent his nights listening for the cans tinkling in the concertina wire, that actually managed to keep his stuff in tack.

Sorry for the last paragraph rant...still bugs the hell out of me. Best regards, Rod
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1911 US Property marked, Rampant Colt S/N reflects 1918 production date. All original including grips and magazine.
Traded even up for a "just introduced" S&W 645. Not a bad deal at the time, but in retrospect :(:(:(
I have no regrets. Because, I have never sold a gun except one and it wasn't a pistol.

The ones that I no longer have, have been given to their current owners.

I have no regrets.
I regret selling a Dan Wesson CBob. I needed funds for an adoption lawyer, and made a small profit, and assumed that i could buy another when funds were available. Unfortunately, that model was discontinued right after I sold it. When it was reissued, it was almost double the original price i paid. Maybe some day...

(I also kinda miss the 3 HK P7s that i had.)

Sig P-232 traded it for a 4566, sold the Smith to buy a Shield9.

In hindsight I should’ve kept the Sig and bought the Smith outright because a few years later Sig discontinued the P232 and now they go for crazy money.

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Walter P38. I found it at a pawn shop near my house back in 2015. Had to sell it when Money troubles started. It was a beauty though for sure. actual picture of the one i had taken right after bringing it home.

What did you sell it for? And when?
About 20 years ago I traded a beautiful 4" stainless Smith & Wesson model 66 no dash for a "like new" gen 3 Glock 17. One of the worst deals I ever agreed to. Oh well. C'est la vie.
My Colt Trooper Mk III in .357. My first gun. My dad bought it for me when I was 17, which was like 1971 or 1972 or so. Wish I had kept it just 'cause my dad bought it for me.

Prager's Gun Shop on Mill Street in Orlando FL. Wonder if they're still in business?