Huckabee's Unsafe Gun Handling On Display

Here is a video of the event:

Apparently he doesn't know how to work the safety on his shotgun. Oh yeah, the video was probably youtubed by an anti hunter because the title suggests Huckabee has a hidden nature and there is a pop up in the middle saying he is a minister with no respect for life.

At 0:53 there is a hunter in the background resting his hand over the top of the barrel of his shotgun, too.
At least he didn't have to get someone else to take off the safety this time around. He reminds me of the John Kerry type hunter.

All it means is that he was using a shotgun he wasn't familiar with.

He's doing the right thing by making sure he understands how the safety works.
He's been a hunter a lot longer than most of the other candidates. And while we must espouse perfect form, anyone who has hunted with others more than once or twice has seen some departures from that perfect form, just like anyone who's driven for more than a month has probably exceeded the speed limit or mis-signaled a lane change at some point. So it's good to suggest to people the perfect way to do things, but this story is all spin.
xd9fan said:
But the Christian Right loves him...... the GOP......thats all that matters.
If that statement had even a scintilla of truth in it, Pat Robertson would be finishing his second term instead of Bush. Obviously it is not all that matters and your one-dimensional characterization of the GOP is wholly inaccurate.
Please prove me wrong. I'm serious here.

What is the biggest controling group in the GOP??

Limited Govt types.....nope
Fiscal "conservatives"......(give me a break)
Gun Owners?????......really...really


Its the Religious Right.
nice dodge......(proves my point)

Come can say it.....
Who is the biggest voting block in the GOP?
Just because I reject your slanted multiple-choice doesn't mean I dodged the question. I answered your question in all honesty. You asked for the biggest controlling group.

Now you're asking for the biggest voting block. Changing the question because you can't negate the accuracy of the answer to your previous question. Again I'll give you an honest answer: I don't know.

Regardless, even if I stipulated to all your conditions, it doesn't support your statement that in the GOP the Christian Right is all that matters. Clearly much more matters to the Republican party than just conservative Christians.
If the stupid reporters were not there in the first place then that wouldn't have happened.

No. The responsibility for firing a weapon lies squarely on the person pulling the trigger (target, what lies behind the target, yada yada). It's not like the group of reporters were ninjas. Someone in the group made a mistake.

Besides, the entire point of the trip was for the benefit of the reporters.
The Republican Party Platform? That's easy:

1. Enforcing the Civil Rights Act, not claiming that 95% of blacks are criminals, and/or not complaining that black people have civil rights.

2. Understanding the Commerce Clause, and the rest of the United States Constitution, and understanding that the United States Supreme Court's rulings (case law precedent) about the meaning of the Constitution are final.

3. Enforcing federal law so that fake currency can't be circulated by the use of the "drop method."

4. Not advocating that Lincoln was a facist, or arguing about which side was right in the Civil War.

5. Not supporting nutballs who won't pay their taxes and who threaten to kill federal law enforcement officers.

6. Not disbanding the FBI and the CIA.

7. Enacting and enforcing the Lawful Commerce in Arms act so that gun manufacturers and deals aren't sued out of existence; and

8. Rejecting a foreign policy of isolationalism.

You can find the policy right on the GOP website; check it out yourself.
xd9fan said:
Fill me in....what is the new platform?
Every time I answer a question, you ignore it and ask another question. The Firing Line is a discussion forum, not a question and answer (or in your case a question and question) forum. It is pointless to continue. I can have a better conversation with my dog.