Huckabee the next Bush?

That is a good question.

If I thought he was another Bush then (as a Republican) I would not vote for him...period.

The fact is there are things I do not like about Huckabee, but we always have to take some of the bad with the good. My personal concerns are: Too much influence from his strong religious beliefs, and I am also concerned about his stand on state illegal immigration issues.

Having said that, I like a lot of what he says. His support of 2a rights, and about securing our borders....that is if he sticks to his word. I can only hope (assume) that he would be smart enough not to embroil us in a useless war like Iraq.
I do not think Huckabee stands a chance. He will do okay in the republican primaries because the far righties tend to drive those (just like the far lefties rive the democrat ones). The middle of the roaders tend to sit back and not participate too much up front.

When you add the middle of the road people and then the left side of the country into a general election someone with as strong a religous affiliation as Huckabee would not do well.
When you add the middle of the road people and then the left side of the country into a general election someone as strong a religious affiliation as Huckabee would not do well.

I tend to agree. He needs to work hard to win more middle of the road voters. Not sure if he can do that or not, but I could vote for him if he is the nominee.

But, to the thread title. If people think he is another Bush, then he is out before he starts. I would think most of the Republican candidates have put Bush on notice......please...please do not come out and stump for my campaign.
he seems very similar to President Bush.

Very similar? I think he seems very different. He looks different. He sounds different. He even has a different last name. :p

When you add the middle of the road people and then the left side of the country into a general election someone with as strong a religous affiliation as Huckabee would not do well.

That depends on what the "strong religious affiliation" means, and how it is perceived by most of the pubic. And he might do very well against the democrat, you never know.

I think a lot of democrats are very nervous about Huckabee. They've already started calling him "Bush." ;)
Huckabee, (aka Huckajesus), is an advocate of instate tuitiion, state controlled benefits, and amnesty for illegals. He push through enough tax increases in Arkansas to see a 6-fold increase in the state's budget while he was governor. He is very leftwing from a domestic policy, and very militaristic from a foreign policy perspective.
This is just as expected. I've predicted several times that whoever the Republicans nominate the Democrats will quickly label them anther Bush then continue running against Bush. Being without compelling attributes of their own outside their base, character assassination is their only course.
The comparison looks a little convincing because if you can compare the common Republican attributes the stretch can be made for the left leaners. Welcome to TFL BTW Physics.

Huckabee has already made the preemptive moves to invalidate this by having already criticized Bush's foreign policy.

Does Hillary seem like the next Jimmy Carter BTW........
Well Bruxley, I'm not exactly sure what you're implying but I am a republican. I would rather let everyone look at huckabee's website than inform them myself so they can make their own analysis and comparison of Huckabee's viewpoints and their similarities to Bush's opinions.
(sans RP, the Mad Doctor

even though i favor R.Paul, that's a good one. actually, the best one yet!

in Mr.Paul's defence (as if he needed any....look at his record and background), i think Mr.Paul is one of the few that are sane among this field. he's for our real issues. he's the only one that isn't afraid to say it like it is. and he despises "bubble gum politics". and as far as his constituents being cult-like....the man is serious and they recognize this. even his opponents, who snicker while trying to poke and jab at him, are forced to take him as such (which is by far a greater compliment and measure of this man's ability).

Mr.Paul belongs in D.C. even if it is not as POTUS. our federal gov't has become a shadow of the once proud establishment that it was. we need people like Mr.Paul to bring it back down to earth and start to recognize it's own citizens as to who it is ultimately accountable to.
Huckabee, (aka Huckajesus), is an advocate of instate tuitiion, state controlled benefits, and amnesty for illegals.

Nope, Huckabee only supported allowing children who had attended high school in AK to compete for scholarships regardless of whether they were in the country illegally. Huckabee opposed amnesty for illegals and supports a border fence and employer sanctions.

He push through enough tax increases in Arkansas to see a 6-fold increase in the state's budget while he was governor.

Nope, Arkansas' state budget increased by just over half (50%) in real terms from 1998 to 2007. That's in line with most State's for the same period.

He is very leftwing from a domestic policy, and very militaristic from a foreign policy perspective

Huckabe is a social conservative who opposes abortion. I'd agree that he's soft-headed on prison reform.

As for a militaristic stand of foreign policy, what do you base that on?
Seems to be a very articulate and personable man. Is he another Bush? Certainly not. He is one of the few who solidly stands behind my 2A rights, which implies to me that he is for individual rights. To diverge for a minute, I think it is deplorable how so many have fallen under the sway of the media's villification of George Bush, mostly because of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. They take every opportunity to make him look stupid. The man flew advanced military aircraft in the National Guard and I can guarantee that stupid people need not apply for that job. His main fault is that he is a pitiful communicator. One admirable trait he has is that he is not afraid to say what he thinks, and he stands behind it. Whether or not I agree with him, I can say that I know where he stands. It amazes me how quickly Americans have turned against the War on Terror. Is it a good thing? I don't have a crystal ball to look into the future and know for certain. Neither does anyone else. I will let history be the judge of that. Did people think it would be an easy, practically overnight thing?, Evidently. We have come to expect everything right away and when it doesn't come, we moan and complain. We as a nation don't have the guts to hang in there anymore. That's the truth. The next president will come in and wind down the war and we can leave with "honor" as Nixon proclaimed in Vietnam, after which untold numbers of innocent Vietnamese were killed and imprisoned. That could very well be the case in Iraq. History teaches many important lessons, but we're just too ignorant to learn them. To tie my comments back to the topic of this thread, I think the attempt to compare Huckabee to Bush is bogus and without merit.
Obama sounds a lot like Jimmy Carter to me. "Rose colored glasses" view of the world.

Huckabee seems pretty normal to me. He can also speak English which Bush has trouble with.

Hillary is so artificial she probably doesn't know herself what she believes. Romney is almost as bad.

McCain is likely the best qualified and most reasonable, but he has no charisma.

Giuliani got misplaced somewhere.
If he's another Bush he has my vote. No one has made liberals angrier than Bush. While I don't agree with his liberal
tendencies, the fact that he has the extreme left so livid is a good sign. A happy liberal scares me. An angry liberal makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Also Huckabee is quite a bit more articulate and may be even more successful.
I'm just really discouraged this time, as far as Presidential candidates go. Probably won't vote, for the first time since I was eligible to vote. Romney's the only candidate who's actually run a business and understands capitalism, but I just don't trust him on a lot of issues. If could probably live with Huck, but doubt that he'll get the nomination.

The current nomination process is horrible. First, there's Iowa, then NH; neither state in any way being representative of the politics/views of most Americans. Shouldn't make any difference what a bunch of Iowa farmers and NH airheaded "Y's" think about anything.