Huckabee the next Bush?

The current nomination process is horrible. First, there's Iowa, then NH; neither state in any way being representative of the politics/views of most Americans. Shouldn't make any difference what a bunch of Iowa farmers and NH airheaded "Y's" think about anything.

YYYYEP. We here I-O-Way boys don't know nuthin' A-tawl.:barf::mad:

We've only predicted the president 50% of the time waaay before the candidates were even weeded down to three due to our silly cawwcusssess...

I don't think he should be compared to Bush. Most Republicans share similar views. With that, any thing that Huckabee stands for, he's labeled as another Bush. I think he's more of a 2A preserver than Bush. He appears to want to downsize the federal govt. That's almost the opposite of what Bush did. These are just a few, yet key examples that separate the two.

Huckabee, (aka Huckajesus), is an advocate of instate tuitiion, state controlled benefits, and amnesty for illegals. He push through enough tax increases in Arkansas to see a 6-fold increase in the state's budget while he was governor. He is very leftwing from a domestic policy, and very militaristic from a foreign policy perspective.

Yep, quite the embellishment. Or, should I say, one sided story being presented...

Nope, Arkansas' state budget increased by just over half (50%) in real terms from 1998 to 2007. That's in line with most State's for the same period.

And, of course the ones that bash him over the tax increases (as well as other issues) don't give the full disclosure as to WHY. He gets the "blame" when his own citizens allowed increases to fix those horrible roads.

He isn't the perfect candidate. I do have disagreements. However, when was the last time a true Rebublican candidate was very open about preserving the 2A for the RIGHT reasons? That, and a few other key issues that he believes in has my attention...

Probably won't vote, for the first time since I was eligible to vote.

That's the NUMBER ONE WITHOUT QUESTION best ammo for the far left. Nothing like seeing George Soros partying like there's no tomorrow. His ultimate victory must be near...
Tuttle: I think you missed the point. The process that permits you Iowans to "weed them out" is horribly flawed. (It'd be the same if any one state were put in the same situation.) How do you Iowans feel about gun control? Capital punishment? etc., etc. What kind of people do you Iowans elect to represent you in the Congress?

BTW, I do a lot of business with The Principal Financial Group. Have met a lot of great Iowans over the years...just don't like the "one state's opinion weeds them out" process. The Democratic caucus process in Iowa is much akin to a bunch of college freshmen stumbling around in a fraternity house. Really sophomoric.
Tuttle: I think you missed the point. The process that permits you Iowans to "weed them out" is horribly flawed.

I can understand you stating the process is flawed. But, the result of our predictions are quite accurate. We gotta be doing something right whether it's "flawed" or not. Doesn't seem to matter on how the chips are thrown up. What matters is that our state seems to pick the future president often. Accurate in a general sense.

The Democratic caucus process in Iowa is much akin to a bunch of college freshmen stumbling around in a fraternity house. Really sophomoric.

Have you ever been to one? I haven't, so I can't apply a formed opinion. My observation is that they gather to discuss/debate their candidates of choice and vote based on "Yea" or "Nay". Sounds like to me how Congress operated back in the day. Do I agree with it? Not really. I like the Republican process better...
I friend of mine just sent me a link to townhall. It was quite the eye opener to read it. I don't know if any or all of it is true. I also don't know if the sources provided to back up his story is valid. But, it's worth investigating...

I don't know the credibility of Hugh Hewitt (he posted it, David Thompson wrote it) and his blog, so take it for what it's worth...
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Huck(Gomer) is another Bush global elitist willing to sell America to the highest bidder, voted twice for Bush will not do that again. Overall I think we are wasting time in discussing this because in my opinion the next president will be democrat thanks to the current administrations failures.
The small number of people who are still drinking the Bush Kool-Aid will surely line up to drink the Huckabee Kool-Aid. These people are religious zealots who are willing to follow a fascist president as long as he includes sufficient god-references and bible-thumping. These people are blinded by politicians claiming that "god wants me to be president" even as the constitution is dissolved, the bill of rights is ignored, civil liberties are curtailed, government secrecy expands enormously, moral and ethical atrocities abound, and America slides ever faster towards a police state.

(*I am not using the word fascist as a general term of abuse, I am using it to describe a type of government that the current administration aspires to.)

Thankfully, reasonable people have long since permanently denounced Bush and his cronies, which hopefully may prevent a repeat performance of the systematic abuses of the powers of the executive branch by a tyrant operating under the evangelical flag. I don't think there are enough blind-faith one-issue religious fundamentalists for Huckabee to get elected.

I believe in the separation of church and state, and the twin ideals of freedom of religion and freedom from religion. I would never vote for Huckabee or any other hardcore religious candidate begging my vote because of/despite his fundamentalist stance.

Not that the remaining viable candidates are getting me excited, they're pretty much a line-up of total and complete d-bags. Three hundred million people, and this is all we have to choose from?

I wonder about the reality of his religious beliefs being forced on voters. His complaints after 10 years as governor do not seem to include much about him being a religious zealot. The fact is that many religious conservatives did not like him in Arkansas for not being as much of a zealot as they would have hoped. In fact, them seemed to think he was too worldly in his thinking.

My point is that he does have a record, and that record does not show he was going around (as governor) forcing his religion on others. I want separation of church & state, but I think a lot of this is just liberal hype.
Pass on Huckabee

I agree he has too much in common with Bush. He is a populist plain and simple. While he may be social conservative on many issues he is not a conservative when it comes to governmental duties and economic issues. In general the field of candidates suck and I wish a 3rd party would be more viable. Even though Huckabee may be pro-2nd amendment I don’t think he worth the risk of him as presidents would bring.
While he may be social conservative on many issues he is not a conservative when it comes to governmental duties and economic issues.
(Baker437, I am not picking on you or directing this at you...I am just using this sentence as an "out-of-context" reference)

I have never understood how people can be so clueless about how two faced some of their ideals are when it comes to political leaders.

The same people that complain about government intrusion in their daily lives and how "big brother" should mind his own business jump all over wanting someone that is "socially" conservative as their leader.

Social conservative are the very ones that want more than anyone else to tell you what you can and cannot do in your daily personal life. They are the ones that want to tell you how to reproduce, how to worship, who to love, what to wear, what to listen to, what to watch, etc.

I want a leader that is "fiscally" conservative and that I have no idea what his social stance is because I stay out of his/her personal life and they stay out of mine and my neighbors.
This is interesting. You would think that on a site dedicated to firearms that Huckabee would be hands down a favorite. He has a top rating for 2a rights on this and many other gun related sites, yet many here do not like him. Not just this thread, but other threads. So, I can only assume that gun rights are not a very high priority for many here. Nothing wrong with that. All have a right to their opinion...I am just surprised.

Anyway, don't pay any attention to me, I actually voted for Bush his first what do I know.:eek:
madmag, you may have noticed some of our newer members' somewhat naive predictions of a favorable Paul showing in Iowa.

I think a lot of our Paul folks may have tied a bit of their own self worth to their candidate (classic hero worship).

What you're seeing is a little lashing out at the winner. Completely predictable.
There is nothing wrong with someone being a "social conservative" so long as they follow the Constitution. "Ay, there's the rub"

For example, I believe that Ron Paul is a social conversative, but I have no doubt that he, as president, would follow the Constitution. I have no such assurance with Huckabee, yet.
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Huckabee is the next Clinton....slick

...and yet ANOTHER drive-by useless statement that isn't conducive of discussion...

Not just this thread, but other threads. So, I can only assume that gun rights are not a very high priority for many here. Nothing wrong with that. All have a right to their opinion...I am just surprised.

As much as we all have in common on gunownership and interest of the 2A, I think there's many, many variables in what people think that keeps from having majority support one candidate.
But, the result of our predictions are quite accurate. We gotta be doing something right whether it's "flawed" or not.

Tuttle: Is it just remotely possible that the system/media make your predictions come true and not your stand on issues ? :)
I disagree with him in a big way on a a few issues, but they don't directly affect me and those issues that do I tend to agree with him on. So I think he's a good choice for me, on more than a single issue.